Always over on Protein



    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    to substain muscle that you already have while doing a decent amount of cardio you should intake .8-1gram of protein per body weight in lbs.

    IE 200 lbs =200 grams

    I right now and gaining mass at a decent pace so I consume 1.5 grams per lb.

    Body builders take in 2-4 grams per pound.

    PROTEIN IS NOT BAD FOR YOU.....the default of carbs and protin on MFP is a joke. I tell people to stick with 40/40/20 and when you are down to your last 5-10 lbs to lose then change it to 50/30/20.

    That's a myth passed down by the supplement companies the protein we eat is good enough.

    I stopped taking tons of extra protein and I'm losing the fat now that I had issues with.
    I was taking 180-200mg daily now im at just one shake and thats right after my workout only.
    Funny...I have clinical studies that show the benefits of taking protein. You got a guy on youtube. Congrats on your weight loss though.

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Carbs fuel the repair of the muscle and Protein is pretty much the building block.

    WRONG AGAIN....keep watching youtube videos for proper scientific based advice.\

    Any calorie fuels the repair of a muscle. The body when burning cals is not selective on what it will burn to repair a muscle or do any active function for that matter.
  • Well my bad when I hear Protein I think extra shake etc.
    Still its just my opinion that taking too much protein can get you fat if your not working hard enough.
    I get in anywhere from 100 to 130 and I thinks thats way more then enough really.
    But hey whatever works for you by all means keep it.
  • I always get slack from protein enthusiasts =P lol don't believe the hype on protein.
    A little over is not bad, too much and not working out hard enough and its a problem.

    I haven't lost any muscle considering I never had any when I was 240lb =)
    I have lost only a inch or 2 on my body parts and gained a inch on my neck.
    Lost massive iches off my waist though I got pix ;)
    My body wont go into any catabolic state since im eating very well.
    Unless I was a elite bodybuilder which im not I'd worry about that.

    But keep a open mind is all I say what works for you might not work for everyone else.
    And studies dont mean squat to me, one day O.J is bad then the next studies say its good.
    Keep working out is all I say.
  • SPSHLK73
    SPSHLK73 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I am usually around a -25 in protein but under on everything else. I am getting my protein from my fat free yogurt, lean cuisine lunch and chicken or lean meat for dinner. I just can't seem to cut out the meat in my lunch and dinner =( It just fills me up more. I will definately try to cut back a little. I would think by cutting back on your calories and carbs that you would still lose weight. But is a -25 too much????
  • Over 25 on protein lol that's nothing don't worry about It.
    Just try to have a calorie calorie deficit if your not workout and just dieting.

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