I don't lose weight- scientific miracle?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    because MFP isn't my main stop for weight loss. i logged my calories on a spreadsheet of my own. i eat the same things all the time. It is unnecessary to log daily for the most part. I just inserted that one day because everyone asked for an example of what i was eating.
    That's great that you log into a spreadsheet because that's what works for you. :smile: I admire the people who don't log at all and still lose weight.

    That said, I'd still take a look to make sure your entries are accurate because if you are not losing weight over a longer period of time that would mean you are miscalculating calories in and/or calories expended. It's easy to do, believe me, no matter how long you've been paying attention and logging.
  • fullercorp
    fullercorp Posts: 37 Member
    I was merely trying to get anecdotal stories from people in my position. If the bottom line is i am not creating a deficit, then i will eat less. everybody i encounter in other chat rooms keeps crowing about starvation mode and, as a woman, if you don't eat a lot, people start picking on you about that (while they simultaneously pick on you for being chubby). Frankly, i am tired of trying to figure this out. I just want to eat healthy and be thin. Thank you everybody.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    because MFP isn't my main stop for weight loss. i logged my calories on a spreadsheet of my own. i eat the same things all the time. It is unnecessary to log daily for the most part. I just inserted that one day because everyone asked for an example of what i was eating.

    Unfortunately, that is an incorrect interpretation of what the responders asked you to do. As I said before, MFP is a logging site. If you log ALL of your intake, over time, and the average trend is eating less than you burn, you will lose weight. It is hard for people who use the method on this site to help you if your diary is empty because you are not weighing and accurately logging your food

    You do not have to log food or do things the MFP way in order to lose weight. You just might be looking to the wrong people for help if you choose not to. There's no consistent , long term data to go off of , so most of us won't be able to draw appropriate conclusions.

    On a personal note it is a pet peeve of mine when people copy and paste one day/snapshot when asked to open up their diary. It just ticks me off. That's not what was asked!! PS: I know you didn't do this, but I'm rambling, so there :tongue:
  • Amiliang14
    Amiliang14 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm am the same way the only way ive lost weight is unhealthy ways... Usually with pills. Which of course are not great for you.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I was merely trying to get anecdotal stories from people in my position. If the bottom line is i am not creating a deficit, then i will eat less.

    For example, a comprehensive anaysis of a user's intake may be, hey switch out the oatmeal for sausage , you may feel fuller. Or don't drink so many of your calories so that you can EAT MORE actual food throughout the day.

    I won't attempt to speak for anyone else but again: without seeing long term data and trends of your intake, the advice and conclusion is "get data". Without logging over a period of weeks, IMO, There's not quite a conclusion to be drawn yet
  • shyfranklinstein
    ....open your diary!

  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    I suspect you're not calorie tracking properly. Get a food scale and weigh your food. Measure all your portions.

    You may be overestimating your exercise expenditure. Also easy to do.

    As a former vegetarian I know you eat a lot of carbs and that produces an insulin response that makes it easier to store those excess calories. Eat more protein and fat (like nuts, not oil). Go for whole grains. Avoid flour, pasta or other grains that are broken down already. There's even vegetarian keto, but I don't think there's vegan keto. Certain medications can also make you weight loss resistant.

    Even overdoing calories by just a couple hundred a day, which is easy to do, can prevent weight loss or cause gain.

    Check your TDEE with an online calculator and eat below that.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I saw this link posted in another thread, it's a little direct (some might even say harsh) if you're thin skinned don't say I didn't warn you.....

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Didn't see you post any sources to counter my original argument (outside of loosely referencing the MSE), but since you ask here are my references for the previous comments I made:
    That's because I'm not the one who is making too-good-to-be true assertions. I don't see where the articles support your assertion that very low calorie diets provide more nutrition than a 3,000 calorie diet. Most of them are studies on insulin resistance and very low calorie diets used in fighting obesity. The thing about very low calorie diet, however, is that they are not sustainable long term and nobody can successfully live on a 600 calorie diet.

    However, I did like the article on the myths, but even some of those are off and pretty much based on opinion rather then reality. The scholars, if you will, who wrote this article

    With this statement;
    The important part to pay attention to is eating enough nutrients and you can eat more nutrients in 500 calories than 3,000.
    it sounds to me like you are advising the original poster to eat 500 calories to lose weight Is that your intent?
    My main point is you can eat more nutrition in 500 calories than you can in 3,000 which you don't disagree with. The average American diet has less nutrition than this and yet millions of people live off of it for many many years. When talking about a 500 calorie diet to either loss weight or reverse diabetes for a temporary or intermittent dieting solution is quite viable[/b]
    I think the bold part is a misquote.:smile: I DO disagree with that statement.

    I'm sorry, but one week studies of using VLCD to reverse diabetes does not seem viable in the long term to me. VLCD are not sustainable in the long run, therefore when a person returns to eating normally I'm sure their diabetes is right there waiting for them.

    As for eating more to raise your BMR, I don't see where any of the articles support this.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    ?500 calories a day to get all your micros and macros? I eat until I meet and exceed them but I have never been able to do it under 1200+ calories.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ?500 calories a day to get all your micros and macros? I eat until I meet and exceed them but I have never been able to do it under 1200+ calories.
    Right, that's my point exactly.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    I'm not saying that VLCD are evil, and I realize that they are successful for obese people when done under a docto'r's case. And, yes tI did read the articles you provided after the gym as I sat at the kitchen eating my 825 calorie lunch.

    if someone is not losing weight OR is maintaining, then they indeed are eating too much. Common sense dictates to decrease calories. However, a VLCD is not necessary at all. What is necessary in the mainstream diet journey is to to figure out where one is overestimating on food and underestimating on calories burnt and making adjustments. I know, I've been there before, and so have countless other people.

    As for eating 500 calories in spinach and getting all your nutrients, man does not survive on spinach alone. And, besides this, we both seem to have forgotten that it's calories that determines weight loss and nutrients are for energy. The big picture is that 500 calories is not enough fuel to get you very far, and VLCD are for those are obese and under a doctor's care, not for someone is is simply overweight and can't figure out why they are not losing weight.
  • Mini_horse_lover
    Mini_horse_lover Posts: 178 Member
    You're vegetarian, not vegan :)

    When I cut out all animal products I put on weight, but I gathered that was because I was eating less fat so was more hungry.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Adjusting down to super low calorie intake may have the same effect as figuring out where you are over logging and fixing it, however, only one of the two approaches is in compliance with the MFP site-wide guidelines:

    "3 b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote, glamorize, or achieve dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted."

    So, for example, if someone says she's eating 1200 calories but in reality is probably eating 2200, rather than adjust down the goal to 500 she really should figure out where she's under logging and resolve any issues