Anyone on Phentermine??



  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Worries me.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    To be honest, with adequate protein intake and resistance training, the OP can very likely get by on 900 calories for quite a while without seeing significant muscle loss. Getting adequate nutrition on 900 calories is going to be tough but doable. I love the keyboard jockeys who are so quick to call the OP's doctor a quack but his advice isn't quite so ridiculous as people are making it out to be. It's not really what I'd recommend but I can see where he's coming from.
    Yep. Advising that 900 calories and resistance training is really great advice, especially because a person cannot adequately fuel their body on so few calories.

    You really think a person can satisfy all their macros on 900 calories? Doubtful.

    238 pounds is obese, but people on here have lost hundreds of pounds just through eating a sustainable calorie amount at a deficit.

    I can see if there medical issues where getting the weight off quickly is less than the risk of the health issues, but just to lose weight? Not good.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    To be honest, with adequate protein intake and resistance training, the OP can very likely get by on 900 calories for quite a while without seeing significant muscle loss. Getting adequate nutrition on 900 calories is going to be tough but doable. I love the keyboard jockeys who are so quick to call the OP's doctor a quack but his advice isn't quite so ridiculous as people are making it out to be. It's not really what I'd recommend but I can see where he's coming from.
    Yep. Advising that 900 calories and resistance training is really great advice, especially because a person cannot adequately fuel their body on so few calories.

    You really think a person can satisfy all their macros on 900 calories? Doubtful.

    238 pounds is obese, but people on here have lost hundreds of pounds just through eating a sustainable calorie amount at a deficit.

    I can see if there medical issues where getting the weight off quickly is less than the risk of the health issues, but just to lose weight? Not good.

    I didn't say I'd necessarily recommend it but it's certainly doable. People balk at the low calorie count, but 900 calories is more than many gastric bypass patients eat post surgery and they don't fall over and die. Likewise, people do VLCD's and variants like the PSMF all the time and they don't fall over dead, nor do they necessarily lose significantly more lean mass when the diets are done correctly. As for satisfying your macros on 900 calories, the macro you would need to satisfy is protein and that's doable on 900 calories. Micronutrients are more difficult but vegetables/fruit/supplements make it possible. In short, it's doable - almost certainly not fun - but doable.

    As for "people on here have lost hundreds of pounds just through eating a sustainable calorie ... deficit", that's nice, but it really adds nothing to this discussion. People have lost weight in countless different ways, but that says little about the advice from the OP's doctor.

    In short, drugs + a super aggressive deficit are not what I'd recommend for losing weight but I can see where her doctor is coming from. Perhaps not the best advice but it doesn't rise to the level of "quack" as some people are suggesting.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Sorry but 900 calories is ridiculous for a full grown human. Especially if you plan to do a decent amount of exercise. If i even thought of trying that I would feel like ****. Yes no one is going to fall over dead. But to call that approach the healthy route is fascicle in anything other than the so morbidly obese that their very survival may depend on their weight dropping fast. If you try and keep up 900 cals a day you may indeed lose a lot of fat. but you will NOT be healthy. You will in fact develop health problems that make being moderately obese look like a case of the sniffles.