November Challenge



  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I'm 189 again this morning. I was down a bit more this weekend but TOM is killing me this morning :ohwell:
    Goal: 184 or less by Thanksgiving!!!
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Hello all, I weighed myself this morning. Im still at 228, the same as last week. I didn't eat a whole lot over the weekend, because we were so busy going from one place to another. What I did eat wasn't good, but I think all the walking I did and pushing my 2 year old in the stroller canceled each other out. Im striving to weigh under 218 by Nov. 30. I can't wait to look thinner in the family christmas picture this year!! I will weigh in again next monday and check in with everyone thru out the week. :)

  • LuvnAG10
    I'm at 237 which is a miracle considering how awful I was with the candy last night. Maybe walking the hills in our neighborhood helped offset it. :) I just started back with MFP last Monday and lost 4 pounds in the first week so I'm pretty happy with that.
  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    hi, happy Monday...

    I'm at 153 which means I lost 1 since Monday (first day on MFP) yay I'm very happy :)
    so I'm gonna try to exercise 6 days a week, it all depends on my feet (blisters),...
    I'm gonna dance, dance, dance,...(new thing I'm doing at home,...I do my dishes by hand while jumping up and down, or dancing, or jogging in place hehe it's fun, when I vacuum I run front/back etc. ...I'm not sure my neighbors like it, but ohh well. Basically everything I do around the house I do in form of exercise :)
    Anyways, good luck to you all,..add me as a friend if you want.
    have a great day!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member

    Hey ladies,

    These are the results (From everyone who has given their weight this week)

    Well done. Now we can officially start :happy:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Ha! Love a bit of spreadsheet action!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Wow and percent lost!! What a great addition to the chart!!
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Love the chart! Thanks lu. I think it will help keeps us motivated :)
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Still at 138 but that's ok considering the weekend I had. Going to be hard this week-I only have two days that I can exercise, I work late on Wed and am going out of town for a two-day class Friday and Saturday. So I guess I'll have to make sure my food intake is on track this week! Eek!
  • LuvnAG10
    Actually, my start weight was 241...blech! Love the spreadsheet!
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Still at 138 but that's ok considering the weekend I had. Going to be hard this week-I only have two days that I can exercise, I work late on Wed and am going out of town for a two-day class Friday and Saturday. So I guess I'll have to make sure my food intake is on track this week! Eek!

    Hi. I know what that's like being squeezed for time. I found that by doing little things can add up and help a lot. When you go out of town take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or when you go in a store powerwalk and push the cart faster than you normally would. I sometimes will park my car as far away from a store or mall that I can while still being in the same parking lot. Not only do I save myself the headache of fighting over parking spots close to the mall but that long distance I have to walk counts as exercise :) hope that helps
  • princesspurple
    I hope I am not too late! Here you go:)

    Name: Nicole
    Start weight: 138.2
    Aim for November: 134
    What you are going to do to get there: watch my intake, less alcohol, run, pilates, insanity
    Your current motivation: feeling great, more energy for my 22 month old:)
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Am I too late??

    Name: Sarah
    Start weight: 155
    Aim for November: 150
    What you are going to do to get there: watch my intake, exercising 3x a week
    Your current motivation: getting back to close to my pre-preg weight and out of the overweight category for my height
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Sorry sarahp43 and princesspurple, I think we've filled all spots
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey girls! How is your week going? Have you been able to stick to your November resolutions?

    I went to the gym Monday and Tuesday, and managed to stay under calories both days. I'm taking a rest day today so that I can hit it hard again tomorrow. I've had a sneaky peak at the scale this morning and wasn't happy with it so my new resolution is not to look at the scale until weigh-in day. Bah, hard.

    Do you weigh on a daily basis?
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Well done Joni! Keep up the good work!

    I ran yesterday and should be swimming today but TOM so... y'know :embarassed:
    So today I have done work on my step machine thingy. Am doing well with my calories so far :smile:

    I weigh in everyday and record it on a spreadsheet (I love spreadsheets haha :heart: ) then I have a graph that shows me my loss/gain so I can see the fluctuations but still can see the trend of it going down. I find this better motivation than weighing in only once a week.

    Hows the rest of us going?
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    So, I've done 2 days of C25k as I had planned, but no days of 30DS. I did, however, walk 2 miles yesterday with a friend instead of doing nothing. As for the sticking to my calories, I haven't been so good at that. I'm weaning my 6 1/2 month old off a few feedings this week, and I think it's really messing with how hungry I am! So, I haven't been logging all my food because I'm not doing so great with that side of things. I really need all the leftover candy out of my house!!

    So, a few things are getting accomplished. . .we'll see what the scale says on Monday!

    And, I try to weigh daily. I do this to see if I need to drink more water because of sodium intake and because I feel like if I weigh daily then I can tell throughout the week how it's going. However, I only update my weight on MFP once a week.
  • LuvnAG10
    I've stayed under my calories and gotten on the treadmill both days. :) I could sit here and eat this halloween candy like you wouldn't believe though! I stayed out of it until halloween and ate way too much of it that night. But surprisingly, I didn't even gain an ounce from it...thank goodness! Yes, I look at the scale every day! :) I didn't eat any of it Monday but had two pieces yesterday. And trust me, that's good for me! It's a miracle actually!
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Im doing good. I used to have an addiction to weighing myself everyday but now I only weigh in once a week. That way Im not hard on myself if it says i gained a pound. Water fluctuates weight so easily. I have a notebook I carry in my purse and write down my food which helps when I am not able to log on here. Theres a website called it is AMAZING! Basically you upload your picture set the weight and height then you scroll the bar down to show you loose x amount of weight and the website alters your picture. I have my pic printed out and taped in my notebook of what i will look like at 145. That is the ultimate biggest motivation tool lol.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    This week is going well so far! I have gotten to the gym m/t/w and am burning up the calories at a pretty decent rate! Also, I have been going for evening strolls with my husband which is a great way to spend time together and burn some dinner calories off!I have been under my calories and have been drinking about 70oz of water everyday which keeps me from snacking too because it fills me up so much!

    I step on the scale every morning to see where i'm at and I don't think it's a bad thing to check in on as long as you don't let your small fluctuations get you down!!! As of this morning I was a bit down already, but my own weigh in is fridays, so we'll see where i'm really at by then :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday.

    Oh! And I also posted a new blog this morning if anyone is interested in reading it...