Anyone else have meltdowns/throw fits?



  • minimalistmom
    Oh, i get frustrated when husband or the kids want a bite or whatever of my snack. I'm like, "You KNOW I have to weigh this crap out, go get your own!" :laugh:

    ^^^^^^^ This is it, right here.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    Sounds like it was an isolated incident. Once in a while I'll have a fit but I usually manage to contain it until I'm in private. Even in an irriational state I realize how irrational it is and would rather not embarass myself LOL
  • LaurenBrooke1843
    LaurenBrooke1843 Posts: 73 Member
    I will freak out if my perfectly measured and planned out food is touched, and I feel 100% crazy admitting that. I can only have a very specific amount of calories though and like, if I count out a certain amount of grape and then someone takes some, my entire calorie count has been messed up AND I don't get to enjoy the few grapes I was allowing myself. Nothing makes me freak out more lol :/
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Low blood sugar exacerbates this.
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    Yep. :embarassed: I am still having trouble breathing while I husband is trying to help me. Well he can run and do anything and everything that he sets his mind too. Can eat what he wants as well. I was so frustrated and got so upset that he wasn't sympathizing with me. Last week was not a good week for our family....
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    Yes women tend to go off the deep end for seemingly little things. Men go off the deep end when things impact life in general. Go take a ride on the take a deep breath train!!
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    Last week on weigh in day.....hubby had lost 25.8 lbs in 4 weeks and I even hadn't logged a lousy 10 lbs. I had a total meltdown. No matter what he said to try and convince me that 9 lbs in 4 weeks is great (which it is, I mean really, what was the big deal about one pound), all I could think was "shut up you big 25.8 pound losing jerk". Babyish, I know.....NOW. lol.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    My diary is now open.....hangry..maybe??? I started earlier that day too so hormones...maybe????

    Your calorie goal is 1200 and you often don't eat back your exercise cals, or only a few of them. My vote is hangry + PMS. Unless you're SUPER short and don't have much to lose, you could probably be eating more. Do you have MFP set to losing 2 lbs/week and sedentary? If yes, you might consider lowering that to 1 lb (you don't look like you have much to lose; if that's the case, 2 lbs might not be realistic) and changing your activity level to reflect what you're actually doing.

    If you can eat a little more and still lose weight, you might find that you're a little less sensitive about food.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary. A couple of days you were below 1200 cals, most right around 1200. You may want to eat more.
  • brandi_kae
    brandi_kae Posts: 22 Member
    Don't judge me, but if I carefully measured my meal and my kids come up to eat off my plate, it kinda makes me want to throw myself on the ground and throw a baby fit. EAT YOUR OWN FOOD! lol :)
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I was going to say no... but actually yes, but not food related.

    If I'm doing my zumba in the living room, the cat seems to find it necessary to run full speed through where I am dancing, causing mommy to trip all over the place, loose her place in the song, almost fall on the floor. So yeah after having a melt down when this happened several times I've banished the cat to hubby's office for that hour. For my own sanity.

    If you're having food related meltdowns though make sure you're eating enough and not hangry.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Yep. I think we all do. Sometimes its just a little overwhelming because... quite frankly... losing weight is hard work. Maybe for some its not... but for me... it is. But, the good thing is you get over it quickly and then you can laugh about it later :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Don't judge me, but if I carefully measured my meal and my kids come up to eat off my plate, it kinda makes me want to throw myself on the ground and throw a baby fit. EAT YOUR OWN FOOD! lol :)

    You should eat them, like a mama hamster.
  • ekmcdan
    ekmcdan Posts: 38
    OP, how many calories are you eating? Perhaps you're having mood swings from undereating? Or the obsession with measuring and weighing is perhaps too much for you right now?

    Anytime I've had something like a fit or meltdown, it's been related to some sort of psychological or medical issue.

    Like BP, I've had meltdowns related to PTSD. Constant therapy has helped this greatly. They were very specifically triggered, as is.

    I also had some emotional breakdowns when I was in thyroidtoxicosis. The obvious hormone answer there. I occasionally have breakdowns regarding food because I struggle with an ED.

    A meltdown/fit isn't exactly a normal thing. There's an underlying cause that should be treated so they don't happen again. This isn't to say that just crying after being under prolonged stress isn't wrong, or that having a meltdown isn't a healthy form of release now and then... but anger/sadness that gets extreme to the point of a "fit" is something to worry about.
    ^^ I am like this other than thyroid disorder. OP, I suggest you keep this in mind. Eating disorder has many different symptoms and appearance. If food is stressing you out, something has to change. There's a difference between tracking or obsessing over calories. Obsessing isn't good for you, mentally and physically... check in with the soul, there.
  • taranbatt
    taranbatt Posts: 18 Member
    My diary is now open.....hangry..maybe??? I started earlier that day too so hormones...maybe????

    Your calorie goal is 1200 and you often don't eat back your exercise cals, or only a few of them. My vote is hangry + PMS. Unless you're SUPER short and don't have much to lose, you could probably be eating more. Do you have MFP set to losing 2 lbs/week and sedentary? If yes, you might consider lowering that to 1 lb (you don't look like you have much to lose; if that's the case, 2 lbs might not be realistic) and changing your activity level to reflect what you're actually doing.

    If you can eat a little more and still lose weight, you might find that you're a little less sensitive about food.

    I have it set for lightly active and it has weekly weight loss set at 1.1 lbs per week. I am 5'1 and I weigh 131.8 now and I am trying to get to 115. I started dieting and exercising (more) March 22nd and I was 147lbs then.
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    I have a meltdowns and throw fits whenever it's my wife's TOM. Does that count?

    What? no other guy shares my meltdowns? At least I was being honest. (wife sitting behind me cracking up).
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    I have a total meltdown when I'm busy at my desk working away and my music stops!! I have to stop what I am doing to tell Pandora "yes I am listening!" So frustrating!!!! :angry: :grumble:

    I would never, ever buy turkey pepperoni so sorry I cannot relate! We cook our pepperoni first so it's nice and crispy on the pizza. Dang, I want pizza now..........
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Literally just had one, I have tea planned, I WAS going to make a chilli with rice and some garlic bread as hubby is off out tonight, well I get out of the bath to a missed call an a text saying he'll get himself a subway and take it round mates, I'm so angry as now what was planned is now up in the air, I have to find something for myself now and I have not got an emergancy planned meal for myself in. Then I get a phone call saying he'll have chilli, oh no he wontbas I'm now not doing one, he can have his f***ing subway and then he says he told me this yesterday, aaargh no you didn't.
    I'm proper angry right now.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Yes! Every morning I fill my water bottle and take it with me to work. For some reason, driving makes me thirsty and I notice I can get a lot of water in my hour commute to and from home. However, every day, to and from work, my husband drinks some of my water.

    I tell him over and over again, don't drink it! I am measuring how much I drink. I even bought him his own to fill up so he can have his own water but he is too lazy to bring it. He thinks I am ridiculous for getting mad and hoarding water. I always give in, but never know when I hit my water goal. Oh well.

    I have learned to just keep drinking..

    But yes... I DO get frustrated and annoyed and pissed off over very little things. (Inside I am fuming most the time)
  • taranbatt
    taranbatt Posts: 18 Member
    I have a meltdowns and throw fits whenever it's my wife's TOM. Does that count?

    What? no other guy shares my meltdowns? At least I was being honest. (wife sitting behind me cracking up).
    :) I liked you post! I have a wonderful hubby as I'm sure you are too. He is very kind and supportive durring that time! Hang in there buddy it's just once a month :p