Coffee !!



  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    I drink iced coffee more often than hot, with milk and (maybe) a splash of SF syrup. When I do drink hot though, it HAS to be black!
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    I will never change how I take my coffee!! 16oz, two tspn sugar, 1/4 cup whole milk. So worth the 75 cals to me!
  • PTDawnReema
    PTDawnReema Posts: 28 Member
    I drink decaffeinated coffee with a splash of milk and a couple of sweeteners.
  • JSN66614
    JSN66614 Posts: 66
    God I love my coffee! I use SF Creamer and Sugar Substitute but I GOTTA HAVE IT lol
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    I have almost always liked my coffee black. Every once in a while I will be different, but I prefer black, even more so now that I have to log my calories. :wink:
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Black & Strong is the only way to drink coffee

  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    I live for coffee in the morning! I am not and refused to cut out my coffee so I just log it and don't care. My favorite is the creme brulee from Bailey's. I'm never giving it up lol. I don't use sugar anymore so that takes it down alot but other than that I like it sweet so more creamer!
  • Rompers_16
    Rompers_16 Posts: 63 Member
    I haven't changed my coffee...there are some things I don't want to give up :)
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    I may be weird, but I actually started as a black coffee drinker, and moved to coffee with milk. It's easier on my stomach first thing in the morning. I fill my coffee cup to about an inch from the brim, fill up with 1% milk, and then have another and drink whatever milk is left so I get a whole cup of milk in the am.

    If I have coffee with dessert I always take it black. If I have coffee instead of dessert, though, I'll use milk and maybe a teensy amount of sugar (I'm trying to give up artificial sweeteners, except for my one allotted Coke Zero per week.)
  • changing4life
    changing4life Posts: 193 Member
    I just worked my coffee (for 3 cups, 83 cals) into my daily calorie goal. Gotta have my coffee!!!
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    No coffee no prana.

    Coffee is essential to life :) I have mine with a bit of milk (preferably almond), either filter or americano if out, press coffee at home. Once in a blue moon moon I'll have a latte of frappucino (in the summer).
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I can't drink it black! So gross....I have a 24 oz travel mug so mine is: 2 cups black coffee, 1/2 cup skim milk, and 2 tbsp Jordan's Skinny Gourmet Irish cream syrup (0 calories, taste good, and comes in several other flavors). It comes to about 50 calories total! delicious without tons of calories :-)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    When I started MFP I went to black espresso in the morning (homemade) and dropped my half and half with sugar.

    At work or at a restaurant I'll have half and half and sugar in my first cup and just a tad of sugar for each refill. It did cut a hundred calories or so a day from my life. Every little bit helps.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I only have one cup of coffee each morning, and I 2 tbsp of liquid creamer. It only has 30 calories per tbsp, so 60 calories. I can't drink coffee black or just milk so its worth the calories.
  • cniemann26
    cniemann26 Posts: 49
    Since I started cutting back on calories and carbs I have changed how I take my coffee, especially since I now use it to curve my sweet tooth. I cut out the creamer and sugar, and now I take it black with a few sugar substitutes...the different flavor roasts have become my dessert selections!
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 427 Member
    I've always took my coffee black but on rare occasions in the summer I do make up an iced coffee with some honey and skim milk. Yummy!
  • emilysfatsuit
    emilysfatsuit Posts: 23 Member
    After I joined MFP and saw the calorie #s I was logging, coffee was the first and easiest change I made to my diet. I went from calorie bomb full fat, sugary syrup mochas from my local non-chain drive thru most weekday mornings to plain old coffee with 2 tablespoons of half and half and 5 Splendas. 40 calories vs. 400 was a no-brainer! But they also sell bakery items at that drive thru coffee shop- giving up the croissants I used to eat every morning with the mochas was somehow so SO much harder! But once I switched to 40 calorie coffee, I started slowly phasing out the 300 calorie croissants. One thing led to another and, almost a year later, I'm 70 pounds lighter and have greek yogurt, berries and a protein shake for breakfast every morning. I still go to the drive thru coffee place for my iced coffee with half and half and Splenda, but only if I'm on my way to the gym! It's amazing to look back at what I was eating and drinking when I was 260 pounds, and realize I am 70 pounds lighter today because I decided to change ONE THING. Cheers to coffee!
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    I use agave to sweeten now it has way fewer calories its about 43 per tablespoon and I use half a tablespoon in my 2 morning cups. I actually like the way it tastes better than regular sugar its almost a little carmaly.
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    < -- Coffee addict, right here.

    I'll drink my coffee black if I'm desperate, but I prefer it with a splash of 1% milk. I weaned myself off the sugar years ago.
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    I love coffee, I usually get sugar free soy lattes when I go out for coffee, or at home I make it with sugar free or fat free flavored creamer, or I use stevia and soy milk or regular milk. Not really a big fan of having it black.