Sometimes I go to the gym so I can eat more!!!



  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I do it all the time and it works well for me, especially if I'm having a drink or a cheat night.
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    I just started a 5k team and the team name is "Will run for pumpkin beer!". Eating more isn't the main reason I exercise but I do enjoy those extra calories.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Tuesday is pub quiz evening and normally a cardio day for me too.

    600 beer calories offset by 600 exercise calories seems like a win/win to me as I enjoy both.
  • gdog87
    gdog87 Posts: 1 Member
    I eat more *so* I have the right energy to exercise. But when I've had a particularly gruelling session, I know I can definitely eat a twix and not feel like I'm ruining my hard work. I'm much less likely to eat 'junk' type food on a non-workout day, because they are empty calories that I could be using for something much healthier, but on exercise days I have a lot of extra calories to eat!
  • litchfieldd
    litchfieldd Posts: 43 Member
    I see nothing wrong with it! I want a healthy lifestyle where I get to enjoy certain higher calorie foods. That lifestyle requires proper exercise. Turns out I love running. Its a win win situation :D
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member

    That's the point of eating exercise calories back......More food!
  • RejsGirl
    RejsGirl Posts: 198 Member
    Has anyone ever been told this is bulimic behavior?
  • novembersuse
    novembersuse Posts: 77 Member
    I absolutely do this! I would always rather go running before work, and then enjoy the smugness of knowing I can have a treat or two throughout the day and maybe a glass of wine, than sleep longer, and then spend the day hungry and deprived and eating rabbit food. And I don't want to hear that 'you can't outrun a bad diet'... :tongue:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    OHHH YEEAAHHHHH!!!! Sometimes I will get on the bike at night to burn a little more cuz of too much imbibing during the day.:embarassed:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Hold on! Is there something wrong with this? I struggle to meet my 1800 calorie, no exercise limit; however at the moment I burn 800-1000 calories a day cycling and training at the gym so I can eat 2700 calories and still lose the lb or so a week that I'm looking for

    So I'm doing lots of good cardio work out on my bike
    4 times a week lifting at the gym
    Getting loads of protein
    Always feel nice and full
    Meeting all my macros
    Eating foods I like
    Retaining most of my muscle
    Losing unhealthy body fat around my waist

    Have I got to feel guilty about this???
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Exactly the only reason I will do cardio, to eat my cheat meals.

    ^^this^^ though for me it is cheat snacks; yesterday-->strawberry cheesecake, Talenti Blood Orange Gelato, Talenti Belgian Milk Chocolate, Snickers mini's(sent by a MFP friend :) ); so overall a great caloric day due to 35 minutes of running and 15 minutes swimming.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Hold on! Is there something wrong with this? I struggle to meet my 1800 calorie, no exercise limit; however at the moment I burn 800-1000 calories a day cycling and training at the gym so I can eat 2700 calories and still lose the lb or so a week that I'm looking for

    So I'm doing lots of good cardio work out on my bike
    4 times a week lifting at the gym
    Getting loads of protein
    Always feel nice and full
    Meeting all my macros
    Eating foods I like
    Retaining most of my muscle
    Losing unhealthy body fat around my waist

    Have I got to feel guilty about this???

  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Hold on! Is there something wrong with this? I struggle to meet my 1800 calorie, no exercise limit; however at the moment I burn 800-1000 calories a day cycling and training at the gym so I can eat 2700 calories and still lose the lb or so a week that I'm looking for

    So I'm doing lots of good cardio work out on my bike
    4 times a week lifting at the gym
    Getting loads of protein
    Always feel nice and full
    Meeting all my macros
    Eating foods I like
    Retaining most of my muscle
    Losing unhealthy body fat around my waist

    Have I got to feel guilty about this???


    I liked the concept of 'If it fits your macros'; however in order to get my protein etc, my diet certainly wouldn't have room for a Big Mac and ice cream sandwich.

    Pack in plenty of exercise though and IIFYM is working out just fine for me now
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Hold on! Is there something wrong with this? I struggle to meet my 1800 calorie, no exercise limit; however at the moment I burn 800-1000 calories a day cycling and training at the gym so I can eat 2700 calories and still lose the lb or so a week that I'm looking for

    So I'm doing lots of good cardio work out on my bike
    4 times a week lifting at the gym
    Getting loads of protein
    Always feel nice and full
    Meeting all my macros
    Eating foods I like
    Retaining most of my muscle
    Losing unhealthy body fat around my waist

    Have I got to feel guilty about this???


    I liked the concept of 'If it fits your macros'; however in order to get my protein etc, my diet certainly wouldn't have room for a Big Mac and ice cream sandwich.

    Pack in plenty of exercise though and IIFYM is working out just fine for me now

    What does a big mac and ice cream sandwich have to do with IIFYM??
    If it doesn't fit, don't eat it....that's the whole basis of IIFYM!

    Why does everything about IIFYM come back to Big Mac's and ice cream?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Hold on! Is there something wrong with this? I struggle to meet my 1800 calorie, no exercise limit; however at the moment I burn 800-1000 calories a day cycling and training at the gym so I can eat 2700 calories and still lose the lb or so a week that I'm looking for

    So I'm doing lots of good cardio work out on my bike
    4 times a week lifting at the gym
    Getting loads of protein
    Always feel nice and full
    Meeting all my macros
    Eating foods I like
    Retaining most of my muscle
    Losing unhealthy body fat around my waist

    Have I got to feel guilty about this???


    I liked the concept of 'If it fits your macros'; however in order to get my protein etc, my diet certainly wouldn't have room for a Big Mac and ice cream sandwich.

    Pack in plenty of exercise though and IIFYM is working out just fine for me now

    What does a big mac and ice cream sandwich have to do with IIFYM??
    If it doesn't fit, don't eat it....that's the whole basis of IIFYM!

    Why does everything about IIFYM come back to Big Mac's and ice cream?

    Did you not even read what I wrote?

    On 1700 calories, a Big Mac and ice cream sandwich wouldn't fit my macros - so like you say, if it doesn't fit my macros, don't eat it. Simple. I subscribe to IIFYM so I go without

    I do loads of exercise and now can consume 2800 calories and still maintain my goals. Now a Big Mac and ice cream sandwich fit my macros, I eat them and don't go without

    Both scenarios follow IIFYM, one of them I go without, one of them I don't - as per the OP

    How is this going against the basis of IIFYM????
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    lol. I do this too......the other day, I had my hearty breakfast....lunch.....and was like oh crap I only had 200 cals for dinner! to the gym I went.......all lifting :) Mind you, I got home and was so tired......I had my Soy Protein Shake with shredded lettuce, flax seed, and 2cups of water, and did not make it for supper.....hah
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I do this sometimes, and I don't feel bad about it. You've got to burn it to earn it!
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Hold on! Is there something wrong with this? I struggle to meet my 1800 calorie, no exercise limit; however at the moment I burn 800-1000 calories a day cycling and training at the gym so I can eat 2700 calories and still lose the lb or so a week that I'm looking for

    So I'm doing lots of good cardio work out on my bike
    4 times a week lifting at the gym
    Getting loads of protein
    Always feel nice and full
    Meeting all my macros
    Eating foods I like
    Retaining most of my muscle
    Losing unhealthy body fat around my waist

    Have I got to feel guilty about this???


    I liked the concept of 'If it fits your macros'; however in order to get my protein etc, my diet certainly wouldn't have room for a Big Mac and ice cream sandwich.

    Pack in plenty of exercise though and IIFYM is working out just fine for me now

    What does a big mac and ice cream sandwich have to do with IIFYM??
    If it doesn't fit, don't eat it....that's the whole basis of IIFYM!

    Why does everything about IIFYM come back to Big Mac's and ice cream?

    Because everything about LIFE comes back to Big Macs and ice cream.