Hello from the UK, seeking friends :)



  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    i'm a third time new starter (living in sheffield), (stupidly thought i could keep the weight off on my own!, each time i'm proved wrong when i finally admit defeat when the clothes don't fit... again)

    amazing weigt loss so far, well done. happy to accept any friends. :smile:
  • misschip1983
    misschip1983 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi from lancashire, your doing amazing , keep up the fab work and feel free to add me x
  • TwirleySlims
    TwirleySlims Posts: 112
    Hi, I am in Suffolk, Anyone feel free to add me :D
  • ThisCharmingFellow
    ThisCharmingFellow Posts: 132 Member
    Always good to have more people fighting in the trenches.

    Nottingham here.
  • Gessy90
    Gessy90 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys are u looking to lose weight? I can help u :) just answer me :)
  • hobnobler
    hobnobler Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Im from Nottinghamshire and would love some UK pals, feel free to add me if you have a witty sense of humour and sometimes need a kick up the butt to get you motivated like me :)
  • mdscarrott
    mdscarrott Posts: 2
    In the South West near Glastonbury. Would love to get some friends to help me out on here for when the motivation is lacking, or that extra pint is calling. All please feel free to add me.

  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I'm from the NE, if you want to add me? I've only been on MFP for a few days but I'm doing well so far! :)

    Also- does anyone know how to add those weight things to the bottom of comments?
  • back2lynne
    back2lynne Posts: 7 Member
    is Ireland close enough?!
    new here too, anyone free to add me. cheers
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Hi. I'm from the Nottingham area. You can all add me :)
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    I'm from sunny Birmingham lol, add me if you like. I've lost 150lb in the last 12 months. I log every day and share my diary with my friends. That also goes for anyone else who would like to add me.
    VRODJOHN Posts: 6 Member
    Just starting out in London.
  • Elby13
    Elby13 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi welcome I'm from holmfirth West Yorkshire and am looking to lose weight and find motivation,
    Send friend request the more the merrier x
  • Beckii330
    Beckii330 Posts: 28
    Hi...I'm down in the South West, well done on your weight loss so far! I do struggle with logging on here but I enjoy the forums :)
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Great motivation, that's exactly where I'm at and what I'd like to do!
  • pilchierox
    pilchierox Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm in Selby near York. I'm not doing very well on my weight loss journey and keep falling into bad habits. Feel free to add me and kick my butt if I lapse x
  • handbagfan
    handbagfan Posts: 148 Member
    WOW, well done. I'm a newbie too and looking for friends, joined recently and have joined the Walk Away LBs group here. I'm in Nottinghamshire. Please feel free to add me. Keep up the good work.
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm from sunny Birmingham lol, add me if you like. I've lost 150lb in the last 12 months. I log every day and share my diary with my friends. That also goes for anyone else who would like to add me.
    Woohoo a fellow Brummy.
    I have been here ages and Yo-yo'd forever.
    Finally 1st of July 2013, I decided to get done with obesity once and for all.
    I started at 227lbs (16stone 3lbs) I am now 143lbs (10stone 3lbs)
    Since Feb I have gained and lost the same 5lbs more than ten times.
    I need to get serious, My goal weight of 125lbs (8stone 13lbs) is so near yet so far away, thanks to hobnobs. (my weakness..understatement)
  • lotter
    lotter Posts: 19 Member
    Well done on your success so far! Checking in from Rotherham

    This is my second 'serious' journey with MFP. I lost 31lbs the 1st time, then lost motivation, stopped tracking and gradually the weight piled back on :grumble: only myself to blame.

    Anyway, I'm here again and plan to lose even more this time, with a view to keeping it off for good. It's too much hard work to keep doing it over and over again :-)

    Edited to say, anyone can add me - my diary is open to friends :-)
  • ImAJH
    ImAJH Posts: 392 Member

    I'm from the UK, add me as a friend and we can support eachother.
