why are carbs so bad



  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    You remember back in the 80s and 90s, when fat was the devil and everyone was on a "low-fat diet?" We're going through the same thing with carbs right now, and have been for the last 10-15 years. Wait another 10 years or so, and all the wackjob fad dieters will be on low-protein diets.

    The difference is there can be real advantages to lowering your carb intake, whereas a low protein diet would just lead to increased muscle loss.
    Converse to your experience, I have been on a fairly high-carb eating plan for about 9 months and am down more than 40 pounds. So, you know... experiences vary and all that.

    Nothing wrong with taking it slow, but if you were aiming for a more aggressive caloric deficit, you may well find that your high carb macro leads to you going hungry more often and feeling unhappy as a result.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Also there is a HUGE difference between the nutritional value of simple carbs (white bread, white rice, potatoes) and complex carbs (Brown rice, whole grain, sweet potatoes)
    White bread, rice and potatoes aren't simple carbs.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I had over 300 gr of carbs yesterday

    Will prolly have that much today....

    Just ate 300 gr of white rice with my chicken and broccolli
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    I stay away from most carbs, except fruit. I also have some kind of medical issue that the Dr still isn't really sure of. The weightloss is great but I feel so much better.

    I have twice the energy and I feel good all day, whereas before I would be tired all the time.

    So for me, low carb works. I can't say that it's right for everybody. Feeling good is as important as looking good for me. Also it's a lifestyle I can keep up with even after I finish with my weightloss goals.

    I think that's the biggest thing is finding something you can live with. It shouldn't be a fad type diet.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    So for me, low carb works. I can't say that it's right for everybody. Feeling good is as important as looking good for me. Also it's a lifestyle I can keep up with even after I finish with my weightloss goals.

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.
    Nearing/reaching your goals has a way of flipping your diet type affinity.

    The leaner and more fit you are, the better you body handles carbs, and vice verse the more it fights when you aren't taking in enough.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Also there is a HUGE difference between the nutritional value of simple carbs (white bread, white rice, potatoes) and complex carbs (Brown rice, whole grain, sweet potatoes)
    White bread, rice and potatoes aren't simple carbs.

    this is a ****in knee slapper.

    unfortunately i think most people who grew up in the 80s think this way, i know i did.

    the term 'complex carbs' is a total misnomer, at least in the world of nutrition. from a chemistry stand point, it makes sense. long chains of carbon make a 'complex' molecule.

    the truth is that all carbs need to be broken down into glucose in order to be absorbed. when the 'complex carbs' are finally broken down into glucose, it enters your blood stream all at once.

    a serving of white or wheat bread will be more likely to raise your blood sugar then a serving of sugar because of this.

    not that any of it really matters if your at or under your calorie goal
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    They're not. They're amazing!
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    So for me, low carb works. I can't say that it's right for everybody. Feeling good is as important as looking good for me. Also it's a lifestyle I can keep up with even after I finish with my weightloss goals.

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.
    Nearing/reaching your goals has a way of flipping your diet type affinity.

    The leaner and more fit you are, the better you body handles carbs, and vice verse the more it fights when you aren't taking in enough.

    Could be, I'm very new to this. My Dr suggested this diet and I love the results so far. I'm really nervous about how to maintain when I reach my goals.

    I'm about 15lbs from my goal weight. As to what I do then, I've no idea.

    I am hoping I can continue it and up my calories to maintain. I also started running in March and love it. Hopefully I can research and find out what to do once I hit my goals.

    It would seem I still have so much to learn and honestly, it's very confusing because everybody says something different.

    Anybody reach their goal and continue to eat low carb?
  • jimbmc
    jimbmc Posts: 83 Member
    Lots of people have responded but i will too cause i'm bored! I am not supposed to have carbs, and if i do they must be complex. Complex is wheat bread, rolled oats, Perverted rice (yes i said perverted cause i've always called it that and i don't remember the correct name lol) . beans, green veggies etc.

    "Bad " Carbs are in essence "white " foods. White bread, pastas of all kinds, potatoes, corn, sugar , crackers, flour tortilla's and anything else yummy bread wise. Carbs turn into sugar..and with normal carbs it is no different then eating table sugar or high fructose corn syrup...Body absorbs the sugar calories, causes glucose spikes and a whole mess of fat on the *kitten*. Carbs also will not satisfy you in the long run and because of the boost in energy , you will be craving more carbs very soon.

    Complex take longer to digest , you stay fuller longer and since they take a while to process it does not cause spikes in blood sugars and the body does not store it as fat like other carbs.

    High Protein , low carb diet is the way to go and it does work. However..::raises her finger:: It is not a sin to indulge in the bad carbs once in a while so you do not lose your mind. Just make sure it is a small portion and not consumed daily.

    Anyways, i hope this helped you or maybe it was just something to read while you mess with facebook...either way, good luck!

    This :)
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Carbs are evil!!

    Carbs cause war, famine, disease, and conflict.

    The sky is falling!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Any time I want carbs I eat cauliflower.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Any time I want carbs I eat cauliflower.

    Have you ever heard of cauliflower pizza? It is soooo rad!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Carbs are bad because they made me fat and pre-diabetic. Now that I restrict them to under 30g a day, I've lost 1/3 of my body weight and 1/2 the gain of the last 14 years, and I am no longer pre-diabetic and I have a normal blood lipid profile and blood pressure.

    Now, tell me again that carbs are good? :p

    You were pre-diabetic because you were fat and ate too much. Now that your weight is healthier, your blood sugar and blood pressure are normal. That has most probably nothing to do with carbs.

    How could you possibly know what made this person pre-diabetic? People who are not overweight also become pre-diabetic.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Because they tend to be high in calories, and over consumption of calories equals weight gain, which can and does lead to a whole host of medical problems, including, but not limited to, diabetes.

    Also there is a HUGE difference between the nutritional value of simple carbs (white bread, white rice, potatoes) and complex carbs (Brown rice, whole grain, sweet potatoes) Most of the beneficial nutrition has been bleached and removed from the simple sort.

    Carbs, Fat, Gluten are not your enemy. They're all an essential part of the human nutrition. It's the overeating of calories, and missing vitamins/minerals which makes you malnourished and overweight.

    It's that simple.

    Of those three it's only fat which is essential part of human nutrition.

    Also white rice etc.is a starch, which is a complex sugar and not a simple sugar.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member

    Of those three it's only fat which is essential part of human nutrition.
    I am not sure people always say this. U cannot live too long without protein and amino acids. First u will get sick then u will die.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    Of those three it's only fat which is essential part of human nutrition.
    I am not sure people always say this. U cannot live too long without protein and amino acids. First u will get sick then u will die.

    I'm pretty sure you can survive just well and optimally without every consuming plant based protein. Also you could get by without carbs, albeit it would not be optimal for fitness or health (but it certainly wouldn't kill you) and I wouldn't recommend it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Because they tend to be high in calories, and over consumption of calories equals weight gain, which can and does lead to a whole host of medical problems, including, but not limited to, diabetes.

    Also there is a HUGE difference between the nutritional value of simple carbs (white bread, white rice, potatoes) and complex carbs (Brown rice, whole grain, sweet potatoes) Most of the beneficial nutrition has been bleached and removed from the simple sort.

    Carbs, Fat, Gluten are not your enemy. They're all an essential part of the human nutrition. It's the overeating of calories, and missing vitamins/minerals which makes you malnourished and overweight.

    It's that simple.

    Agree mostly with the last bit, but lots of carbs--like most vegetables--are the opposite of high in calories. Even fruit isn't really that high. Whether rice or potatoes or sweet potatoes, etc. are depends on how filling you find them. I find 100 calories of potato or sweet potato or 150 calories of oatmeal, for example, pretty filling, so don't consider them especially high. I also don't find brown rice any more filling than white.

    As others have pointed out the simple vs complex thing gets used incorrectly all the time, generally to make simple equate to foods people are told are bad for them or fattening, but I'm particularly puzzled by potato being simple here while sweet potato is not. Is this a color thing? Or is the potato being blamed for the fact that some overeat fries and chips? Of course the calories in those are largely from fat.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    Remember guys carbs have four cals per gram just like protein. Fat has nine per gram. So saying carbs have alot of cals doesnt really make sense.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    They're not bad... They are actually what your body uses first for fuel. People mentioned simple vs complex carbs. Simple is best for pre-workouts or for quick energy. Complex is great for micronutrients that helps in the processes going on in your body. Carbs/fats/proteins, none of that is bad. There are uses for all of it inside your body. You just have to balance it out enough where you feel at your best. I just took a nutrition course and learned all that!! lol So glad I took that class.
  • renzo211
    renzo211 Posts: 25
    I had over 300 gr of carbs yesterday

    Will prolly have that much today....

    Just ate 300 gr of white rice with my chicken and broccolli

    This! Had a discussion today with work buddies and they were all convinced that "rice is bad". My nutrionist for example recommended I eat brown rice but didn't go crazy in negation towards white rice. Like everyone is saying, everything in moderation works well, you need to find out how many grams of carbs you need a day depending on your needs.

    I take around 170 grams of carbs on a regular day, around 240 when exercising (MFP automatically bumps it up).

    If im not eating lentils, split pees or wheat berries, I eat my chicken and salad with a cup of white rice!