November Challenge



  • Has anyone ever tried "Sensa?"
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    What is Sensa? The new Zumba?
  • lol no, sensa is a little powder shaker that you shake all over your food its suppose to trick your brain to make you think your full
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Looks like we're going well ladies.

    I'm visiting the parents this weekend so is harder to log food and do exercise but I did rake the lawn which I'm sure used up some calories!

    oooo Ive not heard of sensa. I'd do a lot of research into it before you buy some. Don't want to be wasting your money. Personally I tend to shy away from things like that, the less stuff I put into my body that I don't know 100% about whats in it the better.

    Actually I'm considering doing something called "eating clean" has anyone heard of this?
    I'm thinking about doing it so no processed foods, nothing from a tin etc. I'm just hating all the crap I have to put into my body on a daily basis (medication stuff) that maybe I should not put any nasty food in to balance it out lol.
  • Wow...definitely noticing some changes! I was starving and ate the same amount I used to before watching my calories (for not even 2 weeks). Holy cow...feeling like an oinker right now! I never felt so full before and unfortunately, I ate so fast that I didn't notice. Won't make that mistake again!
  • I do not know much about eating clean. I did read the book called, "Skinny B*tch," (sorry lol didn't know if I could say that word or not), but the book promotes eating only organic and it suggest that when we eat milk and meat with hormones from the animals that adds to our weight gain. I was wondering what is everyone's absolute biggest motivation to lose weight?? We all want to be healthy and fit into size small clothes, but what pushes you to get through those tough days and turn to the gym instead of the buffet?? I just recieved the biggest motivation tool for me. I'm 26 but when I was a teenager I was completely in love with the backstreet boys, lol its ok, you can laugh. :) I saw them twice this year in concert and met two of the members briefly. Well this summer they will be touring with New Kids on the Block...remember them? That is my motivation. I want to meet both groups, since I signed up for VIP and I do not want to weigh in the 200's when that happens. I am glad that I found this group and all of you to keep me motivated. I plan to work my tail off this weekend. See everyone monday for weigh in :)
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey girls, I was doing really well until today and just had a mini cookie binge. I'm still under 2000 calories so hopefully it shouldn't ruin my progress too much, but unfortunately it's not the first time it has happened. Last week I also binged the day before weigh-in day so I think the fear of the scale might be my trigger so I'm going to try not stepping on it for a while and see how that works out for me. I'll still be around for chat and support and will weigh-in with you guys at the end of the month.
  • Hey girls, I was doing really well until today and just had a mini cookie binge. I'm still under 2000 calories so hopefully it shouldn't ruin my progress too much, but unfortunately it's not the first time it has happened. Last week I also binged the day before weigh-in day so I think the fear of the scale might be my trigger so I'm going to try not stepping on it for a while and see how that works out for me. I'll still be around for chat and support and will weigh-in with you guys at the end of the month.

    Don't be hard on yourself, I think most people have done that at some point, I know I have. My "don't know how to stop" food is pizza. Remember your biggest motivation and keep that in mind. Sometimes when I feel like I am having a weak moment, I will log on to this site and read posts under the success stories. I'm thankful for that entire section. When you see people who have lost 50, 100, 125 pounds and before and after pictures, the tempting food doesn't sound as good as before you signed on. Remember you are strong! If those people can lose 50-100 pounds, WE ALL CAN! :)
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Yeah, I read the book skinny ***** too. Don't think I will be going organic and meat free though. Have planned my meals for next week so nothing is from a tin or packet. All fresh produce. So we'll see how it goes.

    What motivates me is seeing the scales go down cos then I know what I'm doing is working :smile:

    This weekend though :grumble: its not gone well. I tried to go for a run (Which turned into a walk) because of feeling dizzy (I think its a side effect of some new medication) but will try again on Tuesday and if its not improving i will have to go back to docs and get them to change it lol. Been at home with the parents this weekend and I ALWAYS eat really badly when I'm there, there always seems to be yummy stuff in the house which is SO hard to resist! Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow :frown:
  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Tomorrow is weight-in day,...I'm kind of afraid to step on the scale,...I did it a few times during the week and it looks like I have gained a couple of pounds, it goes up/down. I have no idea how,..I eat a little under my goal (1200 cal.) and I exercise 6 days a week (walking, gym, strength training),...I notice have some changes on my body (muscles) but weight is not coming off,... Before I started MFP my eating habits were poor, most of the time I would not eat 1000 cals a day so I think my body is adjusting and getting use to me eating more,...I also never drank water, now I'm on 77+oz a day,...I guess it will take some time for me to start loosing weight,..I'm not going to give up!
    Good luck to all of you and thank you for your support, it means a lot.
  • I had a lousy few days but still managed to lose 1 pound for the week. Will have to step up my game this week. :)
  • I weighed in today and I lost 2 pounds. I now weigh 226. I didn't try too hard this week. This week i plan to be at the gym Tue-Fri a.m before work and my goal is to lose 5 lbs.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Starting November Challenge Weight: 189
    Weigh In...
    11/8 - 184.4 :happy: I can hardly believe it. The scale just zoomed down this week! That has never happened before but I hope that it keeps up with this current trend!!!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    173 :frown: :grumble:
    Ah well theres always next week!

    Well done ladies!!!! :happy:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Nice work girls! So proud of everyone! Keep up the motivation!

    I'm on a business trip in Paris for 3 days and I'm constantly being taken out for food... this is such a challenge. So far I'm doing alright drinking water only and eating half of the meals since I don't really know what's in them, and hopefully I'll get the chance to put a DVD on at the hotel tonight but aaaaaaaaargh - how to say no to wine and cheese? Moderation, Joni, it's all about moderation...
  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    yess, I'm down 1.5 lbs.. .which means I'm @ 151.5 lbs now.
    Have a great monday!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I was too scared to weigh in, but next week I definetely will. The scale at work did not move so I'm going to assume I'm still at 138. I joined a gym on Wednesday last week and so far have gone twice. (was out of town for two days-it was a diet disaster!).
    This week I think will be good-I have healthy food at home, plans for my workouts all week long. The only day that will be hard is Saturday, because my family is coming over to celebrate my birthday and my mother is making me my favorite dinner-tacos!
    I will try to keep it to two tacos and make sure I go to the gym before dinner.
    I also made plans that after my "small" slice of birthday cake my family is going to divide the rest of the cake among themselves and TAKE IT AWAY. If it is in my house, I will eat it.
    Fortunately, the hubby now wants to lose weight as well (he's getting a budda belly, like his father), so we're both focusing on eating heatlhy with more fruit and veggies and smaller portions.
    Now if only I could convince him to give up the beer calories...
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member

    Here's this weeks results! Well done everyone!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Well done Mel on losing 138 pounds :)
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    ooopppsss lol
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