Nerds Unite!



  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Like many here, I was a nerd before it was cool to be a nerd. :wink:

    Primarily I'm a gamer guy! From the nightly NES to the current PC games and PS4. I've finished Final Fantasy 4 at least 20 times over the decades having bought it at release for $69.99 with my $4.25/hour job. I recently re-played the original Legend of Zelda and I remembered ALL the secrets. And I don't usually remember what day of the week it is any given day. :drinker:

    I'm big into SciFi (BSG is probably my favorite TV show of all time- of course there's Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc) and some select Anime (Trigun, Hellsing, most Studio Ghibli works though Totoro is still my most favorite).

    Speaking of which, I have gone to the Studio Ghibli museum in Tokyo. Though my Tokyo related claim to fame is my 18 trips to Tokyo in the last 8 years with the 19th trip planned end of this year. Mostly to visit my wife's friends/family but we also go to the gaming attractions there from Sega Joypolis in Odaiba to attractions of other game companies such as Namco and Konami.

    I have a collection of undergrad and grad computer science and EE degrees. Though I've never used my biomed engineering grad degree in a work setting. Most of it still doesn't make sense to me. :drinker:

    And there's a whole lot of other stuff that's been mentioned by others.

    Oh and lastly, but most importantly. My secret to weight loss? Video games. I lost 28 lb by mostly eating what I was eating before but exercising using my stationary bike while playing video games. I think I lost 5 lb just from Second Son. :bigsmile:

    Anyhow, anyone here feel free to send me a friend request! :drinker:
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    I suppose I am a nerd. I enjoy nerdy things.

    Nerd culture has become so mainstream I suppose that most people in some way can say they are a nerd.

    But I do like discussing nerdy topics from time to time.

    Why did the hipster leave his oceanside mansion?

    It was too current.

    :smokin: :laugh:
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Old school nerd here ... Or maybe just old nerd. 43 and decades of nerd-dom under my belt.

    I was playing PC games when they were text adventures.

    I was online, when online meant BBS's.

    I was programming in BASIC long before BASIC was visual.

    I was reading X-MEN when Days of Future Past first came out.

    I played pong. It was awesome.

    And I've engaged in way too many nerdy activities since then.

    100+ lbs to lose...

    This made me miss Kings Quest for some reason. I loved that game.

    I still have an original Gameboy.
  • delgoodwin
    delgoodwin Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 32 with about 160 pounds to lose. I was a Nerd/Jock at one point. Now i'm just a Nerd. Love playing PC games (World of Tanks, Skyrim, and someday I will beat super meat boy) I'm wannabusa on Steam if you need a Steam friend. I am currently working on a Judge Dredd costume for Halloween so I have to lose some serious weight to do it JUSTICE. Get it JUSTICE...DREDD...JUSTICE .... :) good luck everyone in your weightloss
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm 32 with about 160 pounds to lose. I was a Nerd/Jock at one point. Now i'm just a Nerd. Love playing PC games (World of Tanks, Skyrim, and someday I will beat super meat boy) I'm wannabusa on Steam if you need a Steam friend. I am currently working on a Judge Dredd costume for Halloween so I have to lose some serious weight to do it JUSTICE. Get it JUSTICE...DREDD...JUSTICE .... :) good luck everyone in your weightloss

    OMG Super Meat Boy - SO MUCH RAGE.
  • jennilocker
    jennilocker Posts: 11 Member
    Any room on this thread for old nerds? I grew up during the Lost in Space, Star Trek TOS, Johnny Quest and Twilight Zone era so I would completely understand if you need to port me over to a geriatric thread.

    Too funny!! Am I the only Harry potter obsessed person on here? What about crafty people? I love BBT and the walking dead and hope to get to a small enough size to be able to cosplay one day. I'm also obsessed with anything to do with Jim Henson.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm a huge Potter nerd.
  • krubio58
    krubio58 Posts: 11
    Ha! I was just perusing the thread looking for older nerds! In my day they called us eccentric or just plain old weirdo. I watched Star Trek and Lost in Space too. Two of my current interests are studying rocks and gems and feeding and identifying birds. I also enjoying gardening and canning my harvests. Oh, and I love to read!
  • jennilocker
    jennilocker Posts: 11 Member
    Yay! I'm not alone!!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Board and RPG's, most things zombie related and a cosplayer as well currently working on this years costume :)
    Transformers Generation 1 fan - I was there when Optimus Prime died - destroyed me and most of the cinema at the same time, almost as much as Michael Bay did with his rehash - sad face
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    I do the Geocaching thing too.... and the Renaissance Fair thing..... and have dabbled in the SCA in the past.

    I also love Harry Potter, except for the part where Slytherclaws aren't a real thing and they should be. :D

    On the RPG front, I loved me some Changeling once upon a time..... closest I've gotten to any kind of tabletop RPG is a rousing one person game of Arkham Horror in recent years, though.

    And my friends tease me about treating science degrees like Pokemon. I wanna catch them all.
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    I'm and all around nerd too. I'm currently playing FFXIV, DnD, Magic the Gathering, Pokemon Card Game, WoW Card Game, and replaying FFIX. I use to play WoW Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Rift, FFXI, and Everquest. I was really big into FFXI for about 10 years; I was part of the Limit Break Radio podcast for a few years until I moved cross country. I haven't been able to table top game lately because I don't have a group to play with anymore, but I recently bought the coolest d20 ring and I'm itching to try it out. I like comic books, anime, manga, star wars, star trek, and cheesy super hero cartoons too. Never really jumped on the doctor who bandwagon, though I've tried watching it a few times. (4th doctor 5th doctor 8th doctor, 9th doctor) It just never really held my attention. I've done a little geocaching, and I would run away and live at a renaissance faire if it had wifi lol. SNES was definitely my "main console" that I played the most of. ChronoTrigger is by far my favorite game, but donkey kong country has a special place in my heart too. I'm also a "classic nerd" I like reading, science, math, and, I'm a little ashamed to admit, I can be a bit of a grammar nazi.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • GamerFit
    GamerFit Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there!

    I am a 39 year old gamer nerd here with 50 lbs to lose!

    I am Co-founder of and a huge Xbox gamer. Recently, I began podcasting at GTG and I must admit that I am an achievement addict. Most importantly I am on a quest to prove that us gamers/geeks can have time for all of our games and hobbies AND get in shape!

    I am on Twitter a lot if you want to add me there @GamerFit Well, my gamer talk is mostly on @moto_grrl

    Glad to meet everyone and good luck on meeting all of your goals!
  • GothJuice
    GothJuice Posts: 66 Member
    Hello Frank (and everybody else)
    I am a 22 year old, gamer/anime/comicbook/manga/horror/science geek with many a pound to shed!!

    I am at university studying Forensic Science, I'm about to go into my third year. I am crazy about bone chemistry and toxicology! Completely love it!
    When I am not sciencing around, I either working as a board game demonstrator, spend my time reading (Terry Pratchett, Harry Potter and the Songs of Fire and Ice Series anyone?) or on my XBox, 360.
    I am completely obsessed with Bioware, currently playing through the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age series for the upteenth time,(On a side note: INQUISITION IS OUT IN OCTOBER YEAHHHH!!!).

    If my job doesn't give it away, I love playing boardgames, my favorites are Pandemic, Zombies!!!, Dixit and Zombie Dice on days I can't be bothered. I also play Pathfinder (Half-Drow Sorceress) and was meant to part of a ShadowRun campaign but the GM changed his mind, Boo!!!

    I also enjoy Comic Books and pretty much everything by Jhonen Varques (JTHM is the ShizzNazz!), I have countless Lenore and Spiderman comics, I've also been slowly working through The Walking Dead series.

    I used to have a terrible fear of zombies when I was little thanks to my brother using Resident Evil as a way or harassing me, but thankfully that fear has blossomed into a zombie-mad obsession, I know most zombie films suck but I just can't help myself!!!

    I read Manga and used to watch anime, I still do occasionally but during term time it gets really restricted, and I am a massive horror movie junkie, I love horror films.

    Anyway I have babbled enough!!
    Feel free to add me!! I'd love to talk crap about all the stuff I obsess over!!
  • TheLostMermaid
    Nerdy girl here. I love comics, super heroes, zombies, Harry Potter, unicorns, and anything close to those topics. Here to lose 80lbs :)
  • QueenofHobbies
    Old school nerd here ...books, many books. I have read All The Science Fiction (almost), plus I read classics, non fiction, and weirdo bizarre freak books of pure fun. Also I game PC+Console.

    (my username here because I also sew, knit, cook, love live music shows, and just a whole hell of a lot)
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    *waves* hi I'm Cat. I'm more a nerd in the Sci-fi/cosplay sense. But one of my major reasons for getting in shape is so I can kick zombie butts should the need ever arise. ...

    It's like you get me. Srsly, people think I'm crazy but I have a huge fear of being eaten. So whether i gotta run from zombies or punch a shark/bear i'm trying to get in shape for self defense LOL.

    Yes! On top of my usual lifting and running routine I've tried adding some SHTF/Zombie specific workouts - things like farm work (my farmer's carry is weak - I'd spill all the water out of the buckets), archery, being able to sprint while carrying a toddler and a heavy backpack, lifting and hauling things that are not shaped like a barbell, shooting, and currently trying to get enrolled in martial arts class. On the upside, a lot of my friends are preppers, so they totally indulge my "Ok, so how would fitness needs change if it were a fall-of-society instead of zombies" conversations :) Pretty sure I could talk apocalypse all day :blushing:
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    p.s. anyone else use It's kinda fun to earn dragons and potions for working out/making the bed every day.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    p.s. anyone else use It's kinda fun to earn dragons and potions for working out/making the bed every day.

    This is genius.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    Greetings! I'm Linka, 24, and I live in NYC.

    I enjoy anime and video games (mostly Nintendo, and I'm a big Zelda fan!), TOS Star Trek (I'll get to TNG someday XD), and I'm a newbie Whovian! I'm also into vocaloid.

    I love to cook and I enjoy crocheting every now and then which helps express my geeky side: I've made some pokemon and a cuthulu! XD

    I'm looking to lose 10 lbs overall (and I'm about halfway there!), and I'm trying to recover from a foot injury I got earlier this year.

    Feel free to add me!