Juice Cleanse?

Hi all, I'm starting my weight loss journey tomorrow June 1st and was thinking of starting it off with a 1-day juice cleanse. Any thoughts or suggestions?


  • jenniferpark01
    jenniferpark01 Posts: 34 Member
    I have done three 3 day juice cleanses. I bought them from a local juice bar and they were really good. I felt that the juices helped get rid of cravings for carbs, which are my enemy.
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    A note of fair warning: My Fitness Pal members are not very keen on juice cleanses to the point of berating. The general consensus is just eat healthy / clean, and you will achieve the same type of "cleanse" because your liver and kidneys get the job done given the proper tools.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    What exactly is this juice suppose to cleanse
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Does wine count towards a juice cleanse? I mean it is fruit juice technically. I'd be down with that type of cleanse. Oh wait, I'm breastfeeding. Agghhhh dang it I can't do the cleanse ????
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Does wine count towards a juice cleanse? I mean it is fruit juice technically. I'd be down with that type of cleanse. Oh wait, I'm breastfeeding. Agghhhh dang it I can't do the cleanse ????

    Grape juice cleanse ;)
  • glenelliott5872
    glenelliott5872 Posts: 150 Member
    The idea that the body needs a cleanse implies a belief that the body is dirty. It isn't. It just isn't the mix of fat muscle and none that you want.
  • cracklinrosi
    I've never done a cleanse all the way through to the end. Most cleanses are three days and by then, you just feel awful. Plus, you put your body into starvation mode and you end up rebounding and gaining more weight than what you started off with.

    If you're just starting, this may not be the road to take. I read somewhere that if you start pushing in more and more healthy foods, then eventually there will be no more room for unhealthy foods.

    I've tried several ways to "jump start" my lifestyle change. I've found the way that worked for me was to go cold turkey: nothing packaged, no desserts, pop, chips, etc. Logging every meal and snack makes you think twice about what goes into your mouth. You start thinking, which do I want more: A serving of potato chips (50g or 19 chips - which is about a handful) where I'll be left hungry for the next 3-4 hours because my body is crying out for nutrients; or do I want a baked potato topped with salsa and a sprinkling of grated cheddar, which will leave me satiated until that next meal, as I'm giving my body the nutrients it needs.

    Either way, experiment to find out what works for you but remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    What is there to cleanse? If you wanted to cleanse your innards, eat a bunch of fiber and spend some time on the toilet.
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    Don't let the people on here get you down!

    Try not to think of it as a cleanse. There are many other ways to cleanse your body. Think of it as an interesting culinary adventure.

    Juice cleanses are a fun way to get nutrients and introduce yourself to fruits and veggies you may not have thought you liked. For example, I NEVER ate beets or fennel before. Up until recently I was a very picky eater. Juicing taught me how to appreciate the flavors and introduce the actual, whole fruit/vegetable to my diet.

    I find them very rewarding and an interesting way to kick off some water weight. However, the weight loss (like many diets that reduce water weight) is far from permanent. That is, if you lose anything. I once did a juice cleanse for four days, and then went out of town for a weekend. You can guess what happened!

    Have fun. Enjoy. And try and use more vegetables than fruits to avoid ultra high fructose levels.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I'm on the boat of juice cleanses being unnecessary. BUT I am definitely on the boat for incorporating juice into your day!

    There's no need to do a "cleanse", because that's what your kidneys and colon are for. But incorporating a juice with your breakfast or lunch can be a great way of adding servings of fruits and veggies to your diet, and a good way to hide certain foods you don't like (like kale...some people hate it, but you can easily add it to a juice and not even taste it).
  • getfitwithlee
    getfitwithlee Posts: 24 Member

    YEP MFP members don't like "cleanses" run while you can!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Juice cleanses are a fun way to get nutrients and introduce yourself to fruits and veggies you may not have thought you liked.

    Juicing is fun?! Wow...that is a new one.

    OP: we have teeth for a reason. Use them.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member

    YEP MFP members don't like "cleanses" run while you can!

    You are a member...so you don't like them either?!
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    OP: we have teeth for a reason. Use them.

    In a culinary food way or for fun, either way the forums would approve.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    OP, I invite you to read this forum thread. It should answer your questions about juice cleanses, or any kind of "detox" cleanse:

  • kurohoshi
    kurohoshi Posts: 2 Member
    Honestly, I have to agree - totally against juice cleanses. Just eat healthy instead.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Yayyy! (claps hysterically)
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    Juice cleanse nope.....but I do juice in the morning. It has been a good way to incorporate veggies that I wouldn't usually eat. But I would never juice like 3-4 times a day. Mainly cos I'm lazy and I hate washing the blender.:yawn:
  • pawsnpurrs
    pawsnpurrs Posts: 39
    Today it will be 111F In Phoenix. Yes on days like today when my stomach refuses to eat any hot food

    a veggie green smoothie or a fruit smoothie (not talking ice cream here ) toss in a frozen banana taste wonderful

    juicing is great way to learn new veggies and fruit you walked by in the produce isle and another thing

    if your just bored out of your mind with eating the same thing over and over year after year mix it up a little

    yes I know my Liver and Kidneys remove the toxins when we have triple digits here in AZ with 110-115 like this week
    a nice juice tonic taste wonderful..refreshing, healing.. and its a dry heat ha ha ha