Juice Cleanse?



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It's not going to do you any good. Just eat a little less than you usually eat, and move a little more.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I love healthy smoothies, like the Kalicious smoothie from Whole Foods, it contains banana, kale, apple juice, lemon, and spinach. Sooo good. Remember your body does its job cleansing all by itself, and you don't NEED to do any extra cleansing. But if it helps you start off then go for it!
  • trcydonnelly
    I eat super healthy for breakfast and lunch, I've incorporated 24 ounces of homemade juice into my diet. I have 12 ounces in between breakfast and lunch, 12 ounces between lunch and dinner. It helps me feel full and I like the taste of the juice of
    vegetables that I don't like to eat. I learned the trick is to use more veggies than fruit, to much fruit will load you up on sugar
    and slow down your weight loss.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I did a Juice Cleanse about a year ago after watching "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" (Aka, one large infomercial)

    It made me miserable and sick, and after 10 days, I inhaled a salad. Though I did lose 10 lbs, it was not healthy or sustainable.

    The only 'plus' was that my digestive system seemed to be put 'back on track' and my heartburn (which I have 4-5 a week) was virtually eliminated.

    Either way, I'd never do it more than 24 hours again. Juicing should be done alongside as part of a healthy diet, not instead of.

    That being said, best of luck to you on your journey!
  • kimb114
    kimb114 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi T,
    what is your recipe for the juice that you make? I too have a son who is now nine and with the summer approaching I need all my energy to keep up with my childcare duties. I made a green drink once and really enjoyed it but my son said yuck. I hope when he gets older he will appreciate the recipe.
    Kim :smile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Hi T,
    what is your recipe for the juice that you make? I too have a son who is now nine and with the summer approaching I need all my energy to keep up with my childcare duties. I made a green drink once and really enjoyed it but my son said yuck. I hope when he gets older he will appreciate the recipe.
    Kim :smile:

    reading comprehension much?
  • jthomps123
    jthomps123 Posts: 41 Member
    I juice every morning, and eat an egg or toast, nuts etc. And a real lunch and dinner.

    My 'cleanse' came from cutting out 95% of the processed junk I was eating.
  • heathl39
    heathl39 Posts: 46
    Juice cleanse nope.....but I do juice in the morning. It has been a good way to incorporate veggies that I wouldn't usually eat. But I would never juice like 3-4 times a day. Mainly cos I'm lazy and I hate washing the blender.:yawn:

    Blender washing just sucks! I agree as far as juicing to get some added nutrition.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,034 Member
    I've never done a cleanse all the way through to the end. Most cleanses are three days and by then, you just feel awful. Plus, you put your body into starvation mode and you end up rebounding and gaining more weight than what you started off with.

    Your body will not go into starvation mode after 3 days. That is just nonsense.

    I don't agree with juice cleanses - or any detox or jump start cleanses - however incorporating juices into your diet is fine.
    'Incorporating them into your diet' being quite different to 'replacing your diet with them'
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I've never done a cleanse all the way through to the end. Most cleanses are three days and by then, you just feel awful. Plus, you put your body into starvation mode and you end up rebounding and gaining more weight than what you started off with.

    Your body will not go into starvation mode after 3 days. That is just nonsense.

    I don't agree with juice cleanses - or any detox or jump start cleanses - however incorporating juices into your diet is fine.
    'Incorporating them into your diet' being quite different to 'replacing your diet with them'

    Starvation mode....Most American's wouldn't know starvation mode if it parked on their doorstep.

    I don't like words like that. Starvation is starvation.....meaning you're gagging for food, there are spiderwebs in your stomach, the flies are building condos on your mouth.

    By the way, I'm American, in case you were all wondering.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I've never done a cleanse all the way through to the end. Most cleanses are three days and by then, you just feel awful. Plus, you put your body into starvation mode and you end up rebounding and gaining more weight than what you started off with.

    Your body will not go into starvation mode after 3 days. That is just nonsense.

    I don't agree with juice cleanses - or any detox or jump start cleanses - however incorporating juices into your diet is fine.
    'Incorporating them into your diet' being quite different to 'replacing your diet with them'

    Starvation mode....Most American's wouldn't know starvation mode if it parked on their doorstep.

    I don't like words like that. Starvation is starvation.....meaning you're gagging for food, there are spiderwebs in your stomach, the flies are building condos on your mouth.

    By the way, I'm American, in case you were all wondering.

    I know, I always think of an Ethiopian with a distended belly trying to form any sympathy for a 250 pound American describing the woes of starvation.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    I disagree with folks who say "there's nothing to cleanse"...

    After not pooping for 4 days + while having fiber pills, miralax, and metamucil everyday... still to no avail.... trust me, there's *kitten* that you want cleansed, pretty much more than anything youve ever wanted in your life...so much that you don't mind posting your pooping whoas on public forums and don't bat an eye asking about bowel mpovements with the co-worker in the next cubicle over you just met...

    Anyway, I have yet to find anything that actually 'works"... though a high dose of fish oil topped with some Miralax seems to do the trick.

    In for the juice ideas though, if anyone has anything that actually will cleanse.... if I could find those Gummy Bears for under $800 I would totallt try them - WHY are they so expensive LOL!
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I juiced for 14 days just recently, within the last month. I didn't like to call it a cleanse, because I don't really subscribe to the idea that the body needs help cleansing itself of waste, it does that automatically.

    Some honest, objective things I learned while juicing:

    The Good:

    *Completely changed my tastes. After a few days of drinking carrot juice, sweets and candies started tasting unbearably bad and overly cloying.

    *I started to crave veggies, especially carrots and spinach.

    *I felt healthy and my skin looked really good. I was hydrated and uh, "things" were moving along regularly and easily.

    *I lost about 13 pounds total. I was also 280 to start with, though, so that's an important thing to remember. I also KEPT it off when I went back to eating.

    *Maybe it was a placebo effect, but I felt really energized and great while doing it. I suffer from horrible migraines and I didn't get a single one while juicing. I felt a start of a headache once, and after a kale juice it was gone almost immediately. I also found some juices to be just as energizing as a cup of coffee.

    The Bad:

    *You really, really miss eating. Sometimes I just fantasized about what it'd be like to bite into an apple instead of juicing it.

    *The clean up is the worst. I spent literally, 2-3 hours a DAY juicing my meals for the day and then cleaning everything up. It got to the point that my entire day looked like this: wake up, juice 4-5 juices for the day, clean up, walk the dog, go to work, come home at midnight, go to sleep. I had zero life.

    *You feel isolated. Eating is social. I turned down invites from friends because I knew I couldn't eat. I skipped my lunch break at work or I would take it in my car, because watching my co-workers eat while I drank juice became hard. People generally look at you like you're nuts when you explain it to them.

    *It's expensive. It's way cheaper to eat an apple and a kale salad versus juicing a pound of kale, 5 apples, 2 cucumbers, 6 celery stalks and a lemon for EVERY JUICE.

    My end opinion was, it's definitely not for everyone. I liked it, and I'd probably do it again every now and then. The people who claim you'll gain everything back don't understand or juiced improperly. I was drinking 1300-1500 calories of juice a day, so when I went to eating, I continued to lose weight because I was still in deficit.

    If you really want to do it, ease into it. Just start by incorporating juice into your diet and then slowly move from less food to more juice, until you're strictly juicing. Otherwise, you'll be completely miserable. And don't bite off more than you can chew. For me, it was easier to say, "How long can I go?" versus "I will do this for 14 days" and then feel bad if I 'quit.'
  • Censor76
    Censor76 Posts: 48 Member
    It's great if you can enjoy/tolerate the juices. I'm actually doing one right now, it's probably my fifth one and finally found a brand I like.

    I would suggest strongly to not do this for weight loss. You'll lose a few pounds that will most likely come back immediately after you start eating solid food again. I'm not sold on the "cleansing" purpose, that's what our liver's are for. For me it helps to reset my brain in regards to sugar/fat/caffeine consumption.

    It's not for everyone. Good luck!
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    It's pointless- waterweight will be lost. Also, our organs cleanse our bodies for us.
  • tyork04
    tyork04 Posts: 2
    I'm currently doing a juice cleanse. I'm on day 5 (of 7) and I feel great! I'm down 6lbs and my skin looks great and my energy has been at an all-time high. Days 2 and 3 were the hardest. It's important to try out different recipes and find the ones you like and stick with them. Yes, the cleanup sucks and it's very time consuming and can also be very expensive but it's also a great way to get all the nutrients from fruits and veggies that you wouldn't normally eat. After my "cleanse" is over with, I plan on incorporating juice into my daily diet.
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member
    My papaw used to drink prune juice and was on the can for hours. He lived to be 103. Chewed tobaccy every day too and had a small shooter of moonshine before bed.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have yet to find a doctor or dietician who thinks cleanses are a good idea. Not one - none, nada - advocate them at all.