Is my body rebelling against weight loss?



  • cfer1963
    cfer1963 Posts: 2
    "While binge eaters are often believed to be lacking in self-control, the root of such behavior might instead be linked to rigid dieting practices. Binge eating may begin when individuals recover from an adoption of rigid eating habits. When under a strict diet that mimics the effects of starvation, the body may be preparing for a new type of behavior pattern, one that consumes a large amount of food in a relatively short period of time." -
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    oh my god....Am I hallucinating? I was just thinking about this same thing this morning...I could have posted it myself...
    but I don't think mine was "binge" eating but just ate more to reach to maintenance level on those days...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I don't see it as a roadblock at all. I WANT to lose this weight. It's so little and I'm not really over weight or under. I'm still in a healthy BMR, if a bit on the high side of that BMR range. But I prefer the middle range to the low or the high one. That's why I have so little to lose. I do think I have a lack of self control. I tend to think about food and when I think of it I want it. Hungry or not. This all started when I went on vacation with my family. They all think I'm fine and don't need to lose weight and they tell me I don't need to count calories. I don't need to be so strict. And that's I think where most of my problems started. I gained a few back on that vacation and have been trying to lose it for months but I can't seem to get back my self control I had before that. At first it was all planned. And now it's becomed unplanned mindless eating. I'm not bulimic or anything but really I worked hard to lose 20 kilos and I'd like to keep them off. :-/ Somehow.

    me in the exact same situation, wanting to get to the lower side of the BMI...people might throw eggs on BMI, but for normal people like me (not body builder or muscle guy) BMI makes sense as a type of measurment. :(
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I don't see it as a roadblock at all. I WANT to lose this weight. It's so little and I'm not really over weight or under. I'm still in a healthy BMR, if a bit on the high side of that BMR range. But I prefer the middle range to the low or the high one. That's why I have so little to lose. I do think I have a lack of self control. I tend to think about food and when I think of it I want it. Hungry or not. This all started when I went on vacation with my family. They all think I'm fine and don't need to lose weight and they tell me I don't need to count calories. I don't need to be so strict. And that's I think where most of my problems started. I gained a few back on that vacation and have been trying to lose it for months but I can't seem to get back my self control I had before that. At first it was all planned. And now it's becomed unplanned mindless eating. I'm not bulimic or anything but really I worked hard to lose 20 kilos and I'd like to keep them off. :-/ Somehow.

    me in the exact same situation, wanting to get to the lower side of the BMI...people might throw eggs on BMI, but for normal people like me (not body builder or muscle guy) BMI makes sense as a type of measurment. :(

    BMI is a generalization and it'll apply generally to most people.

    It's just become very popular to attack BMI and cite the muscular outliers, as if the majority of people will ever be in that category.

    Overall a lot of people rebel against the BMI or old height/weight charts because those charts typically tell people that they're fatter than they think, or even their goal weight is.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I don't see it as a roadblock at all. I WANT to lose this weight. It's so little and I'm not really over weight or under. I'm still in a healthy BMR, if a bit on the high side of that BMR range. But I prefer the middle range to the low or the high one. That's why I have so little to lose. I do think I have a lack of self control. I tend to think about food and when I think of it I want it. Hungry or not. This all started when I went on vacation with my family. They all think I'm fine and don't need to lose weight and they tell me I don't need to count calories. I don't need to be so strict. And that's I think where most of my problems started. I gained a few back on that vacation and have been trying to lose it for months but I can't seem to get back my self control I had before that. At first it was all planned. And now it's becomed unplanned mindless eating. I'm not bulimic or anything but really I worked hard to lose 20 kilos and I'd like to keep them off. :-/ Somehow.

    me in the exact same situation, wanting to get to the lower side of the BMI...people might throw eggs on BMI, but for normal people like me (not body builder or muscle guy) BMI makes sense as a type of measurment. :(

    BMI is a generalization and it'll apply generally to most people.

    It's just become very popular to attack BMI and cite the muscular outliers, as if the majority of people will ever be in that category.

    Overall a lot of people rebel against the BMI or old height/weight charts because those charts typically tell people that they're fatter than they think, or even their goal weight is.

    I am always on the higher end of my BMI range (healthy but not ideal) hence I always try to lose a few pounds like OP does.
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    500 calories a day for two months to get to goal. Are you sure this goal is realistic? Are you positive you don't have an eating disorder? Because this sounds like you do. Plus, the hypotension and anemia can all be attributed to eating disorders, either bulimia or anorexia.
    Everyone else reading, what do you think?

    If you read carefully you will see that I said this was before I knew better. I most certainly DO NOT have anorexia, otherwise I would not have a belly like I do now. Or bulimia for that matter. Because seriously the thought of that DISGUSTS me. I've had anemia long before I was even overweight. Since that time I've been eating a lot more. 1700-1900 calories daily. I did not know at the time to which extent calories could be limited as I didn't do sufficient research at the time. :) and even though I am not eating 500 cals a day anymore, the dizzyness started then and has not gone away which lead me to believe that it has something to do with that. And perhaps something in my body changed as a result of that.
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    Right, I meant BMI above. I always confuse BMR and BMI lol
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Wow. Choosing to confine eating to six hours per day is the same as vomiting your food. Who knew!
  • cjperkette3
    IMO...short periods of fasting/eating very few calories are probably find for short is when you are doing it for long extended times that could cause health issues...I say this from my own experiences...when I was young I could do all kinds of things with little to no consequences....I was a binge eater/faster for 10 years...when I entered my middle age issues started cropping up...IMO some may have resulted from all the abuse I put my body through when young and naive....some post have morphed into a defensive battle field when most myself...only want to help "Is my body rebelling against weight loss" poster..
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    ummm.....posting different opinion on something doesn't always scream as "defense mode", or does it?
  • cjperkette3
    I truly thought this message board was going to be different...supportive...caring...uplifting...compassionate....I think I will stick with the love and support from my family and friends...I wish you all well and may your journey be blessed with many gifts..
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    I truly thought this message board was going to be different...supportive...caring...uplifting...compassionate....I think I will stick with the love and support from my family and friends...I wish you all well and may your journey be blessed with many gifts..

    I wish I had support from my family and friends...
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I truly thought this message board was going to be different...supportive...caring...uplifting...compassionate....I think I will stick with the love and support from my family and friends...I wish you all well and may your journey be blessed with many gifts..

    People like to bicker on here about some pretty specific topics and trends. You sort of get the feel for the hot buttons within a short time though (should I take X pill, can I eat fewer than 1200 calories, not losing weight and I'm doing everything right, etc.) and then it's not too bad.

    If someone comes on and says they are struggling with cravings for instance it rarely turns negative and is often a bunch of friendly people with advice. If someone says they are eating 1000 calories and working out six hours a day while gaining weight the trend is to call that person out for some mistake in their calculations.

    There are a few "experts on everything" who loathe the idea of having their advice challenged. I normally just ignore them. Most of us enjoy conversations with like minded people on here and that's what the bulk of the forum posts have been for me so far anyway.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I truly thought this message board was going to be different...supportive...caring...uplifting...compassionate....I think I will stick with the love and support from my family and friends...I wish you all well and may your journey be blessed with many gifts..

    People like to bicker on here about some pretty specific topics and trends. You sort of get the feel for the hot buttons within a short time though (should I take X pill, can I eat fewer than 1200 calories, not losing weight and I'm doing everything right, etc.) and then it's not too bad.

    If someone comes on and says they are struggling with cravings for instance it rarely turns negative and is often a bunch of friendly people with advice. If someone says they are eating 1000 calories and working out six hours a day while gaining weight the trend is to call that person out for some mistake in their calculations.

    There are a few "experts on everything" who loathe the idea of having their advice challenged. I normally just ignore them. Most of us enjoy conversations with like minded people on here and that's what the bulk of the forum posts have been for me so far anyway.
    I always love seeing how someone figures out how everyone thinks and has all the answers after being here for a month.

    They might have been reading for a while before signing up? just guessin~
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I always love seeing how someone figures out how everyone thinks and has all the answers after being here for a month.

    I just want you to know that I love you and adore your desire to help others even if, for some reason, it often means being critical of others.

    So far you have only implied that I am fat (a long ways to go from my goals) and new (only been here a month). I would like to point out that I also only have an 8th grade education. Am currently unemployed. Have a total of two friends that I am close with. And struggle with self doubt and insecurity all the time.

    If beating me up makes you feel better about yourself I truly hope that the additional information about me will help you in your personal journey.

    Best wishes.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I only had time to read the first page, so forgive me if this has been suggested, but if you can't seem to eat 250 cals/day less, what about burning 250 cals/day more? Go for a 30 minute run every day and just keep eating at maintenance. Either way you're creating a calorie deficit and the weight will come off.
  • kindel2
    kindel2 Posts: 67 Member
    I've not been logging for long on my diary I'm new to this site and this particular food journal this week was me trying 5:2 since it's only two days of dieting. Those were actually planned foods. I'm talking about like the past month when I've been trying to lose weight. :) on average I eat a healthy breakfast of muesli and yogurt or cottage cheese. a high carb lunch with protein and veggies and dinner would be something like soya mince, veggies or chicken. Snacks are from dried fruit to beef jerky to protein shakes to cheese and fresh fruit. You're right I hadn't eaten well this week, it was a stressful week, but this has been going on for months not just this week. :)

    Do a mean green juice fast drink twice the amount if you have to since you seen to want/need that feeling if being stuffed. Do it for a week and you will be healthier for it and down in weight. Don't forget the kale mmmm.
    I hope that's not horrible advice.