New Here

Hello all my name is Jessica and I have struggled with my weight since my adolescent/early teen years. Currently I am 170 lbs that is 45 down from my highest weight ever of 215 lbs. Ideally I would like to lose another 50 lbs. I do bike ride 5 miles at least 6 days a week. In addition I swim 2-3 days a week. Where I fall short are obviously my food choices. Any advice tips and or encouragement would be appreciated. Good luck to all.:smile:


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Hiya! Well, first off, while I can agree that balancing your food choices to meet your nutrient needs are important to overall health. Weight loss is about the calorie deficit. You can eat as healthfully as you want and still stay stagnant or worse case scenario for those trying to lose is, gain weight. That is why logging accuracy will be your biggest target. If you're logging every little bite for a few weeks and nothing is happening (scale is stagnant, measurements and mirror haven't changed), then I would look into investing in a food scale and weigh out everything that isn't a liquid. It is eye opening how some calorie dense items can add up (avacado, peanut butter, etc).

    This link is very helpful as well. It's actual the one that helped me the most in the year I've been here. My best advice is to have patience and focus more on measurements and mirror than the scale. Btw, congratz on your loss so far! You're doing great!