So ugly



  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i go fishing when i feel ugly
  • FitWithWit44
    FitWithWit44 Posts: 412 Member
    You look great
  • Talia6288
    Talia6288 Posts: 3
    I feel like this a lot of the time. What I do to help is try to distract myself. I play with my corgi, or go do a workout at the gym, or go spend time with someone who will make me smile : ) People can compliment all they want but that never helps me. So I do something that will make me feel good about myself...even if it's only for like a hour that I feel the benefit after.
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I'm sorry... have you looked in the mirror.. Girl you are gorgeous. .. never a ugly day.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    i go fishing when i feel ugly

    I go when i feel...well...anything.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I have to admit that yes, I have moments and even days like that!

    When I realize it, because sometimes you just feel like you are in a funk and not realize why, so when I realize that is what it is I try and do something I am really good at! Even something as mundane as organizing a drawer or doing a deep clean of my bathroom - cleaning seems to calm me!

    We have to realize that the reality is that no one is completely happy with their appearance - not matter what we may look at as perfect that person has some issue that they battle. Since there is only so much we can do for the physical appearance sometimes we need to focus on the characteristics and talents that we possess.
  • AlisonML6
    AlisonML6 Posts: 14 Member
    I have always felt like I am not worth anything. I am trying to change me (mind and body). It's VERY difficult but as long as I try I feel better about myself for a little while. Real changes happen over time. :)
  • sparkly187
    sparkly187 Posts: 40 Member
    hmm yes, just lt the day go and think that it can only improve from now :)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Yeah. We all have those days. You'll look better tomorrow after sleeping.