Want to Do Spinning but Scared

For years I have wanted to check out a spinning class, but I am terrified. I dont know what I am so afraid of I think I have the stamina to do it. I think I am mostly nervous that I will totally suck at it.

Anyone have any encourage stories of their first time at a spinning class? Any suggestions for the first time?

I think I just need a kick in the butt!


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You can adjust the bike to your level. You can go as fast or slow as you want. You can build up your endurance and stamina. You can do it. JUST DO IT.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I say go for it!

    I have only done 3 spinning classes in my life but the beauty of the spin class is no one really knows if your struggling or not because they cannot see what resistance your bike is on! If you tell the instructor youve not been before they will show you how to set up the bike and how the resistance works on it.
    I do like that no one knows if your really struggling in class as everyone has their resistance set to their own level and during climbs and sprints you go to your own ability. If you cant manage to stand then you sit down, if you cant go all out on the sprint then you do what you can, if you cant manage a heavy climb then slack off the resistance. Doesnt matter as long as you know uve put your all in and you keep the pedals going! :D

    Let us know how you get on! :D
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I felt that same way at first too.
    Here is the good thing, you set the bike to the resistance you want and if the teacher says to make it a quarter turn harder, and you are dying already, just leave it where it is or even turn in down instead. No one will know what you are doing with your resistance but you.
    That class rocks and will get you in shape with a quickness!
    Don't be scared, just give it a go. Your bum may be sore for a few classes, but keep it up!
    And hey, if you decide you hate it, just leave mid-class. I know you won't do that though. :)

    Good luck!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Just get on one when there not a class going on and see how you do with your own pace.
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    i know exactly how u feel. back in 2003 when i was in good shape i tried a class. i lasted for 7 minutes and thought i was going to die. i was sooo dissappointed in myself. fast forward to 2010, after gaining a lot, and getting back to healthy living. i tried another class and lasted 20 minutes. i was proud i lasted that long, but also dissapointed in myself too, but was determined not to give up. the instructor told me "3rd times a charm for a lot of people" i said, ya, ya and thought more and more about it and said, ok, one more try, its a dark room, no one knows how fast i am going, lets do it. she was right! 3rd time is a charm and now i love it! i go at my own pace, no one knows what level your bike is on, so no pressure there. the only pressure i had was from myself putting it on me, and now i love it! although i do need to go invest in some spinning shoes now b/c my plantar fasciitis is flaring up from it, but i did not want to invest in these shoes unless i knew i would follow thru, and now i know i will! great workout, good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    You can do it girl. I spinn @ least 3-4 times per week. I take the most intense class my gym offers just to push myself...YOu can do it...although its 60 mins long. YOu can really pace yourself. It doesnt matter what anyones else is doing...if you need to slow down you can...although theres a instructor guiding you...you can really do your own thing in spin. Plenty of people start class and only do 30 mins. You can also go out and walk around and come back in. You should try it...one of the best workouts. and depending on your weight you can loose anywhere from 600-1300 cals in spin class. Good Luck!!!:wink:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    For years I have wanted to check out a spinning class, but I am terrified. I dont know what I am so afraid of I think I have the stamina to do it. I think I am mostly nervous that I will totally suck at it.

    Anyone have any encourage stories of their first time at a spinning class? Any suggestions for the first time?

    I think I just need a kick in the butt!

    It took me a year to get the balls to go spin.... but i finally went, the first time I just took it easy cuz i didn't know what to expect, kept my tension fairly low and just went along with it, did what i thought I could do. the next time i went i had more of a feel for it, so wasn't as worried, and after the 2n'd time it didn't hurt my butt anymore either.... I've enjoyed it ever since.

    Like others have said, you control your tension, so it's really as hard or easy as you make it to be :)
  • efalcon1
    I too went on my own a few weeks ago, very scary and everyone was already in the room and the lights were already down so had no clue but people in the class helped me so it's worthwhile and people will help you if you struggle adjusting your seat. Very empowering going on your own too. Go for it xx
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    THANK YOU! I never knew about the resistance/tension- It makes total sense though. That kind of eases my stress about it. I am going to do it!

    My goal is to get to spinning class once this coming week. I have three opportunities so I WILL do it. Even if I hate it I can say I tried (but I think I am going to love it as hard as it sounds!!)

    Will keep you all updated! Feel free to friend me if anyone wants to hear more about my adventue :)

    Thanks again- this is why I love this place!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    First of all, for reasons I do not know, spin classes are done in the dark, so no one is really going to notice you.

    Second, unlike a floor class where it would be obvious if you weren't keeping up, everyone is just pedaling a bike and occasionally standing up. The bikes are completely under your control--if the instructor says "turn up the resistance", you can just ignore it and keep on pedaling at whatever is comfortable.

    Pace yourself and you'll be fine--everyone was a beginner at one time.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    THANK YOU! I never knew about the resistance/tension- It makes total sense though. That kind of eases my stress about it. I am going to do it!

    My goal is to get to spinning class once this coming week. I have three opportunities so I WILL do it. Even if I hate it I can say I tried (but I think I am going to love it as hard as it sounds!!)

    Will keep you all updated! Feel free to friend me if anyone wants to hear more about my adventue :)

    Thanks again- this is why I love this place!

    Also, go early and ask for help setting up your bike (they're much more elaborate than a normal stationary bike, and need to fit your body). The instructor will be happy to help you.

    Also, I would echo what Azdak said above...everybody walked into the room for the first time once. :tongue:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    First of all, for reasons I do not know, spin classes are done in the dark, so no one is really going to notice you.

    Second, unlike a floor class where it would be obvious if you weren't keeping up, everyone is just pedaling a bike and occasionally standing up. The bikes are completely under your control--if the instructor says "turn up the resistance", you can just ignore it and keep on pedaling at whatever is comfortable.

    Pace yourself and you'll be fine--everyone was a beginner at one time.

    The spin classes i take are not in the dark. That would be a bit off-putting. I treat it exactly like a road ride, because that is what it's based off of. Bike shoes for clipped pedals, bike shorts, water, with a towel added to sop up the sweat. Our bike computers are linked to heart monitors and that is what our instructors base your workout on-targeting certain heart rates during different portions of the ride. In a 50 minute spin class, i burn, on average, 875 calories. It's an awesome work out, i highly reccommend it.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Thanks again everyone for all the support and input! I am really motivated to check it out this week!!!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    THANK YOU! I never knew about the resistance/tension- It makes total sense though. That kind of eases my stress about it. I am going to do it!

    My goal is to get to spinning class once this coming week. I have three opportunities so I WILL do it. Even if I hate it I can say I tried (but I think I am going to love it as hard as it sounds!!)

    Will keep you all updated! Feel free to friend me if anyone wants to hear more about my adventue :)

    Thanks again- this is why I love this place!

    yes and even if you don't like it the first time (your bum will hurt lol) go back one more time,,,, I always figure with any exercise class you can't decide on the first one, cuz you don't have the hang of it yet :) so try at least twice!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    First of all, for reasons I do not know, spin classes are done in the dark, so no one is really going to notice you.

    Second, unlike a floor class where it would be obvious if you weren't keeping up, everyone is just pedaling a bike and occasionally standing up. The bikes are completely under your control--if the instructor says "turn up the resistance", you can just ignore it and keep on pedaling at whatever is comfortable.

    Pace yourself and you'll be fine--everyone was a beginner at one time.

    LOL at our gym it depends on the instructor but we usually turn the lights off to keep it cooler in there. the lights give off heat and we're already creating enough of that lol!
  • cathie4686
    cathie4686 Posts: 4 Member
    A friend has invited me to take a spin class tomarrow. It's something I rarely do, but when I do, I am glad I did. No one will be watching you and the instructor can answer some of your questions before the class starts. Make sure you are fitted correctly. The seat adjust forward and back, up and down. Make sure your seat is not so far forward or to low that your knees goes over your toes during the cycle. Have fun!!!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    For years I have wanted to check out a spinning class, but I am terrified. I dont know what I am so afraid of I think I have the stamina to do it. I think I am mostly nervous that I will totally suck at it.

    Anyone have any encourage stories of their first time at a spinning class? Any suggestions for the first time?

    I think I just need a kick in the butt!

    You are not alone there, I too, have felt like that. Spinning looks like a great calorie burner and must increase fitness in leaps and bounds.

    My daughter does the spinning classes and loves them.
  • FACSTeacher40
    I have been doing spin for several years now and love it. When you get there (go a little bit early) and ask the instructor to help you set up the bike to make sure it is comfortable for you. They may even have gel seats that you can borrow to put on the saddle part of the bike. Make sure you drink water and go at your own pace. If the class stands and it's too much, then stay seated. No big deal. Everyone should be focused on their own workout anyway. Nobody cares what anyone else is doing. You control the tension and cadence (how fast you pedal). Just keep moving and like others have said expect some tenderness in the butt area the nest day. It does go away if you go regularly. Just let the music guide you and have fun. Good luck!
  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    Being scared is fine as long as you don't let it hold you back. At the gym I go to, the music is loud, room is dark, and everyone is focused on their own workout. Go early, and let the instructor know you're new. She/He will help you set up your bike and encourage you to go at your own pace. The first time (won't be your last time), you're goal should be to just keep your legs moving. Be brave! You won't regret it... I can't wait to hear an update when you go for it!!!
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 173 Member
    I am so glad you're going to try it! It is always intimidating going to a class for the first time. However, everyone else in that class had a first time as well and most likely would understand your situation. In my experience the instructor is very helpful for newbies. Just go a little early and ask (like everyone else has advised). Also, they make it fun! You may find yourself laughing. They really motivate you to push yourself...and of course, you can ease up on your resistance if it gets to be too much. I'll bet you will love it.