Say something to the person above you. Anything!



  • Sporttster
    Sporttster Posts: 433 Member
    Another time I was driving home from my girlfriends at 3 am through town and there were no cars anywhere to be seen. I'm driving along and I happen to glance to the right and walking very slowly in front of the local Goodyear tire store was a figure wearing one of those occult type outfits, with the large loose hood and sleeves and its head down, something like a 'dark' monk might wear. I thought WTH was that? And immediately turned into the next drive a few yards down to go back and check it out.....gone. Not a sign anywhere and nothing was open. There was no where for it to hide, it was just gone.....
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    i actually saw something this last week. in my house. it looked like a man, very tall, standing by my bathroom door in my bedroom. just saw it out of the corner of my eye but it caught my off guard. i don't think it was out to get anyone but it was still strange. i wish i had written it down that day so i could have documented more info about it.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I remember my mom telling me about seeing a little girl in our old house. She looked to be about my age, curly hair, looked like me. She saw this little girl when I was supposed to be in bed, and thought it was me. She got ready to yell and the little girl was gone. I was fast asleep.
  • Sporttster
    Sporttster Posts: 433 Member
    Growing up, my mom would have nightmares on occasion and scream bloody murder in the dead of night. Just a full out long scream. Talk about a hairy way to wake up!!!
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I remember my little brother screamed like a freakin' banshee, thought he saw a ghost, then spiked a fever of 104. That was a scary night.
  • Sporttster
    Sporttster Posts: 433 Member
    Had another incident just a year ago during the early part of winter. Was getting pretty cold out and I was on my way to work and approaching this bridge, a two laner, I noticed a man standing on the side looking away to the distance away from me, as if he were watching something that wasn't there. He had a very light jacket on, much too light for the weather. A 'Member's Only' type jacket from the 80's and he even had that 80's look strange enough. Just standing there looking off in the distance. He didn't turn to acknowledge me coming. Never moved, really, and that alone was strange due to the fact there wasn't much space between me and him. Now I cannot verify this was a ghost but I sure got that vibe! It was too early for anyone to be out there standing where he was and he wasn't dressed right for the weather nor did he look at a oncoming car. All pretty strange stuff....
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I'll be back in a bit. Gonna set up food for all the people we have here because we're sooo busy (sarcasm), but I really do have to set up breakfast. Keep the stories coming so I have something to read when I get back.
  • Sporttster
    Sporttster Posts: 433 Member
    My mom passed from cancer back in 01'. She battled it for two years and finally succombed in May that year. Couple months later, we were in the Fla Keys on a much needed vacation and I was laying in bed in this hotel facing the window and curtains. As I'm laying there trying to get to sleep, I notice the curtain and it getting brighter and brighter and brighter and then this figures comes floating into the hotel room. It was my mom! She had this small cloud above her head, one minute white, the next a golden color. I couldn't see her face but knew it was her. She asked about my daughters first birthday coming up saying 'Sounds like you've got a real nice birthday party planned for her.' The conversation was very brief and then she's gone. It was pretty intense. And it's been a source of comfort for years, really.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    My biggest fear is losing my mom, which I know is a dumb fear to have because it's going to happen. But I can't picture not being able to call her when I'm missing her, or when my son has done something new, or when I'm just being a worried mother and she is the only one who can calm me down.


    She has cancer as well, but she is able to take a pill form of chemo to stay alive, but they don't know how long it will last since it's fairly new.

    I know some day my biggest fear will be met, I just hope I am strong enough to not be angry.
  • mrfreestyle
    mrfreestyle Posts: 1,293 Member
    There's an actual conversation going on here? Nice!
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    @mrfreestyle: Do you ever sing along to MJ: I'm looking at the man in the mirror?
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    @Phoenix, why do you look so young for 90+y/o? :P
  • mrfreestyle
    mrfreestyle Posts: 1,293 Member
    Sometimes. When I'm alone!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    I feel like I could park a chair in front of the fridge and eat all day today! :sad:
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    How did u die?
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Fell in love with someone I can't have
  • mrfreestyle
    mrfreestyle Posts: 1,293 Member
    I just disappeared
  • LegendaryOrange
    LegendaryOrange Posts: 2,864 Member
    Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    Your forearm is wicked
  • Cliffy94
    Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
    nice eyes!