Running Question



  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    Here's an update that I'm excited to share....

    I'm not sure that I'll be able to run the entire 5k Thanksgiving morning. I would love to, but somehow that isn't as important as it used to be a couple of months ago. I've come so far, and changed my lifestyle so much preparing for the 5K, I feel like running it, is just icing on the cake for me.

    Preparation for the 5K began July 1, after friends encouraged me to run it with them. They are athletes who have done marathons and triatholons. At that point I was a casual gym attendee, comfort eater, and smoker with low self esteem, who was trying to figure out my life after a divorce completely crushed my world.

    Now, as I run (shuffle) and walk the 5k, I'll remember where I was just a few short months ago, and how far I've come in living a healthier, active lifestyle. I started jogging on 10/6/10, quit smoking on 10/29/10, lost 11 pounds since 9/11/10, I started eating breakfast, I work out event when I don't "feel like it" because I'm not going to undermine all the work I've put in this time only to have to start all over again.

    Today while at the gym my plan was to run 5 minutes and walk 5 minutes. Remembering that I couldn't get to 3 minutes a couple of weeks ago. After a 5 minute warm up, I ran 5 minutes and walked 5 minutes 5 times with a 10 minute walk at the end. When I wanted to quite running, I made a deal with myself.... don't stop running until the song was over. By the time the song was over I only had less than 2 minutes left... I could do 2 minutes, and kept on running. Before I knew it, I had done another 5 minutes.

    Thanksgiving morning as I run the Turkey Trot 5K, I have SO MUCH to be thankful for whether I run or walk:love:
  • 35again
    35again Posts: 46 Member
    I'm finding the Slow Down thing works. At the gym I'd watch these seasoned fit runners at speeds of 6, 7, 8 mph. Feeling like I should be able to, I was trying to run at 6mph but couldn't run longer than about 2 minutes. Finally about a month ago I decided I was going to try the slow down approach, and set the treadmill slower than I ever had for running - 4.8 mph. I found I can run a whole straight mile (or about 12 minutes) at that speed, vs only about a tenth of a mile at 6mph. I've read to work at distance running and worry about speed later, so I try to remind myself of that when I feel like I'm barely jogging.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    If you have to walk for parts of your 5K, hey, at least you are out there doing it! How many people are sitting on a couch somewhere? How many people lack the courage/motivation to even sign up or train for it? No shame in walking a little bit! Also it'll give you a base time and you can make your next goal to finish the next 5K one minute faster or something.
  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    I think the big question is why are you needing to stop? Are you in pain, or just uncomfortable? Pain is a reason to stop, but if you are breathing hard, think your heart is going to pound out of your chest, or you legs are on fire, focus on dealing with those things rather than stopping.

    I'm doing the C25k using the Podrunner series. I've never run before in my life....I mean NEVER. In school I always just walked the mile rather than even try and run. Now, I'm on week 5 of the C25k and I feel great. I actually do the workout twice through, and I try to get out every morning. It was really hard at first, but then I started to focus on the music and staying right with the beat. That pace slowed me down and let me focus on controlling my heart rate so I could breathe. When I try to run without the music, it's much harder for me.

    So, I would look at what reasons you have for stopping and figure out how to push past them. Once you push past the discomfort once, you'll know how to do it again and again.

    Good luck!

    I'm not sure if it's discomfort in my body, or my lungs.... or a mental thing. I'm trying to relax, but at this point I'm anticipating the failure possibility when it comes time to run. My hunch, is that it's a bit of all three!


    I just downloaded podrunner, and have used it twice. It's amazing!!! I also go through it almost twice. It's helping my form by slowing me down. I think I've found a fix to some of my running challenges. (First Day to 5k), for you beginning runners, give it a try.