


  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    One of my favorite compliments I can remember getting was when my trainer told me I was athletic. :bigsmile: I have never looked at myself as being athletic - I sucked at sports as a kid, couldn't run worth a crap, was weak, etc.

    When she said that, I looked back on how far I've come over the last couple years, and I thought "Ya, I am athletic".
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    Latest compliment was from my grandma (she doesn't give a compliment without adding a little negativity in there, but that's just her lol) "I'm so proud of you for loosing so much weight so far. You look so much better, but don't you get lazy! You've still got enough fat for a kindergarten class on you!" lol

    Best compliment I could receive would be for my boyfriend to be awestruck by me in a bikini. :)
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    Most recent compliment: Mommy, you are beautiful, from my little monkey.

    Best compliment I could receive: my hubby calls me "el buffo", haha! I much rather people say I am strong, or fit than say I am skinny.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    The last compliment I got was in Home Depot last night. I had hurt my back so I was doing the Tim Conway shuffle and I felt self conscious. So I was surprised when a man came in the store, looked at me and then looked down at my left hand. It just so happened that I had left my wedding ring in the basement after lifting weights. Lol, still got it.

    Best compliment I could hope to receive would be "My gosh, 99 today? You don't look a day over 75!"
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    The last compliment I got was hubby telling me I was "hot" (this cracks me up - I've never been hot. but I'm glad he thinks so).

    I think the best compliment I've ever received is when hubby first said, with shock, "Wow, you've gotten strong!" - I'm a long way from strong but I've made a lot of strides lately and it feels amazing that he's noticed.

    I'll be honest - I kinda like it when people tell me I'm "too thin" - I'm still 15 lbs up from my lowest (e.d.) weight, so it's nice to know that I can be a healthy weight and still look "thin" to people. But I've only ever heard it as a compliment, not as a directive to actually stop losing weight.
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    I didn't see a "women only" disclaimer but it seems to be mostly women responding so side question... do women give less compliments than men? I'd say on a daily basis I say something complimentary to my wife ("you look pretty today", "I like that dress on you", "dinner was great, thanks for making it", etc) but maybe once a week or something I get a compliment. Maybe I'm just a very positive person, or maybe men get in trouble more when we don't notice things so over time we've been trained to speak up lol.

    Last compliment: My wife texted me to say my arms looked nice when I left the house today.
    Best compliment: I guess anything to indicate someone liked how I looked or when my wife says something indicating she appreciates me.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Last summer at the beach when my oldest son (35) said he hated it that Dad looked better in a swimsuit than he did.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I would rather get complimented on things outside of my appearance. My boyfriend watched my play with his nephew the other day and told me I am going to make a wonderful mother. I liked that! Also my friend told me I was 'the funniest chick she has ever met' the other day.

    However appearance/fitness wise someone in my bootcamp the other day said "wow, you are crazy strong! There is no way I could do that many push ups!" I liked that as well. One day it would be great is someone said 'wow you have a 6 pack' or 'you can rock a bikini' but not sure that is going to happen. I will keep trying though!
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    My awesome husband compliments me daily and is super encouraging with my weight loss. I've had past coworkers tell me I look good and what have I been doing.
  • mrfreestyle
    mrfreestyle Posts: 1,293 Member
    I've never received a compliment in my entire life.
  • the_great_beyond_
    the_great_beyond_ Posts: 157 Member
    My mom said I was special
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Never have I ever heard this before but within the last 2 weeks I have been called a "tall drink of water" by 3 different people. Apparently it is a compliment.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    The best ones:

    From my daughter: I want to be you when I grow up. (Followed by tearful mumbling about how much she loves me.)

    From other daughter: I love your belly. (My belly is quite flabby, so I'm glad someone likes it.)

    From church member: I thought you were a celebrity when you were walking up, then as you got closer I recognized you.

    From the husband: "Did you see that chick that was with [ male superstar]? Well, she looked just like you." I googled her, she's a model. I felt like I'd won a small lottery prize.

    And rounding out the list: You have kids? When I saw you I thought you were one of the teenagers?!

    I get the first four, but the last one I was like, whaaaat?

    To understand why all this is such a big deal - I used be asked if I was my kids' grandma! And I really haven't lost that much weight and have a ways to go (my ticker is set for my mini goal). I feel like a caterpillar coming out of the chrysalis and seeing they are brand new!
  • CharlieMurtagh
    CharlieMurtagh Posts: 1,742 Member
    Last compliment... "you have such beautiful eyes and hair

    best compliment in the future i am aiming for .... " you have set a great example for your kids to follow" .......