What is your go to drink?



  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Tea for me~
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Squeeze half a lemon into ice water and add three stevia packets. No calorie lemonade!
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Hot tea or iced tea. (without sugar).
    Club soda.
  • Gregg8322
    Gregg8322 Posts: 47 Member
    Pure Life flavored water
  • kgbauer
    kgbauer Posts: 2 Member
    Water and green tea are great. You can buy flavorful unsweetened green tea, delicious.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Coke Zero, far too much of it. :-/
  • marycatherine000
    Room temperature tap water. Sometimes with lemon, lime, basil, or any combination thereof.
    Black Tea.
    Green Tea.
    Herbal Teas.

    No sugar or creamer or anything.

    GO TAP!
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I don't really like to drink anything besides water. I mean, I can drink anything but I prefer plain water the most.

    Fruit juices are too sweet or sour.
    Health smoothies are considered meals to me so not something I'd drink all day.
    I'm not that big on tea. I only drink hot non-caffeinated tea during the winter and during my period. I've tried infused water before but didn't really stick to it that long.
    I can't stand caffeine so coffee is out of the picture.
    I also can't handle alcohol. It makes me break out and I don't like the feeling of being buzzed or drunk...
    I'm a bit lactose intolerant so I try to avoid cow's milk/any type of drink with milk.

    So, overall, water will always be my #1 drink that I love the most!! I guess I'm just not into any flavored drinks. Lol...
  • wolf39us
    wolf39us Posts: 163 Member
    A tasty LI Tea does it for me :-)
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    Coke Zero, far too much of it. :-/

    Yep, this was me.

    But I'm trying to reform. I'm on my third straight week of 1 diet cola per week.

    I try to limit the artificial sweeteners, but I still have 32 oz of sparkling flavored water with Splenda during the day when I'm at work. The rest of the time I drink straight water, around 10-12 cups per day, 2 cups of coffee with 1% milk in the am, and 1 glass of Yellow Tail cab/shiraz blend every evening.
  • arafaa
    arafaa Posts: 9 Member
    I actually JUST did this, and I discovered that it's amazing.

    VERY LIGHTLY sweetened Citrus-Mint Green Tea.

    I boiled about a gallon of water in a stock pot, let it cool about 5 minutes after the boil, threw in 4 green tea with citrus bags and 2 peppermint tea bags. I squeezed in some lemon juice, too. Then I added about 3 tablespoons of sugar to the whole pot and let it brew while stirring and tasting occasionally.

    Then I poured it into a gallon-sized pitcher and stuck it in the fridge.

    It's light without being bland, refreshing without being over-sweet, lightly caffeinated, and I love it.

    I also do unsweetened iced tea with lemon.

    I'm totally trying this!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Lots of water, 1-2 Coke Zeros a week, beer (too much beer on the weekends)
  • Ugly_Fat_Girl
    Green Tea
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Coke Zero, far too much of it. :-/

    Yep, this was me.

    But I'm trying to reform. I'm on my third straight week of 1 diet cola per week.

    I try to limit the artificial sweeteners, but I still have 32 oz of sparkling flavored water with Splenda during the day when I'm at work. The rest of the time I drink straight water, around 10-12 cups per day, 2 cups of coffee with 1% milk in the am, and 1 glass of Yellow Tail cab/shiraz blend every evening.

    I'm also trying to cut back, I've been told by my psychologist that aspartame has been shown to have a very negative effect on depression, so that's one reason, plus I desperately need to drink more water (I just hate the stuff!) for the good of my health. I'm lucky if I drink 2 cups of water a day, which is obviously no good!
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,068 Member
    other than alcoholic drinks, ill have an occasional chocolate milk. but other than than i only really drink water/green tea