How accurate have you found MFP's forecasts?



  • mom2aeris
    mom2aeris Posts: 98 Member
    Umm, I would say that in general, I have been losing what they predicted I would (after the first two weeks, wherein I lost a *lot* of water weight very quickly, plus I had given up soda, so that helped). Now that things have slowed down, and I am taking as much time and energy as I can into logging everything accurately, the predictions have been fairly dead on. I have lost 33.5 pounds in 112 days, so that's pretty much dead on where I "should" be according to their calculations.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I was never able to eat "like you did today" for 5 weeks.

    This. I don't make an effort to keep my calories consistent and exercise widely varying amounts, so my estimates differ from day to day, and I've never tracked them to see how they compare to what actually happens.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Not accurate at all.

    This is a great place to log and get support. Any number MFP gives you for results (forecasts, workouts, etc) check them against something else. MFP appears to use averages, which won't be accurate for many.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    I honestly don't pay much attention to it, because I rarely eat the same thing for 2 days in a row let alone 5 weeks.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I went back 5 weeks and I now weight 2 lbs more that the predictor. But I don't eat the same everyday I'll take a 3 lbs loss in 5 weeks! :flowerforyou:
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    lol , funnny i have a little post it note ..
    on April 28th is said i would weigh XXX.X
    on June 3rd.
    i don't ..
    but , in MFPs Defense,
    i did not eat the EXACT same food every single day with the exact same exercise for 5 weeks either...

    they also EDITED it recently, and if EVERY DAY WERE LIKE TODAY:you would weigh XXX.X
    ok , im still down from where i was on april 28th... so i still love me MFP!
  • Crawflowr
    Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
    I graphed my weight loss found the actual weight loss pretty much followed the predicted values.

    I've since been maintaining my weight, still logging everything and find the goals seem to be right for me.

  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    Ask 10 people and get 10 answers. Best answer yet. So,here is probably another one that is different.

    I don't look at the predictions because my calories needs are based on a BMR test I take at my gym every six months. I set my calorie goal and work to that. Because of the way I set my goals, I will never lose as fast as MFP says (like someone said - individual bodies versus general averages). But I am losing. Once, I stalled in a three pound range for about 6 weeks. I got a bit down, but then realized, I probably found my then current maintenance level, shaved about 250 calories a day and viola! Back on track at about half a pound a week.

    Keep at it. It works.
  • stevecollins_88
    Thanks again guys. I just weighed in and have lost 2 and a half pounds, so as expected not quite up to the estimations, but still a result.