Calorie deficit not the answer?



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Not sure if eating more frequently will help your weight loss but it is easier on your bodies insulin/glucagon and adrenal hormones. It's harder to regulate blood sugar when you fast and then eat a huge meal everyday. I think it also raised cortisol which is death to weight loss, not to mention very bad for everything.

    Really can you tell me more? I'm always interested in a good story.. studies would be nice especially on the death to weight loss
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    This is why I love you...
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member

    This is why I love you...

    I learned from the master :flowerforyou:
  • confetticupcake
    Yeah, only eating one meal a day and going the rest of the day on diet coke is pretty bad for you. No one really thinks about their organs until they start to give out....which is unfortunate since you need them to function properly in order to stay alive.

    Also starving all day and then eating one meal, it is very likely you are eating more than 1500 in one sitting. After not eating all day you will be ravenously hungry and when you start eat it'll be hard to stop eating.

    Start eating breakfast and lunch. Eat a smaller dinner. Your metabolism will be faster & you'll feel better.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Yeah, only eating one meal a day and going the rest of the day on diet coke is pretty bad for you. No one really thinks about their organs until they start to give out....which is unfortunate since you need them to function properly in order to stay alive.

    Also starving all day and then eating one meal, it is very likely you are eating more than 1500 in one sitting. After not eating all day you will be ravenously hungry and when you start eat it'll be hard to stop eating.

    Start eating breakfast and lunch. Eat a smaller dinner. Your metabolism will be faster & you'll feel better.

    No. Let's see I just ate 2500 calories in 1 meal. Also you are not speeding up your metabolism because you are eating more, breakfast is not necessary. My organs haven't been better thanks.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    diet coke is pretty bad for you. No one really thinks about their organs until they start to give out....

    And this is why I drink Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. :drinker: Heh Heh

    But really OP, start logging your intake accurately. You can't know for sure what your calorie intake is unless you are weighing and logging everything.
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    My advice is to do it correctly.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Yeah, only eating one meal a day and going the rest of the day on diet coke is pretty bad for you. No one really thinks about their organs until they start to give out....which is unfortunate since you need them to function properly in order to stay alive.

    Also starving all day and then eating one meal, it is very likely you are eating more than 1500 in one sitting. After not eating all day you will be ravenously hungry and when you start eat it'll be hard to stop eating.

    Start eating breakfast and lunch. Eat a smaller dinner. Your metabolism will be faster & you'll feel better.
    How exactly are you starving all day? Are you assuming that if you eat 2500 calories per 1 sitting the entire 2500 calories immediately digest and you don't get any nutrient uptake from that meal as the hours go by?

    FYI - I know plenty of people that eat 1 meal per day and are successful.

    I'm starving myself can I get an emergency delivery of Gelato please
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    FYI - I know plenty of people that eat 1 meal per day and are successful.

    I currently eat once every three days and I'm eating about 6,000 calories on my eating day. Now I'm not eating like a normal person because I'm a competitive eater and that 6,000 calories is all coming from raw beef, but yes you can eat infrequently and be successful.

  • confetticupcake
    FYI - I know plenty of people that eat 1 meal per day and are successful.

    I currently eat once every three days and I'm eating about 6,000 calories on my eating day. Now I'm not eating like a normal person because I'm a competitive eater and that 6,000 calories is all coming from raw beef, but yes you can eat infrequently and be successful.

    I almost believed you until I saw "raw beef".
  • confetticupcake
    Yeah, only eating one meal a day and going the rest of the day on diet coke is pretty bad for you. No one really thinks about their organs until they start to give out....which is unfortunate since you need them to function properly in order to stay alive.

    Also starving all day and then eating one meal, it is very likely you are eating more than 1500 in one sitting. After not eating all day you will be ravenously hungry and when you start eat it'll be hard to stop eating.

    Start eating breakfast and lunch. Eat a smaller dinner. Your metabolism will be faster & you'll feel better.
    How exactly are you starving all day? Are you assuming that if you eat 2500 calories per 1 sitting the entire 2500 calories immediately digest and you don't get any nutrient uptake from that meal as the hours go by?

    FYI - I know plenty of people that eat 1 meal per day and are successful.

    Successful in what way? With losing weight, sure, but being Our bodies needs to be fueled regularly. No, I do not assume that 2500 calories immediately digest, however eating that much in one sitting and not eating the rest of the day can wreck havoc on your blood sugar, stomach, energy levels, mood, cause headaches, etc. You can get away with eating like that for a while but eventually it'll catch up to you. I know from personal experience.
  • confetticupcake
    FYI - I know plenty of people that eat 1 meal per day and are successful.

    I currently eat once every three days and I'm eating about 6,000 calories on my eating day. Now I'm not eating like a normal person because I'm a competitive eater and that 6,000 calories is all coming from raw beef, but yes you can eat infrequently and be successful.

    I almost believed you until I saw "raw beef".

    Actually it's very true. I eat about 400 lbs of raw beef a year. Check out some of my videos:

    Here are the details on my current experiment:

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Yeah, only eating one meal a day and going the rest of the day on diet coke is pretty bad for you. No one really thinks about their organs until they start to give out....which is unfortunate since you need them to function properly in order to stay alive.

    Also starving all day and then eating one meal, it is very likely you are eating more than 1500 in one sitting. After not eating all day you will be ravenously hungry and when you start eat it'll be hard to stop eating.

    Start eating breakfast and lunch. Eat a smaller dinner. Your metabolism will be faster & you'll feel better.
    How exactly are you starving all day? Are you assuming that if you eat 2500 calories per 1 sitting the entire 2500 calories immediately digest and you don't get any nutrient uptake from that meal as the hours go by?

    FYI - I know plenty of people that eat 1 meal per day and are successful.

    Successful in what way? With losing weight, sure, but being Our bodies needs to be fueled regularly. No, I do not assume that 2500 calories immediately digest, however eating that much in one sitting and not eating the rest of the day can wreck havoc on your blood sugar, stomach, energy levels, mood, cause headaches, etc. You can get away with eating like that for a while but eventually it'll catch up to you. I know from personal experience.

    I've eaten that way for most of my life, but the past year and half it's been my normal, energy levels just fine just did a 53 mile bike ride, I was cranky before and still cranky if you ask my husband. Blood sugar and stomach just fine. I've lost a little weight, improved my health significantly. Eating once a day might not have worked for you, but no it's not unhealthy to eat once per day.

    Please provide studies backing up your claim.

    ETA: Just read your profile, comparing eating one meal of 2500 calories a day to someone starving themselves due to an eating disorder are not even closely the same thing
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Yeah, only eating one meal a day and going the rest of the day on diet coke is pretty bad for you. No one really thinks about their organs until they start to give out....which is unfortunate since you need them to function properly in order to stay alive.

    Also starving all day and then eating one meal, it is very likely you are eating more than 1500 in one sitting. After not eating all day you will be ravenously hungry and when you start eat it'll be hard to stop eating.

    Start eating breakfast and lunch. Eat a smaller dinner. Your metabolism will be faster & you'll feel better.
    How exactly are you starving all day? Are you assuming that if you eat 2500 calories per 1 sitting the entire 2500 calories immediately digest and you don't get any nutrient uptake from that meal as the hours go by?

    FYI - I know plenty of people that eat 1 meal per day and are successful.

    Successful in what way? With losing weight, sure, but being Our bodies needs to be fueled regularly. No, I do not assume that 2500 calories immediately digest, however eating that much in one sitting and not eating the rest of the day can wreck havoc on your blood sugar, stomach, energy levels, mood, cause headaches, etc. You can get away with eating like that for a while but eventually it'll catch up to you. I know from personal experience.
    Who or what defines what is regular? And do you have any studies that show fasting is unhealthy?
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Although I don't count calories (I know many of you are going to say that I'm eating more than i think), i'm quite confident that I never exceed my daily maintenance number. I say this because I do not eat anything throughout the entire day and only drink diet coke. At dinner I eat varied meals with family from healthy to pizza and may have a beer or glass of wine. To the point, I believe my body has learned to compensate by slowing my metabolism, such that I don't gain or lose, despite being under calorie recommendations. I'm 6'1" and 230lbs and estimate eating 1500 calls per day... lifestyle is sitting behind a desk in home office.

    Advice anyone? I would like to drop 30lbs before building muscle. Could it really be as simple as eating more often and cleaner calories in the 2500 per day range along with walking or jogging 3 days per week???

    So... you're not counting, but you think you know how many calories you're eating and think that your body's metabolism has slowed.

    Seems legit.

    Cool story, bro.

    Tell me more.