I hate vegetables...



  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I used to hate mose veggies also and only recently started opening up to more of them. I still don't like several but its getting better.

    When I was younger my dad would put peas in my mac and cheese to get me to eat veggies. If I wanted mac and cheese I had to eat the peas because they were too time consuming to pick out. Over time he added more and more peas. Now I eat more peas than mac and cheese when I do (strange mixture I know...)

    I just recently started trying more by adding them to a bite of food that I liked. The "regular" food would at least mask some of the veggie flavor. I got used to eating cooked onions and peppers that way. But I just had to force myself to do it.
  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    I truly think that vegetables are an acquired taste - I don't love them either, but am slowly finding some that I can tolerate. I think the way they are prepared makes all the difference in the world.

    The big thing you have to do is open your mind to them - if you go into trying something new knowing that you won't like them, then chances are you won't. Your weight loss is not dependant on vegetables, but it sure makes the process easier if you can incorporate them into your diet as they are low in calories but can fill you up.

    Good luck!
  • JShawSarah
    JShawSarah Posts: 22
    No really guys. Ever since I was little I've been able to eat whatever I want. Which is something I now wish my mother had not allowed. But anyways, besides corn, I literally hate all vegetables. To the point where most make me gag. Is there a way anybody has found around this? I've tried V8 juice but it was disgusting. Do you think I can get by on just counting calories and keeping portions small while eating eating things like fruits and not eating candy and drinking soda? I also exercise on top of that, I've been walking 4-5 miles, about 4 days a week.

    Corn is a grain...

    And french fries are delicious and a veggie
    Is it really? There goes the one I thought I liked :P
  • JShawSarah
    JShawSarah Posts: 22
    This has been very helpful thanks for the advice guys! Definitely gonna apply a lot of it next time I go food shopping and cook
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm not a veggie fan at all, but over time I've learned how to manage to eat some of them. I hate lettuce, but I can handle spinach salads. I also love mushrooms, so I'll sautee some and add spinach to that as well (with garlic). I roast peppers to put on tacos and in burritos. I've also found that roasted cherry tomatoes are pretty decent - topped with Italian seasoning and minced garlic. I would encourage you to try new ways of cooking them (aside from the traditional boiling or steaming). Roasting and grilling will change the flavor quite a bit and lets you add more seasoning to things as well.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    I use to be like this as well but slowly Ive changed little things like mashed potatoes to mashed cauliflower, still made with butter and a little garlic salt. I recently switched pasta to spaghetti squash and I have to say I really like it. I didn't know it was so sweet. Its like candy noodles. :smooched:
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I love carrots when cooked in a slow cooker with a roast. It totally changes the taste of a carrot!

    Another good one is to boil carrots with your potatoes and mash them all together. You can barely taste the carrots and you're getting a "healthy" version of mashed potatoes. :)

    You can do this with kale too, but you'll have to put the kale through a food processor instead of boiling with the carrots. Add gravy and fried sausage slices and you've got a traditional Dutch meal "Boerenkool Stamppot".

    Omelettes are also great ways to get veggies in!

    (Sorry for the multiple posts... I'm just realizing now how much I love veggies now! (Never did before))
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    ok I hate veggies as well, so what i do is i make fruit smoothies in the morning or whenever and just add some greens in there. You wont taste anything but the fruit and you get some veggies in your system.

    This, my kids hate vegetables. I bought a juicer and they now get their vegetables and don't even know it. For instance here is something to try. 1/4 pineapple, 1/4 papaya, 3 oranges, 1 and 1/2 limes, 6 carrots and 2 cups of kale. You won't even know the carrots and kale are in there.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    How can you hate all veggies? They all taste so different! Poor veggies ;-(

    Even the starchy ones? peas? Carrots? i bet if you like corn you will like peas and carrots... mix them in with pasta and cheese...or make a soup!

    What about zucchini and summer squash? Have you ever tried making veggie pasta? I mean YUM! And it "looks" different so maybe it wont gross you out?

    I used to do veggies in my fruit smoothies too - just get a good blender / juicer or else certain veggies get a little gelatinous...gag.

    Totally try different things - like - go to a sald buffet and try one of everything to see what you can handle. Beets? peppers? Onion? I mean they are all sooooo different you've got to like one of them!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Be a grown-up. Eat vegetables.
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    You say you haven't liked them since you were little....have you retried them more recently?

    I have problems with fruit and vegetables because I'm funny with texture. But I'm finding as I've gotten a bit older and my tastebuds have changed that things I thought I didn't like because I didn't like them when I was younger....I now like.

    So I'd suggest maybe setting yourself a goal of either trying a new vegetable, or a vegetable you haven't tried in say two years, at least once a week. If you try it and don't like it, don't punish yourself by making yourself eat it just chuck it away, but you'll know if it's a goer or not. And all you've lost is a small portion of veg in the bin.

    Also, don't forget some things taste better cooked in different ways....I'm not fond of boiled green vegetables, but I love them steamed. I'm funny about root vegetables boiled but love them roasted (and you don't have to use tons of oil, just a couple of sprays so long as you've tossed them all in it to be coated will do, and don't forget salt and pepper or even a dash of paprika or cayenne on them).
  • nltg13
    nltg13 Posts: 24 Member
    From a weight loss perspective, all that counts is that you stay in your calories (whatever they come from).

    But I'd really recommend to just try out new stuff with veggies. You don't have to start with a huge bowl of vegetable, but just try to add for example some carrot slices to your sauce. Or add some cucumber on your bread with cheese.
    Maybe you'll figure out that you like more veggies than you think :)

    Yea I'm definitely still going to work on trying new vegetables.

    I agree that you'll still lose weight but it's well worth trying veg.

    If you work on new veg then you might want to remember that it's very likely to be all in your head that you don't like them, because really there are so many different veg and ways to prepare them you can't hate them all! You already have some good suggestions of what to try from others :)
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I hate vegetables in general as well. I've discovered I like raw spinach and raw carrots, so I have a lot of spinach salads. I've continued trying vegetables as I come across them, but overwhelmingly hate the majority with a few exceptions (for me, it's texture and/or taste). I like the idea of hiding veggies in smoothies, I haven't tried that yet though. Do you like marinara sauce? (I know tomato isn't technically a veggie, but I think it counts as a veggie in terms of nutrition... maybe.)

    I'll tell you what not to do. I have tried chopping up broccoli really small and putting it on my pizza. Don't do that. It ruined a perfectly good pizza! :wink:
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I was that way as well. But slowly I tried new veggies I loved them roasted in evoo and salt. Don't give up on veggies they are soooo good for you. I challenged you to try a new veggie once a week find a recipe for it and try it. You just need to get use it. if you add them with your other food you cant barely taste them. anyway just don't give up on the poor veggies lol
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Honey Roasted Whole Carrots. My current favorite.
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    Learn to cook. I mean REALLY learn to cook. Pick a cuisine that includes lots of fresh vegetables and learn to cook them well. I was super picky when I was your age, and now I'll eat almost anything. All it took was for me to learn to cook them in an appealing way. I grew up watching (okay, smelling) my parents eating canned asparagus. I didn't even know you could buy a REAL fresh pineapple in the produce section until I was 19. I grew up in a small town in the Texas panhandle, exposed to a very limited diet.

    Good luck, I know it's hard at first, but someday maybe you'll be in your 30s and love your veggies!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    No really guys. Ever since I was little I've been able to eat whatever I want. Which is something I now wish my mother had not allowed. But anyways, besides corn, I literally hate all vegetables. To the point where most make me gag. Is there a way anybody has found around this? I've tried V8 juice but it was disgusting. Do you think I can get by on just counting calories and keeping portions small while eating eating things like fruits and not eating candy and drinking soda? I also exercise on top of that, I've been walking 4-5 miles, about 4 days a week.

    V8 IS disgusting.

    That other stuff is all in your head. you need to retrain your taste buds. That's all there is to it. Candying up vegetables is not the solution, although candied yams are delicious.

    Baby spinach salads. Lettuce is a vegetable.

    Like my sister would say...."Stop being a baby!" haha
  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    +1 to this. You don't hate veg, you just can't cook.

    Spinach? Goes in almost any meat sauce, tasty and healthy.

    Roasted veg mediterranean style? Easy, tasty, sweet.

    Ratatouille? Likewise.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    You say you haven't liked them since you were little....have you retried them more recently?

    I have problems with fruit and vegetables because I'm funny with texture. But I'm finding as I've gotten a bit older and my tastebuds have changed that things I thought I didn't like because I didn't like them when I was younger....I now like.

    So I'd suggest maybe setting yourself a goal of either trying a new vegetable, or a vegetable you haven't tried in say two years, at least once a week. If you try it and don't like it, don't punish yourself by making yourself eat it just chuck it away, but you'll know if it's a goer or not. And all you've lost is a small portion of veg in the bin.

    Also, don't forget some things taste better cooked in different ways....I'm not fond of boiled green vegetables, but I love them steamed. I'm funny about root vegetables boiled but love them roasted (and you don't have to use tons of oil, just a couple of sprays so long as you've tossed them all in it to be coated will do, and don't forget salt and pepper or even a dash of paprika or cayenne on them).

    I like what you wrote about the tastebuds changing. It's true.

    I know olives aren't for everyong BUT, I hated, HATED olives my whole life. I would try one every couple of months to see if I was wrong (I'm opne-minded like that) but I still hated them. Then when I was 34, I tried another olive in garlic brine and, well, it just didn't taste as bad as I thought. Then came the boring black olives in the can, and now I can eat any olive. The canned ones are boring but I love the olive bar in the supermarket.

    Oh, Olives are fattening in large amounts so I eat them sparingly, but I love those little buggers now!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    ok I hate veggies as well, so what i do is i make fruit smoothies in the morning or whenever and just add some greens in there. You wont taste anything but the fruit and you get some veggies in your system.

    This, my kids hate vegetables. I bought a juicer and they now get their vegetables and don't even know it. For instance here is something to try. 1/4 pineapple, 1/4 papaya, 3 oranges, 1 and 1/2 limes, 6 carrots and 2 cups of kale. You won't even know the carrots and kale are in there.
