Gained weight so far ... I hate exercise

meowincat Posts: 5 Member
sigh. I've gained 2 pounds since I started using this. I stay under the calorie limit on average, but I haven't been exercising. I started last night - obviously I have to keep it up. I hate exercise! I work 3 part-time jobs, so finding time is hard. But I'm going on a cruise in 10 months so I really need to get with it!


  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Everyone hates exercise who just starts out. You're hot, sweaty, breathing hard, and it hurts. What's to like about it? Lol. Of course I am being sarcastic with you, as I have exercised for the better part of my life, and I love it. Had I not stopped exercising 5 years ago, those 25 pounds would not have snuck up on me like they did. So I went back to my Jazzercise class and have peeled off 20 pounds of if with 5 more to go.

    Losing weight is really 96 percent of what you're eating. It's simply calories in, versus calories out. It's not magic, it's math. If you're consuming more calories than you're burning in a day you'll gain weight. If you're burning more calories than you're consuming you'll lose weight.

    I do portion control, I don't go for weird, promises of losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks, by bulking up on one food while eliminating another, aka the yo yo diet plans. Typically weight lost quickly is often gained back twice as fast, plus another 20 or so.

    So eat less, move more is my advice.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Can you find something you like? I hate the gym. Really hate it. Hate running too. But I started Taekwondo and I love it. I'm learning to do something, not just sweating for exercise and that makes it so much better. I love it so much that now I'm starting to run as well, just so I am fitter for Taekwondo.

    Do you like dance? would a martial art interest you?
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,183 Member
    So in 1 day you are already burned out, srsly?
  • ChelseyDAdams
    Many people hate it at first and come to love it later - especially considering the way it makes you feel (the endorphins, the self confidence boost, the energy, the stress relief, the improved sleep...etc). Give it time and you will most likely come to enjoy it!

    Also, look for exercise that you DO enjoy! Like hiking? Find a good trail. Like to swim? Maybe running is your thing. Or how about a fitness class - there are a huge variety. Try one of the Beachbody programs like P90X or (once you're more in shape) Insanity. Give yourself a variety of options so you don't burn out.

    Keep at gets SO much better! :)
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hate to break it to you but you may find you initially gain even more on the scales with starting to exercise. Your body will hold on to more water through glycogen. However this will drop off give it time.

    Changes can take 4-6weeks for some people but they will happen so long as you keep in a calorie deficit. And remember the more you exercise the more you can eat. Which is always a bonus!

    Edited - yep its hard to find time but if you want it bad enough you will manage it. However saying that you don't have to workout to lose weight if you don't want to. But it will make you feel better :happy:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I hate exercise, too. But when I only cut my calories, its not metabolism is too slow now. So I bite the bullet and work out several times a week and the weight is coming off again. No one wants to be a sweaty mess but if it gets me healthy, I'll live with it. I wont live without it,...literally. Another plus is it keeps me off the antidepressants....really helps with mood. :)
  • vanginmi
    vanginmi Posts: 41
    66 days ago...I hated exercise too! I started walking - the only thing I could think of sticking with long term. My leg muscles hurt until week 4. Now I can walk for an insane amount of time. Bought a fit bit flex to keep me honest. Plus I am type A so the stats help me to know exactly how much more walking I need to do each day compared to how much I eat!

    Good Luck!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Hate to break it to you but you may find you initially gain even more on the scales with starting to exercise. Your body will hold on to more water through glycogen. However this will drop off give it time.

    Changes can take 4-6weeks for some people but they will happen so long as you keep in a calorie deficit. And remember the more you exercise the more you can eat. Which is always a bonus!

    Edited - yep its hard to find time but if you want it bad enough you will manage it. However saying that you don't have to workout to lose weight if you don't want to. But it will make you feel better :happy:

    ^^^^^ What she said.

    I swim 5 times per week, and guaranteed, if I weight myself within 24 hours of exercise, my weight has gone up (on the scale) once I leave it for a few days, it drops down to what it actually is.

    OP, I totally get what you mean about exercise. When I started, I hated the idea of it. It's a case of finding something that you actually enjoy doing, then slowly incorporating it into your daily (weekly) routine. Eventually, you'll grow to like it!
  • meowincat
    meowincat Posts: 5 Member
    I used to work out all the time. Went to the gym, rollerbladed, walking/running/hiking ,etc. Then I got really sick and had a bunch of surgeries and just don't seem to get back to it. I'm recovered - just not interested anymore. I have some success with an exercise program on Xbox and walking is ok. Just trying to psych myself up - hopefully having the concrete goal of a cruise will help! (BTW - it's week 3 not day 1)
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I swim, I ride horses, I walk, I jog, I do videos in my living room and I also do yoga at home.. I am 290lbs with a bum leg and I can 100% GUARANTEE the longer you stick with it, the easier it becomes! I HATE exercise, but when I push myself to get off my big butt and start it, I am 100% committed till that hour is up!

    You need to realize in order to succeed you will stumble and fall sometimes, but you are the only one who can pull yourself up off the ground and push your self onward!! YOU GOT THIS, PUSH!!
  • ricki011
    ricki011 Posts: 89 Member
    try the June 3500 calorie workout challenge on MFP, you might find it motivating and well, a challenge!:laugh: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • meowincat
    meowincat Posts: 5 Member
    where do I find the June 3500 calorie workout challenge? Goals are helpful!
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    If you cant or don't like to exercise, then modify what you eat & how much you eat.
    Don't drink your calories...starbucks, fruit juices etc.
    The only flavored beverage that I drink is propel zero but only for taking meds (some are smelly & most don't taste good) so the only way I can get them down is with Propel Zero (I like the Kiwi or Berry flavor).
    I reserve the Propel Zero for Only meds and drink water all other times (cheaper that way)!
    I have not had any carbonated Anything since I started MFP (mid April?) which has been good for my wallet and even better for my health!
    What about floor exercises while listening to music or watching tv?
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I used to work out all the time. Went to the gym, rollerbladed, walking/running/hiking ,etc. Then I got really sick and had a bunch of surgeries and just don't seem to get back to it. I'm recovered - just not interested anymore. I have some success with an exercise program on Xbox and walking is ok. Just trying to psych myself up - hopefully having the concrete goal of a cruise will help! (BTW - it's week 3 not day 1)

    There is lots of simple ways to get exercise in.

    Walking - everybody likes a walk, right?!

    Light weight lifting before bed - easy, tones you up and burns calories (I know a girl who had major overall success just from using her shake weight 3 times a week for 6 months)

    Swimming - I only suggest this because it literally did miracles for me, I went from being massively overweight and flabby, to having toned/ripped shoulders, back, arms and chest, even though I weigh more on the scale than my Dad, I fit into his clothing better than he does.

    There are so many ways to incorporate exercise into your day without having to actually think about it as exercise, as contradictory as that may sound!
  • banrose
    banrose Posts: 3
    Don't be discouraged - you started last night! All of us fluctuate and all of us have good days and bad days. Believe me, I am a total beginner as well and not an athletic or active person at all. I know it's hard to start out but if you stay with it, in a few days you'll start feeling more motivated. I also hate working out but today after a half hour speed walk I felt really good and it made me look forward to working out! Just remember that any progress is progress, even if it didn't quite meet your daily goal or expectation. There's always tomorrow, but you'll also thank yourself for whatever you've accomplished today!
  • heathl39
    heathl39 Posts: 46
    You just started...I mean just started! You can't walk into this thinking there is an easy way because if there was everyone would be skinny. Fact is eating right is a great way to start, but you have to put in the real work and I am sorry to say it is exercise. You have to find something that you don't mind doing. Try grabbing a bottle of water after dinner and taking a 30 min walk to start. Hang in there and understand it takes work.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Find something you like, or hate the least.

    I like to dance ( hip hop) ,walk my dog,swim,jump rope, and do easy level yoga stretching. I try to do 30 minutes a day of one of those, and is always do 90 mins per week of excersize.

    I don't get big muscle gains, or big calorie burns, but something is better than nothin'.
  • marvinq42
    marvinq42 Posts: 31 Member
    What cruise line you going with?
  • marvinq42
    marvinq42 Posts: 31 Member
    What everyone is saying is true. It's really more about Calories in and Calories out. You can look at my diary. I'm in my mid 40s. I eat a little bit of Ice Cream almost every night. But I really watch what I'm taking in. And I've been losing weight consistently every week.

    Granted I weight train twice a week and try to walk 2 miles twice a week as well.

    Try just walking 2-3 times a week and see your result.

    Also try measuring your body parts.

    One other thing, try weighing yourself multiple times throughout the day. I did this to see how much my weight changes during the day. I'll weigh myself before I eat... then after I eat... before I need to go to the bathroom and after... just to see how everything effects my weight.

    But only record your official weigh-ins in the morning completely naked. After going t the bathroom and before breakfast.

    For example my official weigh in is Sat morning 9:00 am PST. After going to the bathroom and before breakfast.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    66 days ago...I hated exercise too! I started walking - the only thing I could think of sticking with long term. My leg muscles hurt until week 4. Now I can walk for an insane amount of time. Bought a fit bit flex to keep me honest. Plus I am type A so the stats help me to know exactly how much more walking I need to do each day compared to how much I eat!

    Good Luck!

    I bought a Jawbone UP and love it. It not only tracks the steps during the day, but I can add in workouts, hiking, running, etc. then it tells me how many calories I burned and it will sync that to MFP. Fitbit and UP are getting very popular with not only those who want to lose weight but those that are already in good shape and want to keep an accurate account of what they're doing each day.

    I'll be wearing one for the rest of my life. Today 10k steps before noon on a beautiful morning in the mountains.