Smaller women



  • coffeefreak88
    coffeefreak88 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal is between 125-130. I have wide hips though :)
  • bkcuti3
    bkcuti3 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'2, 154lbs and my goal is 120-115 but I'm honestly not really stuck with a number. My upper body is where most of my weight is and I assume at 120, my weight will be proportioned in the way I desire and fit into an specific item of mine.
  • jordo1129
    jordo1129 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'2 with a very, very small frame, and I want to be 120, then evaluate from there. I'm currently sitting at 168.
  • lauren31085
    lauren31085 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'1'' and currently 120-121, but my goal is 110-116, depending on what I am looking like and what not. I'm trying hard not to get too stuck on the number, because I don't want muscle weight to discourage me. I am also trying to get down under 20% BF, which right now I am between 22-23% according to my scale. :)
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    I'm exactly 5ft,I'm currently 118,I'd ideally like to be about 112 :)
  • byahbee
    byahbee Posts: 19
    I'm also 5'2, currently at 126lb, my GW is around 120lb but I'm not really sure, I am more doing it by eye.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    5' 3 1/2" and I'm shooting for around 125, but it's pretty arbitrary. I actually just want to have around 22% bodyfat and get back into a size 5. I don't care what the scales say, and they're likely to be higher than my goal since I'm lifting.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am 5' 2" and the answer to your question is I have no idea. :)

    I started lifting weights when I was 41 lbs. down (I wish now I had done it from the start) and that slowed the weight loss but I like what I see in the mirror more and more.

    My answer to your question (I do get asked that one a lot) is when I look in the mirror wearing a bikini and think I look great in it, then I am at my goal. I am not sure what the exact weight will be to get to that point, I am thinking somewhere in the 130s but who knows.

    Right now I weigh 151. Yeah, I could be in the 140s if I only did tons of cardio instead and burned off fat, and maybe ate less than I should, but I know I would not like seeing skinny fat me in the mirror, while toned me is getting better and better to look at.
  • arafaa
    arafaa Posts: 9 Member
    5 ft 2 and currently weigh 121. Goal is to be around 115. Maybe 110. No less than that though! I have a small frame.
  • fattypam56
    fattypam56 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I've been losing consistently since Christmas and am now 114lbs. (8st2lbs in GB, and I'm 5ft2ins). My husband thinks I've lost a little too much but I'm happy where I am. My only problem seems to by my clothes!!! As most of my excess pounds were around my waist/hips/thigh areas, all my jeans & trousers are WAY too big now but if a garment fits in the bum (butt) the waist is HUGE!! I seem to be stuck between a GB size 8 and a 10. Ecstatic I've lost weight but finding this a right royal pain!
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I weigh about 100 pounds more than some of you! Cripes, that's a person! I'm 226lbs at the moment. I've always been overweight but it's got particularly bad recently, hence why I'm trying to work on it, for the sake of my health and fitness while I'm still young. I haven't been slim since primary school (when bullying sent me comfort eating). I think I was 9 stone when I went into Year 6 and 11 stone by the time I started secondary school, and it just kept going up from there.

    I actually don't know what the right weight for my frame is, as I don't remember what it was like to be that weight. I am curvy naturally (hourglass with big boobs) so I don't think I'd be quite as petite as some of you. I guess I'll find out if I ever manage to get below 14 stone again (believe me, it's not that easy)...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • 37lbs_to_go
    37lbs_to_go Posts: 61 Member
    Another shorty here :) I'm 5'4" and currently 164. My goal is to be an honest size 5 with my BMI around 20%. I'm pushing to be 130 lbs by my oldest child's 4th birthday in early September. I'll then see how I'll feel at 130. And maybe go for 120 as an I'm-too-sexy-for-my-shirt ultimate goal.

    Loved reading everyone stats and seeing the progress that's been made. Very inspiring.
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 5'4"! I'm currently at 126, but I'd like to get to 115.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    5'0", currently at 106-107, would like to get down to 100-103, but I'm more focused on getting my BF % down and having more definition.
  • Heathy200
    Heathy200 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'1" and 110 . 51 years of age. Small frame . Happy with weight but need to work on toning up and losing an inch or two from waist.
  • AlisonML6
    AlisonML6 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'3 around 128. My first goal is 118 then second goal 100. (Might change dependent on how I feel at said weights)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm the same height as you OP. I want to get back to 119lbs.
  • fattypam56
    fattypam56 Posts: 4 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi there. Keep on 'keeping on'. I've tried several times over the years to lose an excess 21lbs but since I started tracking my weight on MFP I' ve actually achieved my goal. I'm a small frame and at only 5ft 2in EVERY inch really showed up. I don't know why this time everything just 'clicked' but it did. I have been going to the gym a couple of times a week too. (Reluctantly - went to keep my husband company - if I didn't go, he wouldn't and he REALLY needs to lose) When the equipment tells you how FEW calories you have burnt off, it really makes you think about putting that tasty morsel in your mouth!! I'm going through the menopause and have found that since losing weight my sweating (hot flushes) has improved dramatically. Its got to help not having that extra fat layer!! In short PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!! I'll be watching......................
  • fattypam56
    fattypam56 Posts: 4 Member
    last post aimed at PENSIEROBELLO - sorry not done this before!!!!