A question for the Ladies

ShelbyGale13 Posts: 13 Member
Hey Ladies of MFP I have a question about that terrible time of the month. Do y'all allow yourself to eat over your calorie limit and use it as the excuse? I know I need to be exercising during this time but certain days it's hard because well frankly I cramp so much I don't want to move and all I want to do is eat my ice cream and watch movies. Are there any alternatives you know of that still allow my sweet tooth the satisfaction without going crazy or for these few days am I allowed to go over a bit so that way I am not mean?


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I don't use anything as an excuse to reach my goals. Women have been having periods for centuries. Make room for your cravings and you won't go over.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Sometimes you just gotta. I do try to ramp up on my protein to help me feel fuller longer, and to try not to go overboard on those things I really want to have when TOM visits.
  • asiantaye
    asiantaye Posts: 26
    I try my best not to let anything stand in the way, however I crave chocolate during that time. I continue to workout. I can't lie to you, I do slack of(normally the first day) and I limit myself to my comfort foods. Most of the time I stay within my calories.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    I let myself drink as much non-calorie (flavored seltzer water, etc...) as I can! It is a no-cal treat! Plus I feel better with added hydration. And I look forward to the first day "after" when I have been having huge drops in weight!!! YES!
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    Hey Ladies of MFP I have a question about that terrible time of the month. Do y'all allow yourself to eat over your calorie limit and use it as the excuse? I know I need to be exercising during this time but certain days it's hard because well frankly I cramp so much I don't want to move and all I want to do is eat my ice cream and watch movies. Are there any alternatives you know of that still allow my sweet tooth the satisfaction without going crazy or for these few days am I allowed to go over a bit so that way I am not mean?

    No excuses. I may eat chocolate, but I log it and try to stay in my calories. My workouts might be less intense the first couple of days because of a heavy cycle, but I still workout, I still log and I still stay in range to the best of my ability.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Nah. I use to do that, and I never got anywhere lol. It happens every month. You're either going to have to get it under control, or let it set you back every time.

    I hate that it makes me crave so much freaking food, and I NEVER get full during TOM. But it's just like any other annoyance of life. Gotta deal with it and move on lol
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    If you are craving chocolate bad then just have it. Allow yourself a set number of calories for "junk" food and just eat it. Try and stay within your calorie goals. At the end of the day it isn't going to be the end of the world if you go over, but will obviously slow down your weight loss efforts.

    How about going for a walk? Although I don't always feel like it, I will go for a few miles walk and it does actually help me feel better and the burnt off calories gives me some extra cals for some comfort treats if I want them.
  • cattlegirl5000
    I wanted to tell you that I used to get the worse cramps and I would be bloated and tired and want to eat everything sight!!! I was going through a personal training session last year and I tried to cancel because I felt icky and crampy and could barely stand. My trainer motivated me to coming in anyways and about half way through my work out I completely forgot about the cramps and by the end I felt 1000X better! I continued to suffer and work through my cramps and now I barely even get them. As far as the eating...I wouldn't beat yourself up, we have to at some point treat ourselves, just be smart about it and don't binge...Just get something little to help curve the cravings or snack on sugar snap peas. I noticed when I stopped eating so many sugars and carbs, I craved them less...

    Hope this helps girl ;-)
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Nope. No excuses here. I push on through. Working out is harder on the day before and the day of, but after that I'm good.
  • ShelbyGale13
    ShelbyGale13 Posts: 13 Member
    I try my best not to let anything stand in the way, however I crave chocolate during that time. I continue to workout. I can't lie to you, I do slack of(normally the first day) and I limit myself to my comfort foods. Most of the time I stay within my calories.

    This is how I am that first day is what kills me, I'm allowed 1200 calories and on the first day I tend to go closer to 1300. I am under my limit majority of the time. My TOM only lasts 5 days max and I usually work out at least 3 of those days. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who has to think about all of this.
  • akolacz
    akolacz Posts: 13
    Ugh, some days I definately want to over indulge that is for sure. But, like most of the other posts, I make sure that nothing, even that time of the month get's into my way. I know I will regret it, and it is just a sappy excuse to sit on my butt. :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I don't use anything as an excuse to reach my goals. Women have been having periods for centuries. Make room for your cravings and you won't go over.

    Or go over on the calories and deal with it.

    I don't make excuses, I make decisions. If I make the decision to cater to my cravings, I do. I also accept the consequences of that decision.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    What's the terrible time of the month? Is it when the store doesn't have bacon on sale?!

    What gives?
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I'll continue to workout but I also indulge a little. If I go over by a few hundred calories b/c of some chocolate, I don't sweat it.. I've had many days like that and I figure those are days I'm eating at maintenance or close to it. Although sometimes I'll skip working out the first day or 2 during TOM but usually it's because I'm just so tired I can't muster up enough energy to make a workout worth it. If you're really concerned about going over, just allow yourself to work in a couple sweets or a servings of ice cream that way you stay on track but still get to indulge :)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    The day I stopped having excuses was the day I started seeing results.
  • kconrad1712
    kconrad1712 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't use excuses. I fail when I use excuses. I may give in to my cravings, but I just say that I wanted it, so I had it. Now, I have to deal with the consequences. I pop a couple Ibuprofen and step up my exercise game, or just reduce my calories somewhere else in my day. And if I do it every single day of "that week" then I deal with it the next 3 weeks.

    Keep your chin up and push through. You got this. Don't let that nasty little visitor stop you for sliding into your skinny jeans!!! :drinker:
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Excuses are like.....well we all know how the saying goes.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies of MFP I have a question about that terrible time of the month. Do y'all allow yourself to eat over your calorie limit and use it as the excuse? I know I need to be exercising during this time but certain days it's hard because well frankly I cramp so much I don't want to move and all I want to do is eat my ice cream and watch movies. Are there any alternatives you know of that still allow my sweet tooth the satisfaction without going crazy or for these few days am I allowed to go over a bit so that way I am not mean?

    Some of my friends cramp very hard and have flooding flows but I am lucky mine were usually light and without cramps so I am not sure what I would do if I was in a lot of pain or overflowing. Maybe exercise helps to reduce bloating if you sweat profusely? Anyway, my advice is to be nice to yourself but keep your goals in mind; and some people are mean even when it's not their TOM so don't worry about that ;-) just be yourself.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Drink plenty of water and continue exercising you will realize that those cramps will either minimize or go away if done properly. It has for me at least.
  • AngeliqueAcee
    AngeliqueAcee Posts: 59 Member
    Ice cream can turn in to frozen yougurt! Less cals, which means it is more likely to fit in to your target :D

    Apart from that, I just try and get more exercise (an extra 30 min walk gives more cals) so that I can have that bar of chocolate and still be under my target :D