I pee all the time! (Funny post)



  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    Gotta love the increased water intake right :) I love my water. I just wish I didnt have to pee 3 times in a 1 hours meeting haha. Anyone have any embarrassing stories from drinking more water?

    I have gotten to know the ladies in my office building quite well due to my frequent trips to the bathroom. I get up twice a night to pee and pee about 6-7 times throughout my 8 hour work day. It's just my boss and I in the office... so he knows every time I go. Sometimes I feel he must think I have a problem or something!

    The time this actually became a problem for me though was when I went camping a few weeks back. :indifferent: My hubby already warned me beforehand that he would not be holding my hand in the middle of the night to walk me to the bathrooms. LOL, I didn't blame him.

    I will admit though, I take pride that my pee is almost clear :wink:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Gotta love the increased water intake right :) I love my water. I just wish I didnt have to pee 3 times in a 1 hours meeting haha. Anyone have any embarrassing stories from drinking more water?

    Some of our meetings at work are 3 hours. I'm the note taker - I can't just leave. I did once because my co-worker was just rambling on complaining and the only alternative would have been to pee my my pants. Seriously it was a desperate situation. Our restrooms are a pretty good distance away too.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    I go constantly too and its like i just peed 5 minutes ago and have to go again. I don't know, it's good for me, just not sure I am willing to do this forever, and it's been probably 6 weeks of water drinking consistently now, and my body has not adjusted. I try to stop by 7 pm so i am not up 3 times each night, but it really doesn't matter. I really hate it.

    I have noticed my edema in my legs and feet is much better now than before drinking water.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Gotta love the increased water intake right :) I love my water. I just wish I didnt have to pee 3 times in a 1 hours meeting haha. Anyone have any embarrassing stories from drinking more water?

    Some of our meetings at work are 3 hours. I'm the note taker - I can't just leave. I did once because my co-worker was just rambling on complaining and the only alternative would have been to pee my my pants. Seriously it was a desperate situation. Our restrooms are a pretty good distance away too.

    Well, we, family of 5, have 1 bathroom and sometimes I am afraid I won't be able to wait for the kid in there to get out. I have gone in there while my daughter was using the toilet and peed in the tub though cause I could not hold it any longer and she takes an hour when she gets in there. I know, gross.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    Gosh i been drinking this much for years about 96 oz ( meds i take cause chronic thirst) and i STILL have to wee constantly! lol

    First thing i do when i get to the dance studio. Hang up purse, remove shoes, wave to teacher and run straight to the loo while the gold coins are jingling on my tush at a high rate of speed.

    Mind you I had just gone before I left on the 35 minute drive to get there lol
  • RealtyGoddess
    RealtyGoddess Posts: 15 Member
    I start as soon as my eyes open, I down 23 ounces and then through out the day I down a total of 80-90 ounces. I get it all in before 6pm because there is nothing worse to me than having to get up in the middle of the night to pee. UGH.
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    I drink water all day long but cut back in the evening. I start my day with 16 oz of low carb Monster. My first pee always has a hint of green. The rest of the day is almost clear, and yes I'm proud of that.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Weird, but my pee color or lack thereof, does nothing to make me proud. What does it mean to have clear pee and why does that make some proud? I know it means you are emptying junk out of your body and are pretty clear of junk, but proud?
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    So glad I'm not the only one! It got so bad that recently I even bought those over the counter patches for bladder control problems. But they reminded me of the diet pill threads here: The directions say to limit (or completely cut out) caffieine and to limit other fluid intake. Well duh, of course that made me go less! But the caffeine is too important to me; it may be a placebo but I swear it helps my weight loss. So the patches are gone and the caffeine is back, and I'm getting up 2-3 times every night again. It's maddening.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    So glad I'm not the only one! It got so bad that recently I even bought those over the counter patches for bladder control problems. But they reminded me of the diet pill threads here: The directions say to limit (or completely cut out) caffieine and to limit other fluid intake. Well duh, of course that made me go less! But the caffeine is too important to me; it may be a placebo but I swear it helps my weight loss. So the patches are gone and the caffeine is back, and I'm getting up 2-3 times every night again. It's maddening.

    It sure is and it drives me crazy. Just sticking it out for a while longer, see what happens, but I cannot wake up every 3 hours to go pee pee for the rest of my life. Maybe I will just start wearing diapers or get a catheter?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Honestly it only happens a couple days a month now but it's torture when it does. The worst for me was when I went to see a movie marathon in November... 3 movies in a row... I had to hold it for like 40% of the whole thing, and rush to the door between each movie. So annoying.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Welcome to my life.

    Only mine is a medical condition that also restricts what I can eat and can cause extreme pain.

    Having to pee all the time is not something that is "good" or "funny". It is something that can really impact your life in a negative way.
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Weird, but my pee color or lack thereof, does nothing to make me proud. What does it mean to have clear pee and why does that make some proud? I know it means you are emptying junk out of your body and are pretty clear of junk, but proud?

    I don't log or count my waters, so it's just a sign that I'm drinking enough water. I used to be addicted to pop and had to switch and force myself to drink water, it makes me proud to be successful. There are days that I'm bad and it's practically orange.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Weird, but my pee color or lack thereof, does nothing to make me proud. What does it mean to have clear pee and why does that make some proud? I know it means you are emptying junk out of your body and are pretty clear of junk, but proud?

    I don't log or count my waters, so it's just a sign that I'm drinking enough water. I used to be addicted to pop and had to switch and force myself to drink water, it makes me proud to be successful. There are days that I'm bad and it's practically orange.

    Oh okay, that makes sense. I guess I agree, but I was not a soda drinker. My drug of choice is iced tea, but barely have room any more for any iced tea with all the water.
  • mearsy88
    mearsy88 Posts: 87 Member
    Maybe our bodies will learn to use our water better? Not sure. But yea very pale yellow over here. But I feel so much better physically when I get enough water.

    Same here. When I drink lots of water I find I can get up easier in the morning with more energy, and just more energy in the day in general. :-)