Extra calories on lifting days?



  • CleanBulking
    CleanBulking Posts: 12 Member
    I haven't run the TM, but it requires a fair bit of recovery, doesn't it? The only way you'll know is to run it and see.

    Make sure you eat enough, sleep enough, get enough water, eliminate other stressors from your life and place your non-lifting activities strategically in your schedule so they don't compete with a) your life and b) your lifting.

    Gotta look at the whole puzzle - not a single piece.

    Good luck!

    This is my 6th week on TM. Monday (volume day) is by far the hardest day, but Wednesday is light to allow recovery for Friday (heavy). Eating and sleeping enough are a work in progress. Last week I made the mistake of doing a hard tempo run on Thursday and my legs were shot for heavy squats on Friday. From now on I think I'll just do short intervals at the track on Tuesday and a light barbell complex on Thursday.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I haven't run the TM, but it requires a fair bit of recovery, doesn't it? The only way you'll know is to run it and see.

    Make sure you eat enough, sleep enough, get enough water, eliminate other stressors from your life and place your non-lifting activities strategically in your schedule so they don't compete with a) your life and b) your lifting.

    Gotta look at the whole puzzle - not a single piece.

    Good luck!

    This is my 6th week on TM. Monday (volume day) is by far the hardest day, but Wednesday is light to allow recovery for Friday (heavy). Eating and sleeping enough are a work in progress. Last week I made the mistake of doing a hard tempo run on Thursday and my legs were shot for heavy squats on Friday. From now on I think I'll just do short intervals at the track on Tuesday and a light barbell complex on Thursday.

    We learn by doing. Sounds like you're learning!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    well. number one thing.

    get it out of your head you're going to add 15 pounds of muscle and no fat. It's just not going to happen.

    running and trying to bulk is hard. You're mostly just adding extra food to your diet when it can be difficult to get it all in just from lifting.

    three- clean bulking is practically a waste of time.

    four- what's your maintance level for calories?

    typically for men you're looking at a 4-500 calorie surplus on top of maintance calories.

    If you do TDEE_ you not eat back.

    If you do MFP way- then you eat back- if you are losing- only eat bcak 50-75% of your workout calories- if you are bulking- eat back all of them... if not more.

    remember as you gain- the surplus must also go up... I jumped from 2500- to 3000 over siz months and honestly should have been eating closer to 3500 if not more.

    Listen to this lady.