What Is Your Resting Heartrate?

My resting heart rate is in the mid 90's!

Seems pretty high, however when I go to the doctor, they tell me everything is fine. I have great blood pressure and cholesterol levels. I work out at least 4 times a week. Eat fairly healthy. I DON'T, however, do much cardio. I only do weight training right now. And the few times I do cardio, I am completely out of breath so easily! I know cardio is the best to train the heart muscle.

So I was wondering if there was anyone else out there with a high resting heart rate. Or if yours is low, what do you do to keep it that way? Just pure curiosity.

Thanks :)


  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Mine is usually mid 50's.

    Many runners have low resting HR's. Each time I have it taken, about twice a year, the Doc always comments how I must run alot, which I do often.
    I believe alot of cardio leads to low resting HR's. I know I dont eat particularly "healthy" but not horribly either.
  • trisha986
    trisha986 Posts: 139
    Mine is usually mid 50's.

    Many runners have low resting HR's. Each time I have it taken, about twice a year, the Doc always comments how I must run alot, which I do often.

    Interesting. Do you drink coffee? My doctors just tell me that's what it is. I also have an anxiety disorder, which is controlled with medication so I don't know why it would still be high. I'm not anxious anymore.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Mine is usually mid 50's.

    Many runners have low resting HR's. Each time I have it taken, about twice a year, the Doc always comments how I must run alot, which I do often.

    Interesting. Do you drink coffee? My doctors just tell me that's what it is. I also have an anxiety disorder, which is controlled with medication so I don't know why it would still be high. I'm not anxious anymore.
    I drink coffee in the winter when it is cold so usually only like Dec-Feb/March or like this year.....late april!
  • akuaafriyie
    akuaafriyie Posts: 21 Member
    mine is 45 according to polar HRM. i do lots of cardio though.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    mid 50's

    54 the last time I checked
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I also have a high resting heart rate. It used to be in the mid 80s to lower 90s. I started doing regular cardio over a year ago and noticed my heart rate would shoot up easily nearing 200. I got an HRM and started watching my HR to try to not exceed 170 or so while on the elliptical or jogging. Since then my resting HR has gone down to mid 70s and it takes a bit more effort to get my HR up while doing cardio. I would suggest doing regular cardio, I think the recommendation is 150 min/week for moderate effort and half of that for intense effort.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    36 - 42
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Last I checked it at home it was 52. When I have it checked in a medical setting- mid 70 to low 80s. I'm not a huge fan of being at the doctor and it shows in my heart rate.
  • elyuma
    elyuma Posts: 11 Member
    80s and low 90s. i usually check before workiing out. so that should be my average
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Mine was in the high 80s/low 90s, after I started doing cardio (hour-long "oldies" classes twice a week, so not a whole lot) it dropped to 65. As did my blood pressure, which surprised me since it wasn't high to begin with.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I was surprised a couple of weeks ago to find it in the 57-59 range. But I run a lot, too.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    36 for me.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm in the mid 80's. c:
  • trisha986
    trisha986 Posts: 139
    Interesting responses. I've had my RHR as high as 99bpm. Looks like cardio is the key to lowering it for sure...

    You would think the fact that I do work out would lower it as opposed to those who don't but I guess not! I still break a crazy sweat weight lifting.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    My resting heart rate is usually around 46-49 these days. A couple years ago it was more like 58-62, before I started adding some high intensity intervals to my cycling workouts (aka hill climbs!), and before I started running again. 46 year old male, FWIW.

    Do a web search for "athlete's heart" or "athletic heart syndrome" for more information on why this happens; basically, if you do a lot of cardio, your heart adapts to the increased demand for pumping blood by enlarging the left ventricle and the cardiac muscle, just as your skeletal muscles adapt to the increased demands that weightlifting places on them.
  • GIAngel222
    GIAngel222 Posts: 227 Member
    Doc said once you hit 30 you have to have a EKG every 2 years. In 2012 when I first started working out it was 72 BPMs and now, 2014, it is 47 BPMs!

    Edited to add:
    I lift and do HITT cardio.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    last time it was checked was 63-65bpm range
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    Well, it's at 92 right now but I just ate a sandwich which could bump it up a little. It's normally in the high 70s-mid 80s. Back when my thyroid was freaking right the eff out it was as high as 114.
  • MildredBarhopper
    MildredBarhopper Posts: 99 Member
    Just did a check (although only over 10 seconds because I'm lazy) and it is 66 bpm. I do a combination of cardio and body weight strength training.