Opinion on 'raw until four' raw vegan diet?



  • larcybelle
    You can find some more information about protein through a raw food diet here....
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    If your primary reason for doing "raw until four" is health, then really, it's not the best diet for health. Eating more vegetables, eating more raw foods... this is good advice for most people, especially someone trying to lose fat. However there's no need to take this advice to crazy extremes. Meat is good for you. Cooked food is good for you. Too much of anything is bad for you. So just eat what you want in moderation, include plenty of fruits and veggies for the fibre, vitamins, minerals and carbs, get enough protein (beans and pulses are good for this if you're vegan for ethical reasons) and fat from sources that are rich in essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins. Additionally, it's not very sustainable. An ethical vegan may feel disgusted enough at the idea of eating animal products that this enables them to stick with a vegan diet long term. However someone who is just doing this for health reasons... well the track records of extremely restrictive diets aren't good... more moderate diets are much more conducive to long term success, because they're easier to stick to. And it's pointless trying to follow a highly restrictive diet when you can get the same or better health benefits from following a less restrictive one. Including lots of raw fruit and veggies in a diet where you're allowed to also eat meat, cooked food and whatever other foods you want in moderation will give you the same health benefits as a raw plant food only diet, but without the health risks.

    animal secretions and the flesh of animals is not good for you. but besides that, this diet is far from restrictive! I eat 3,000+ calories a day, of all the beautiful fruits for breakfast and lunch and dinner I can eat rice, potatoes, quinoa, couscous, sweet potatoes with a salad. I can even eat pasta. and I feel vibrant and I am loosing weight. THIS IS A LIFESTYLE OF ABUNDANCE.
    so eating meat is not good for you?


  • BonworthVonFattyPants
    BonworthVonFattyPants Posts: 49 Member

    I'd be happy to give you an example of my day

    Breakfast: nine spotty ripe bananas, 1/4 cup of coconut palm sugar, 1L of water (blended into a smoothie) 1,084 calories
    Lunch: eight mangos 1,076 calories
    Dinner: 22 baby potatoes (salt free, oil free), 500g of sweet potato (salt free, oil free), Large salad with one head of red leaf lettuce, two cups of diced tomatoes, one cucumber, one zucchini, one cup of diced carrots, one red pepper, one green pepper, 30g hass avocado with no dressing. 1,099 calories

    Total: 3,259 calories


    I call BS on this!

    I find it hard to believe!

    And since this is the interwebs you can't prove it's true and I can't disprove it, but i still call BS!

    I'm with you on this one.

    I can't even imagine what a ruckus 8 mangos in one sitting would have on my gut, not to mention the nearly 2lbs of potatoes chased down by the business end of a Thanksgiving cornucopia.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    There are thousands following this same diet, and loosing or extremely thin eating an abundance of calories. You can check out Freelee the banana girl, durian rider, tanny raw. Look on youtube, if you search "801010 what I eat in a day" or "rawtill4 what I eat in a day" you will see how much people are eating and they aren't burning off thousands of calories.

    I'd be happy to give you an example of my day

    Breakfast: nine spotty ripe bananas, 1/4 cup of coconut palm sugar, 1L of water (blended into a smoothie) 1,084 calories
    Lunch: eight mangos 1,076 calories
    Dinner: 22 baby potatoes (salt free, oil free), 500g of sweet potato (salt free, oil free), Large salad with one head of red leaf lettuce, two cups of diced tomatoes, one cucumber, one zucchini, one cup of diced carrots, one red pepper, one green pepper, 30g hass avocado with no dressing. 1,099 calories

    Total: 3,259 calories

    I did 30 minutes of biking (mod. effort) and 30 minutes of yoga
    That usually my workout for the day, yoga, biking, walking, maybe a workout dvd. nothing serious.

    I am not only interested in weight loss and the benefits of this lifestyle are far beyond that. As I stated above in a previous comment, I no longer suffer from IBS, ovarian cysts, tinnitus, headaches, fatigue. I have energy and I feel vibrant and amazing.

    How long have you been doing this?
    Years ago, I used an extremely low-fat, high-veggie (though not raw or vegan, there was a lot of raw produce involved) diet to get my IBS under control. Then I got my stress under control, which involved ditching a ghastly job, then reintroduced fats because, while I lost a lot of weight and helped my digestion heal itself, I couldn't sustain the unbalanced diet. Went back to be an omnivore.Felt much better for it and the IBS stays at bay unless I let stress get to me.

    You're younger than I am. Your mileage may vary. But please, don't forget the human needs fat and protein.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    If your primary reason for doing "raw until four" is health, then really, it's not the best diet for health. Eating more vegetables, eating more raw foods... this is good advice for most people, especially someone trying to lose fat. However there's no need to take this advice to crazy extremes. Meat is good for you. Cooked food is good for you. Too much of anything is bad for you. So just eat what you want in moderation, include plenty of fruits and veggies for the fibre, vitamins, minerals and carbs, get enough protein (beans and pulses are good for this if you're vegan for ethical reasons) and fat from sources that are rich in essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins. Additionally, it's not very sustainable. An ethical vegan may feel disgusted enough at the idea of eating animal products that this enables them to stick with a vegan diet long term. However someone who is just doing this for health reasons... well the track records of extremely restrictive diets aren't good... more moderate diets are much more conducive to long term success, because they're easier to stick to. And it's pointless trying to follow a highly restrictive diet when you can get the same or better health benefits from following a less restrictive one. Including lots of raw fruit and veggies in a diet where you're allowed to also eat meat, cooked food and whatever other foods you want in moderation will give you the same health benefits as a raw plant food only diet, but without the health risks.

    animal secretions and the flesh of animals is not good for you. but besides that, this diet is far from restrictive! I eat 3,000+ calories a day, of all the beautiful fruits for breakfast and lunch and dinner I can eat rice, potatoes, quinoa, couscous, sweet potatoes with a salad. I can even eat pasta. and I feel vibrant and I am loosing weight. THIS IS A LIFESTYLE OF ABUNDANCE.

    Per bolded: No.

    I'm all for people choosing how they eat for whatever reasons they choose but I'm in now way for outright ignorant statements. Continue with your diet but don't do it out of ignorance.