Running Vs. Riding a bike



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Former (and future) triathlete here. Here's your answer: The person who tested with the highest VO2 max on this planet was a cyclist, not a runner. Cycling is a brilliant complement to running and vice versa. Do you wear a HR monitor? If you did, you would know that you will burn as many calories cycling as you will running.

    Does that help?

    Depends on how long and how fast you cycle for, as a rule a 30 min run will burn way more calories than a 30 min cycle ride

    Totally depends on the intensity as you mentioned.

    Absolutely no way to make that claim without knowing what the workload of each exercise is as to what burns more.

    Fact is biking 14-16 mph, right around the speed that air resistance starts being a factor, level, is equal to running about 10:00/mile level.

    I've had folks I've joined on trail rides maintain that speed, easier than they would ever run that fast.

    True but to judge intensity on an even playing field if someone started from scratch running and riding they would have to ride a lot longer to burn the same calories as running if they put the same effort into both exercises, a 10 minute mile is slow and is in the beginner catergory, i wouldn't say 14-16mph on a bike is slow, also on a bike you have periods where you are not even using your legs

    As a general rule you need to ride twice as long to burn the same calories as running, so the choice mainly comes down to if you prefer to run which is harder or cycle which is easier for longer

    Well, that's why I said riding level that speed - you would be using your legs the whole time.

    Those 2 speeds I chose are from studies turning the calorie burns obtained back in to METS, and those are equal for those speeds.

    Again, folks I've ridden with even on trails with corners and inclines and people and dogs are surprised they avg 15 mph, faster on downs and harder on hills though slower. I'm the one with the bike computer to inform them, they are just going their normal fun speed. I never lead those groups because I'd never be invited back again.

    I think you'd find a lot of beginner runners loving to get as fast as 10 min miles. 12-15 min miles is beginner.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Former (and future) triathlete here. Here's your answer: The person who tested with the highest VO2 max on this planet was a cyclist, not a runner. Cycling is a brilliant complement to running and vice versa. Do you wear a HR monitor? If you did, you would know that you will burn as many calories cycling as you will running.

    Does that help?

    Depends on how long and how fast you cycle for, as a rule a 30 min run will burn way more calories than a 30 min cycle ride

    Totally depends on the intensity as you mentioned.

    Absolutely no way to make that claim without knowing what the workload of each exercise is as to what burns more.

    Fact is biking 14-16 mph, right around the speed that air resistance starts being a factor, level, is equal to running about 10:00/mile level.

    I've had folks I've joined on trail rides maintain that speed, easier than they would ever run that fast.

    True but to judge intensity on an even playing field if someone started from scratch running and riding they would have to ride a lot longer to burn the same calories as running if they put the same effort into both exercises, a 10 minute mile is slow and is in the beginner catergory, i wouldn't say 14-16mph on a bike is slow, also on a bike you have periods where you are not even using your legs

    As a general rule you need to ride twice as long to burn the same calories as running, so the choice mainly comes down to if you prefer to run which is harder or cycle which is easier for longer

    I think you're confusing competitive runners and cyclists with the vast majority of people doing this for exercise. As a general rule there are conversion tables available to compare running and cycling. As far as speed and category not sure what you are talking about. For some people a 10 minute mile is fast; a man ran a 33:50 5k this past winter, so he was north of 11 minutes per mile, but at 83, he kicked butt.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Former (and future) triathlete here. Here's your answer: The person who tested with the highest VO2 max on this planet was a cyclist, not a runner. Cycling is a brilliant complement to running and vice versa. Do you wear a HR monitor? If you did, you would know that you will burn as many calories cycling as you will running.

    Does that help?

    Depends on how long and how fast you cycle for, as a rule a 30 min run will burn way more calories than a 30 min cycle ride

    Totally depends on the intensity as you mentioned.

    Absolutely no way to make that claim without knowing what the workload of each exercise is as to what burns more.

    Fact is biking 14-16 mph, right around the speed that air resistance starts being a factor, level, is equal to running about 10:00/mile level.

    I've had folks I've joined on trail rides maintain that speed, easier than they would ever run that fast.

    True but to judge intensity on an even playing field if someone started from scratch running and riding they would have to ride a lot longer to burn the same calories as running if they put the same effort into both exercises, a 10 minute mile is slow and is in the beginner catergory, i wouldn't say 14-16mph on a bike is slow, also on a bike you have periods where you are not even using your legs

    As a general rule you need to ride twice as long to burn the same calories as running, so the choice mainly comes down to if you prefer to run which is harder or cycle which is easier for longer

    I think you're confusing competitive runners and cyclists with the vast majority of people doing this for exercise. As a general rule there are conversion tables available to compare running and cycling. As far as speed and category not sure what you are talking about. For some people a 10 minute mile is fast; a man ran a 33:50 5k this past winter, so he was north of 11 minutes per mile, but at 83, he kicked butt.

    i am 45 and not a competitive runner, a 10 minute mile is not quick, it is a slow jog end of, it might be good for a 83 year old but that is just being silly, for the average person who doesn't specialize in any particular field, running burns more calories than riding a bike for a similar time, to burn the same calories you have to ride a bike for longer

    put the 83 yr old on a bike for 33:50 and he would burn less calories than his run . it isn't a hard concept really
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    i am 45 and not a competitive runner, a 10 minute mile is not quick, it is a slow jog end of, it might be good for a 83 year old but that is just being silly, for the average person who doesn't specialize in any particular field, running burns more calories than riding a bike for a similar time, to burn the same calories you have to ride a bike for longer

    put the 83 yr old on a bike for 33:50 and he would burn less calories than his run . it isn't a hard concept really

    You haven't read around on MFP for long to see some average jog times then.

    I can easily burn more on the bike, and go longer too, and do it the next day at the same level. That isn't happening running at pace that would equal that burn per hour.

    As to comment running burns many more calories per same time ....

    I get much farther on a tank of gas in my car than my neighbor does in his car.

    With no reference to what the cars are, what the gas mileage is, what the driving type and style is - pretty useless comment and not at all true in most cases.

    You might want to read some studies on what the average lab tested calorie burn is for various speeds for both things and discover which 2 are lined up. Even though I gave it away already. Think what you will, the lab says otherwise.
    You don't have to go longer, merely the correct speed, to match calorie burn.

    Link to 2011 complete compendia, find the exercise, see the studies, go look up the studies in case you think the info was pulled incorrectly from them.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Former (and future) triathlete here. Here's your answer: The person who tested with the highest VO2 max on this planet was a cyclist, not a runner. Cycling is a brilliant complement to running and vice versa. Do you wear a HR monitor? If you did, you would know that you will burn as many calories cycling as you will running.

    Does that help?

    Depends on how long and how fast you cycle for, as a rule a 30 min run will burn way more calories than a 30 min cycle ride

    Haha not for me...I will always burn more calories, get more cardio and work harder on a bike...and yes I used to run.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    Former (and future) triathlete here. Here's your answer: The person who tested with the highest VO2 max on this planet was a cyclist, not a runner. Cycling is a brilliant complement to running and vice versa. Do you wear a HR monitor? If you did, you would know that you will burn as many calories cycling as you will running.

    Does that help?

    Depends on how long and how fast you cycle for, as a rule a 30 min run will burn way more calories than a 30 min cycle ride

    That's interesting both comments. Thanks for posting both.
    I can't run hard enough to burn as many calories as do biking, but then my biking is balls-to-the-wall.

    See, I burn about the same. 30:00 will burn about 500 KCal on the bike or running. It's just that in that 30:00, the bike will travel 10 miles, while my feet alone would only go 4-5 miles.

    I, like every other person, burn 0.63 KCal per lb per mile. Cycling has so many other factors (gearing, wind resistance, tire rolling resistance), it's not that easy. I burn between 0.34 and .0418 KCal/mile/lb on my road bike, on the hoods

    OP: the only thing you miss out on by biking instead of running is increased bone density. All the impact of running is very good for your bones. Obviously, your not getting that impact biking, and any impact you do get biking isn't great for your bones, as my collar bone can attest to!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Are you hitting single track trails with your bike? I'd actually consider that to be superior to jogging because of the inherent HIIT nature of mountain bike riding (assuming you're in a hilly area).

    Other than that, I'm sure others have given you much better advice re: jogging vs. basic spinning.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    Fact is biking 14-16 mph, right around the speed that air resistance starts being a factor, level, is equal to running about 10:00/mile level.

    That's pretty much what I've observed based on my HRM....

    To the OP, if you enjoy both do them both, they compliment each other and, as you've observed, helps keep boredom at bay. I love running and I love my bike - I don't consider them to be mutually exclusive options.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I have been running almost everyday for the past year 1-2 miles (pretty much) everyday. And honestly it starts to wear on you. I recently bought a new mountain bike and have been enjoying it quite a bit the past couple days. Would you consider riding daily to be on-par with running? It definitely seems to be easier on my body, but still a good work-out.

    On par how do you mean? Energy expenditure wise?

    Generally running has a higher MET value than cycling but that clearly will depend on how much harder you are able to comfortably cycle in comparison to running or how much longer.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I have been running almost everyday for the past year 1-2 miles (pretty much) everyday. And honestly it starts to wear on you.

    It's no surprise that's a bit wearing if there isn't any variety in your running.

    I ride as well as run, but most of my running is in the 10K upwards space so a solid mix of intervals, tempos and recovery runs.

    Couldn't face day after day only doing a very short run, I know I'm generally not into the rhythm until after the first couple of miles.

    As above, riding is a good session, as long as you're putting the effort in. Very complementary to running, but equally mix up what you're doing. I'll do tempo or long slow rides, or just take my mountain bike out for a good thrash through the forest.
  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    I do both. I ride to work each day, and run about 3 times a week (i very occassionally run to work).

    Cycling is, by far, less stressful on the majorty of the body. According to my GP, cycling puts around 4 times your body wieght through your legs. For running, increase that to 12 times.

    I only got into running about 12 months ago, and prefer cycling, but I wouldn't enter bike races - whereas I do for running. Running is easier (and safer) to do in the rain, it's less hassle (maintenance, etc) and, as someone else said, minute for minute, you'll burn more with running.

    If it's a pain thing, look at the equipment - shoes, inserts, clothes (comfort, breathable) and maybe scale down the frequency.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    Former (and future) triathlete here. Here's your answer: The person who tested with the highest VO2 max on this planet was a cyclist, not a runner. Cycling is a brilliant complement to running and vice versa. Do you wear a HR monitor? If you did, you would know that you will burn as many calories cycling as you will running.

    Does that help?

    Depends on how long and how fast you cycle for, as a rule a 30 min run will burn way more calories than a 30 min cycle ride
    this is true, but after the first 30 minutes on the bike, your HR has risen, and the burn pace is pretty close to equal. Provided you can seriously control your run pace.

    I can stay in a zone on the bike for a much longer time, than in a run. When running my HR continues to increase. On the bike, with the cooling and the ability to take nutrition along, I can settle into a Zone 2(fat burn) and stay there for a couple hours. But when I run I end up, shooting right through Zone 2, into Zone 3, and headed to Zone 4 wihtin 30 - 45 minutes. So it depends on your purpose of training.

    My answer to the OP is - why not do both. Yesterday I rode into my office 12 mile route, then ran home a 4.2 mile route. This morning I ran 4.2 in, and will ride a 12 mile route home.

    Saturdays are long run days, Sundays are long ride days.

    Sweat Daily!
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    kind of off topic but for all you bikers;
    just bought a bike and am going to start biking to work. its a 4.25 mile venture, gravel roads moderately hilly and i got a mountain bike not a road one, how long would this approximately take at a not-killing-myself pace?
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Do both, mixing it up will help keep things fresh.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    kind of off topic but for all you bikers;
    just bought a bike and am going to start biking to work. its a 4.25 mile venture, gravel roads moderately hilly and i got a mountain bike not a road one, how long would this approximately take at a not-killing-myself pace?

    I'd consider a 5-6 minute mile a taking it easy pace, so I'd say it'd take you 25-30 mins..
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    kind of off topic but for all you bikers;
    just bought a bike and am going to start biking to work. its a 4.25 mile venture, gravel roads moderately hilly and i got a mountain bike not a road one, how long would this approximately take at a not-killing-myself pace?

    I'd consider a 5-6 minute mile a taking it easy pace, so I'd say it'd take you 25-30 mins..
    solid. i was thinking itd be somewhere along the lines of a half hour, thanks
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    I used to be the jogger.... until the beating finally took it's toll... Pudged out afterwards so I figured the bike was the way to go. Haven''t really looked back. Usually ride the roads with a mountain bike.... not ideal but get a heavier workout than a road bike. I take it to the trails there's an intense workout for you!
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I love running, but haven't been able to do it much since my knee injury (torn ACL). I'm working back up to it, but in the meantime, I bike and use the elliptical.
    My only issue with biking is that the seat makes my butt and lady parts sore! :ohwell:
  • mblair1968
    mblair1968 Posts: 323 Member
    I love both. I find a 30 minute run burns more calories than a 30 min bike ride. So if time is an issue, I run. Also, depending on location. Riding is usually with traffic more than running. Safety has its place.
  • tanyoshka
    tanyoshka Posts: 50 Member
    Great info. I got a bike for my birthday yesterday and am looking forward to adding it to my workout routine. Running is getting too dull.