Five Reasons Why This Dietitian Hates Calorie-Tracking Apps



  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    I do agree with some of these points. HOWEVER, I have lost weight and feel I am starting to eat better.
    1. Your body doesn't work like that. - There is a lot of debate over this. A calorie being a calorie. Whilst I still eat crap, I don't believe that all food is the same. This doesn't encourage you to only look at calories though, otherwise the other macros wouldn't be listed.
    2. You can lose your hunger cues. - I do fake hungry, or if I am close but slightly under my 1200 calorie goal I don't want to go over. This article has just pointed it out and I hadn't realised previously, but I do do this occasionally.
    3. Exercise doesn't erase a day of poor choices. - No, but it's better that having poor choices and not exercising, which is what I would do if I didn't log. I would still eat crap.
    4. Predictions made by calorie counting apps may cause you to want to chuck your phone at the wall. - They aren't very accurate, take with a handful of salt, but it reminds me that if I stick at it, my weight will be lower at some time in the future, something that is hard to see on a day by day basis.
    5. Constantly measuring and recording everything you eat can easily slip into obsessive behaviour. - Yeah, got to be careful of this. On the other hand, people put on weight slowly, without realising or knowing how, so this shows where those extra 100 calories come from a day.