
puppyface Posts: 12 Member
What was the last compliment you remember receiving? What would be the best compliment you could possibly receive?

The last compliment I got was about how long my hair is and how pretty it is. (I lost all my hair from cancer) :smile:

The best compliment I could get would be if someone told me to stop losing weight I was too skinny. :tongue:


  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    Most recent compliment was last night from my wife: "Your man boobs have shrunk, they are almost gone! I'm proud of you"...

    Best compliment I could probably receive: "You have muscles... You're not fat, or scrawny, somewhere in between"...

    That's my goal anyway. lol
  • mvedwards87
    In the locker room yesterday, one of my coworkers said that I was an inspiration to a lot of people... I didn't even know that anyone had really noticed!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I HAVE been told to stop losing weight, and it really irritates me, since I'm still in the 'overweight' category (yes I know BMI is not a reliable indicator of fitness). :)

    My most recent compliment was my husband telling me I looked hot. :)

    The best compliment I could get would be for some of my overweight friends and family to ask me how I did it and actually listen to me and start their own fitness journey.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    My SO looks at me every so often like he's seeing me for the first time, and says, "You're pretty." Even though I've gained some weight in the two years we've been together (he's a great cook). He supports my efforts to get that weight back off.

    I tell him I want to be so hot that even HIS friends will ask, "What does she see in him?"
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    The last compliment I received was from my husband and is kind of personal, but of course was lovely :-)

    The best compliment I could receive would be a person who had never met me assuming I'd always been a more average/typical size and thinking it was odd or surprising that I used to be 120+ pounds larger. This has already happened, sort of...but usually in a way that I talked about weight loss a bit before they said something like that.
  • Nimue108
    Nimue108 Posts: 110 Member
    I was told that I have one of the 2 best butts on my Roller Derby team, lol.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    The best compliment I could get would be for some of my overweight friends and family to ask me how I did it and actually listen to me and start their own fitness journey.

    That is a WONDERFUL feeling!! It finally happened for me, one of my longtime friends isn't super overweight but she has gained a few and she's really enjoying MFP and has lost quite a lot so far with tracking daily. I'm beyond excited for her! Especially because I've had a DOZEN other friends ask about my progress and seem really excited about MFP and then try it for a couple of days and hate it.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Hearing compliments about my looks is always nice.

    Hearing compliments about my strength is even better.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    Last compliment? Probably this woman telling me I must be good at my sales job because I have an awesome personality.

    The best compliment I could receive would be if someone told me that I looked so skinny
  • jtm4210
    jtm4210 Posts: 108 Member
    My boss told me this morning that I looked "lovely and slim" :)

    I think the best compliment I'd like to get would be for someone to ask me for tips for a healthy lifestyle (and pay attention!)
  • R_Calvillo
    R_Calvillo Posts: 177 Member
    I think the last compliment I got was someone telling me "Wow, it's amazing how you can sleep for hours alone with that baby crying." At least I think that was a compliment.
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Last Compliment: That I am a good hearted woman
    Best Compliment: That I am a good hearted woman :)
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I think the last compliment I got was someone telling me "Wow, it's amazing how you can sleep for hours alone with that baby crying." At least I think that was a compliment.

    If it was your wife/SO, I can say with 100% certainty that was NOT a compliment. :laugh:
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    ummm last night being told how beautiful & interesting I am

    best compliment I could receive ummmm I dont know compliments on my art are really cool & any sincere compliment on my appearance is pretty decent in my book

    compliments from people I love are the best
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    last compliment i got was last night a friends father noticed i lost weight and said i looked good

    best compliment was probably when i was in mexico and a woman said i had beautiful eyes, because it was just randomly said in conversation and i had never heard that before about myself

    anything sincere is always great though, and its easy to tell if someone means it or not
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    No real compliments yet, but I sure hope I get one from my wife soon. Its been a lot of hard work and I would of expected compliments after losing 25lbs of goo.
  • GonnaLoseIt50Plus
    Last compliment i got was when i was getting my hair cut and my stylest looked at me and said "wow! you have such beautiful eyes".... It meant something because to me my eyes have faded since im longer happy with myself.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Last compliment I got was: you have such a fun personality
    Best compliment I have gotten: You are an inspiration
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I ran into an old friend the other day who I haven't seen in a while and she asked me if I was aging in reverse! LOVED IT!!!!!!!
  • GothJuice
    GothJuice Posts: 66 Member
    The most recent compliment I received is "You are one of the strongest people I have met." which was said to me by my university tutor a few weeks after something really bad happened to me and I trooped on.

    The best compliment I could receive, I think someone has already said this, is "Wow! How did you do it?!" and then take my advice.
    I kind of already received this one a little from my mum at the beginning of the year, she is now on MFP and has lost a lot! :)