I'm nervous about the before picture.



  • kconrad1712
    kconrad1712 Posts: 36 Member
    I did the unthinkable... I stripped down to my skivvies and asked my husband to take it. He really got the chance to see my body because I try to hide it from him as much as possible. I've concluded that he doesn't judge me - I just thought he did. He wasn't any less interested in me that night.

    It's all in your head. Just do it. I stared at it, cried, was angry at myself for letting my life derail so much, and felt ashamed because I felt my husband deserved someone who takes better care of herself.

    It was a huge motivation for me to change my life.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    I ain't doing one. For me, I have this mirror on a dresser behind me and almost every time I get up, I see my disgustingness in full view. Maybe after I lose a little bit, but definitely not taking a photo of my disgusting body now. Nope, not doing it, and nobody can make me. stomps feeties like a 2-year-old.
  • skinnymebopeep
    Do it now or you'll regret it! The biggest step was making the choice to start this journey, the hardest part is over!
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Honestly my before picture is terrible but I like it because now I can only look better from there. Its motivation for sure because now 50 lbs later I cant even believe its me, I would never want to look like that again. I do get embarrassed by it if im showing someone for the first time but after I here there wow you look great now im all smiles and proud of my hard work. I suggest everyone take a before picture it will help you in the long run, its easy to forget how far youve come. Some days since im still over weight I will think im so fat how have I even lost weight im still so fat but then I look at the picture and it reminds me how far ive come and I think one day ill look at myself now and say im come so far from there too. Its one day at a time.