Lunch for Work?



  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    anybody have any good quinoa recipes?

    Yes! Quinoa is awesome to cook with. You can pretty much sub it into any recipe that would normally use rice.

    One of my faves is this one.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I do leftovers a lot. I made some amazing chicken salad last night with tons of fresh fruit that I will stuff in a pita with spinach for the week. I also enjoy what my son calls a "snack plate." I'll do some ham rolls, maybe some cheese, crackers and fruit, usually grapes and a hard boiled egg and possibly some nuts. You can always do a PB&J :). A grilled chicken wrap or quesadilla. Also depends on what you have access to at work as far as reheating. We have a little oven thing (I can not remember the name!!!) so if you do as well you could make pizza on a tortilla, a grilled cheese lots of possibilities.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I actually eat out a lot during lunch. I love the 1/2 size apple pecan chicken and strawberry fields salad at Wendy's, also their small chili. I go to the cafeteria some also. They usually have grilled chicken and onions paired with a salad or veggie. I also make chicken salad with added apples, grapes and walnuts when I have then, adding in some mayo (the kind with olive oil) on a nice whole grain (this week I have seeded rye).

    This is my go to lunch when I'm in town - Wendy's half size Apple Pecan Chicken salad. I get them to double my bleu cheese crumbles and bring along extra raw fresh walnuts from home to add. This is my lower carb/higher fat ratio meal. Dinner will be the opposite - higher carb veggies with pasta or rice or quinoa or potato or beans and my lean protein. Works for me.

    I also take leftovers fairly often.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Add me and look at my diary. Note- I believe in staying within my calorie range (500-650 for lunch, 50-150 for snacks). If I brought a salad every day I would be so bored!

    Example of today's lunch:
    -egg salad sprinkled with dill
    -crackers (to eat egg salad)
    -baby carrots

    -2 oranges

    Previous and future lunch foods:
    -single serve mac n cheese
    -pita chips and tzitziki sauce
    -ice cream sandwiches
    -gourmet cheese
    -loads of spinach
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I make a big grain salad on Sunday (like bulgur or quinoa) and then put a scoop of that in a bowl every morning, top it to the brim with lettuce or spinach and some random veggies I have in the fridge and when it's time for lunch I slice up 1/2 an avocado and put it on the top, squeeze 1/2 a lemon on it and some pepper.
  • pasco_joseph
    pasco_joseph Posts: 1 Member
    Here are my suggestions. I am a calorie counter, so these are all low cal:

    Watermelon - 400g - 125 cal
    Cottage Cheese - 113g - 100 cal
    Jerky - 28g - 80-90 cal
    Baked Brocolli
    Baked Cauliflower
    Baked Radishes
    Canned V8
    String Cheese
    5 Prunes
    Garbanzo Beans
    Black Beans
    Celery Sticks
    Peeled Baby Carrots
    Hard Boiled Egg
    Rotisserie Chicken
  • bebetwo3
    bebetwo3 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you do that, I'm new at this. I would love to see how others eat....
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I actually do a lot of simple things and change depending on time of year and mood:

    - Veggies burgers that can be nuked, with salsa or hummus
    - Weight watcher meals, adding additional frozen veggies
    - Trader Joe Lemon chicken
    - Canned soup
    - Veggies with dip
    - trader joe prepared salads, but I usually replace the dressing with my own
    - frozen veggies with tomato sauce and Trader Joe frozen turkey meatballs

    I have to go for the easy grab and go a lot. Time plays a lot on what I do. I try not to eat out too much for $ and I tend to not plan as well when I eat out.
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    Kashi Heart to Heart with almond milk
    baby carrots
    a couple of slices of deli roast beef
    saltine crackers
    cottage cheese
    immitation crab
    hard boiled egg
    1/2 avocado

    I try to do a different thing every day so it doesn't get boring.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Leftovers. It's the perfect lunch for me because it requires zero prep time.
  • elsie0o0
    elsie0o0 Posts: 59 Member
    Today I brought and took advantage of our office's toaster oven to make my lunch.

    4 oz frozen talapia (thawed)
    1 cup of frozen vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots)
    1 hashbrown patty
    All seasoned with Mrs. Dash

    I also ate a bag of veggie straws while it is cooking.

    calories 382
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I make up food for the entire week, which was recommended by a few of my friends when I started up makes it really easy and fun, without too much work to prepare outside of the cook day on sunday or saturday.

    I like making a bunch of meatballs, chicken, sauce, or pick up fish and freeze it in portions with seasonings / marinades in the bag, defrosting and cooking the night before or simply microwaving it at work. Sometimes when I'm REALLY lazy, I'll pick up a couple of the cooked rotisserie chickens from shop rite, take the meat off and make some stuff up with that. What's nice with those is you can leave it shredded and make different quick dishes each day that's different from the day before.

    Day 1: BBQ Pulled Chicken Tacos w/ Cole Slaw
    Day 2: Kimchi Pulled Chicken (rinse the cole slaw, add some vinegar and pickling seasonings to use them both up)
    Day 3: Chicken Soup (will just throw the chicken together with some veggies and broth and have it ready for the next day in like 5 minutes or so the night before.
    Day 4: Chicken Salad Sammich w/ Avocado on Multigrain Bread (open faced so it isnt messy) you can then add remaining cole slaw if you want for some texture.
    Day 5: Chicken Stir Fry - take the rest of the pulled chicken, scramble up and egg and mix with veggies and rice in a wok with sesame oil and garlic for a quick stir fry that will take no longer than 5-10 minutes in the morning.
  • OccamsDisposableRazor
    OccamsDisposableRazor Posts: 49 Member
    I'm also predominately a leftovers luncher, but mostly I'm bumping this for the great lunch ideas. :-)
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I do salads far more often than not, but I rarely get bored of them because I change up the ingredients so much (I typed out all of the various things I put into salads on here was about 50 lines long, lol). I also do leftovers whenever I can - right now I'm eating cold grilled chicken breast and grilled peppers & onions (leftover fajita fillings) with side of salsa mixed with light sour cream for dipping. Also, every day I bring at least a greek yogurt and a piece of fruit for snacks, plus depending on how the rest of my day shakes out (what I brought for lunch and what I'm planning for dinner and whether or not I ate breakfast, which I usually don't, I just eat a good snack at 10:30 or so) I might bring a string cheese and/or some cut veggies with some sort of dip, and I always have high fiber & protein granola bars in my desk drawer (love the ones from Trader Joe's).
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I do salads far more often than not, but I rarely get bored of them because I change up the ingredients so much (I typed out all of the various things I put into salads on here was about 50 lines long, lol). I also do leftovers whenever I can - right now I'm eating cold grilled chicken breast and grilled peppers & onions (leftover fajita fillings) with side of salsa mixed with light sour cream for dipping. Also, every day I bring at least a greek yogurt and a piece of fruit for snacks, plus depending on how the rest of my day shakes out (what I brought for lunch and what I'm planning for dinner and whether or not I ate breakfast, which I usually don't, I just eat a good snack at 10:30 or so) I might bring a string cheese and/or some cut veggies with some sort of dip, and I always have high fiber & protein granola bars in my desk drawer (love the ones from Trader Joe's).

    she beat me to it. i use pinterest a lot, and they have so many amazing salad ideas. this week i bought stuff to make watermelon/feta salads. I found a spicy watermelon cucumber one i'm going to try also. I add fresh herbs a lot also. mint, or basil. yum.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Mostly sammiches - I use those Arnold deli thin rolls or a Flatout wrap, put in 6-8 slices of deli meat (chicken, turkey, pastrami, ham), a slice of pepperjack or swiss cheese and a handful of baby spinch or romaine. And I pack some grape tomatoes or an apple to go with it.

    For snacks and breakfast - baked egg cups or breakfast casserole, 100 cal packs of cocoa or cinnamon roast almonds, banana/strawberries, a protein bar and a serving of my awesome sweet potato/pecan/granny smith oatmeal.

    Once in a great while I'll bring leftovers for lunch. Depends on what's been cooked and if Hubby will clean it up so I don't have to. :)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    The easiest is to cook an extra serving the night before and take it for lunch. Snack - hummus and veggies, a piece of fruit, string cheese, etc. All easy to through in your lunch box in the a.m.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I eat a lot chicken (thighs or breast, both skinless/boneless) with cooked broccoli or green beans. Sometimes I'll have some brown rice, or potatoes with it.

    Today it's leftover Chinese food. Not the healthiest option, but the leftovers have to be eaten, and it's nice for a change :smile:
  • ErynV15
    ErynV15 Posts: 59 Member
    I usually bring a sandwich, greek yogurt, a variety of fresh fruits and veggies, hummus, sometimes a granola bar or beef jerky... string cheese.... or even leftovers! Always looking for new ideas, though, haha.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I make a lot of chicken and black beans in bulk for lunch, pita pocket with hummus and fat free feta, fish and veggies (yep, I'm that girl that stinks up the office microwaving fish!), and sometimes you can't go wrong with a plain old turkey sandwich! I love it with onion and chive cream cheese on whole wheat bread.