Looking for Whole30 Buddies :)



  • ltaylor9597
    I just finished Day 9 of my first Whole30. So far so good! There has been good days and challenging days, but, the best part of getting through the challenges is adding them to my list of accomplishments! Feel free to add me as a friend. I would love to build a support system here on MFP. I have been loving not having to track stuff and know that everything I am eating is healthy. The fact that I have turned down pizza, chinese food, candy and survived social outings gives me a huge sense of accomplishment!
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm starting a Whole30 challenge today and would love to find a buddy, even if you're ahead of me ;-). I eat mostly paleo anyway, except the booze which will probably be my biggest challenge. Everyone in my house is an evening/dinner wine drinker (except the kids LOL) but oh well. I'm just looking to challenge myself to become a more healthy me. Thanks!
  • ComingUntrue
    ComingUntrue Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! I've completed 2 whole30s. One was regular and the other was AIP. I'm currently back to eating Paleo and would love more friends here.

  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    To the poster who thinks it will be more expensive, it won't. Real food is cheaper actually, and it's more nutrient dense so you end up eating less eventually. It does take more time in the kitchen but it is well worth it. My fiancée and I are doing a ketogenic diet which is not strictly whole food thought I make it that way as much as possible. Maybe 2 snacks portions a day come from non clean sources (boar's head pepperoni, or pork rinds) but that's at most and not everyday. Good job on everyone who has taken a great step for your overall health!!! I think it is very important to get the preservatives, fake sugars, chemicals out of our bodies as much as possible. Great job and keep it up!!!!
  • vickikwhisler
    vickikwhisler Posts: 17 Member
    I am starting my Whole30 tomorrow (August 4), and I've been getting pumped up and prepped for this for about 2 months now. I pretty much left MFP because Whole30 is not about tracking/counting.

    How are you Whole30 peeps using this site during your Whole30?