Top 5 Gym Annoyances



  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just re-joined a local gym and they have co-ed and women's only locations. I only go to the women's one right now, probably will steer clear of the co-ed unless they have a class I really want. I like that I can go and NOT listen to the grunters (sorry guys).

    I don't like the clangers. These women who drop the weights, didn't anyone teach you about proper form on the weight machines?

    And of course....the ones who are in the mirror doing their makeup in the locker room...before they work out! Seriously? You're here to exercise, not primp!
    Of course, this is also my pet peeve camping-you're in the wilderness, cooking over an open fire, sleeping in a tent (or camper), and you're in the bathroom curling your hair and putting on makeup? Pleeaaasse!
  • majikmeg
    My pet peeve is in the Yoga classes. When people, male or female, who wear loose shorts. The last thing I want to do it look up from a pose and see strait at your junk.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Of course, this is also my pet peeve camping-you're in the wilderness, cooking over an open fire, sleeping in a tent (or camper), and you're in the bathroom curling your hair and putting on makeup? Pleeaaasse!
    My buddy brought his wife camping this year, and she had to do her makeup before we could go on our hike... and she packed a hair drier!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    at the original poster on this thread-I AGREE...
    I'm sure some other people mentioned some of these also, but for me it is:

    4. the women (NO OFFENSE) that wear full make-up, matching everything-outfit, head phones, water bottle, shoes, towel...some how just drives me nuts...especially when they all give ME dirty looks in my cut off sweats lol, because I'm there to WORK OUT and the guys like that

    I agree, I think it's funny to see women wearing full make up at the gym. Even if it's just eye makeup, I find it odd. Gobs of lip gloss seem to be the norm at my gym for some reason. However, I just recently started buying a certain brand of workout wear because I'm finally fit enough to wear it, so...I'ma going to wear it proudly, even if it does seem everything matches, when really I just like certain colors so that's what I buy and it ends up looking somewhat coordinated. LOL... it makes me feel good and want to get to the gym. But I don't really care what others are wearing unless there's over exposure involved! :wink:

    My biggest pet peeve is people who hog cardio machines. If there are people waiting, than 30 minutes is the limit. Shouldn't be too hard to follow, but there a lots of people at my gym who stay on for hours. So I might be the one trying to see how much time you've been on, so I can plan to come back and get on the machine.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I grunt because I lift heavy and those last few reps are always the most intense.

    The skinny-fat girls doing 50 reps with 2lbs Barbie weights don't grunt. In fact, they can probably sing while lifting.

    I'd rather be the grunter.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I grunt because I lift heavy and those last few reps are always the most intense.

    The skinny-fat girls doing 50 reps with 2lbs Barbie weights don't grunt. In fact, they can probably sing while lifting.

    I'd rather be the grunter.

    ^^^^^^^^^^ Yes! and thank you!.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I grunt because I lift heavy and those last few reps are always the most intense.

    The skinny-fat girls doing 50 reps with 2lbs Barbie weights don't grunt. In fact, they can probably sing while lifting.

    I'd rather be the grunter.

    Hahahahaha, love this. You're my hero for the day!!!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    My boyfriend works out around 3 hours each evening after work. I go to a class at the gym for an hour of that time. And ... he grunts. Loudly. And hisses. And makes all sorts of random noises that scare me. :laugh: But, he lifts some mega weightage ... THAT scares me, too! Pretty sure I'd be making some sort of sound if I was lifting that much!! :laugh:

    ... still annoying, though. :wink: Don't tell him I said that!

    There's a couple guys in my class that smell like B.O. Thankfully one of them has the decency to realize he is kinda stinky when he works up a sweat and he chooses the bike farthest away from everyone. The other one? Not so much. And he also farts when we're down on the mat. A lot. :sick: But ... he's uber nice and I can't find it in my heart to not like the guy!
  • omgsayalathieo
    OMG people who grunt drive me insane but there is nothing more annoying than workout and being hit on in the process:mad: became so annoying and it made me feel weird that I left my gym and joined Curves..BEST decision EVER!
  • frankied71
    Just got back from gym Had to laugh there was a David beckham lookalike all he did for 90 mins was to pose in the mirror with no weights he was loving the stares from people
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Just got back from gym Had to laugh there was a David beckham lookalike all he did for 90 mins was to pose in the mirror with no weights he was loving the stares from people

    I think I would stare too.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Ugh there is this one girl at the gym that comes in to use the one elliptical machine ( which there are only 2 of). So of course, if they are taken, which they usually are, she gets on the treadmill closest to them and pretty much stares you down. As soon as you stop to wipe it down she is literally standing RIGHT behind you. Ugh SO annoying!!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    coming back to read this all these days later is cracking me up for all you GRUNTER HATERS .......

    I was in a body pump class one day and there was this man in there lifting a woosie amount of weight and grunting the entire time so about half way through the class I started grunting back, eventually several of the women in the class were also grunting....he never came back :wink: Immature, maybe, funny .....hell ya :laugh: :laugh: We had a great class that day :heart:
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I get very pissed off at the group of guys that take the bench and take like 4mins+ between sets and hog it for over 15 mins to maybe half hour. I try to stare and sit around somewhere close to see if they will move with no luck :(
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    There is a guy at the gym I go to that doesn't so much grunt as moan. I try so hard not to start laughing (not always successfully) as it sounds more like he's having fun in the bedroom (if you catch my drift ;) than working out at the gym!
    I think I'd rather have a good grunter than that. Mind you the guy next to me earlier so making so much noise, hissing and puffing it made me feel tired just listening to him, he seemed to put more energy into puffing than lifting!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    But the worst has to be a story my husband told me of the naked guy in the changing rooms drying his head on his towel and the rest of his body (and I mean everywhere) with a hairdryer ..... eeeewwwww!

    I actually had to look at your profile to see if your husband and I went to the same gym...that happened in our gym too. A guy was drying his "tackle" using the hairdryers. Gross gross gross gross gross! Bring a towel!!! I have since stopped using the hairdryers at the gym...

    I also hate people who do not wipe. I've gone so far as to catch the eye of the offender and point to the paper towel and disinfectant spray bottle once he they have gotten off a machine to move to the next one. Others using the equipment were visibly grossed out and weren't saying anything and I'd had enough by that point.

    As for starers...ugh. I've encountered them before. I usually just stare right back and develop a twitch in one eye. That usually freaks them out enough to leave me alone. The biggest issue is my gym (24 Hour Fitness) has a pool inside. All the creepers like to go in there and watch all the girls running around in their swimsuits. My wife has said it gets bad some days.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    A lot of mine have been mentioned (maybe all, I didn't read through EVERY post), but I definitely agree with the women and men who feel the need to splash on the perfume/cologne/after shave seemingly moments before going to the equipment. Put on deodorant, sure! But don't take a bath in it!

    My other big annoyance is those people who insist on taking the treadmill RIGHTNEXTTOME when there are at least 15 other open treadmills, several of which are in front of the same tv selection. IF the only available treadmills are directly between two people, fine. But when they're all open and you select that one?? CREEPY!

    One day I hit the double with that. Some guy who apparently had doused himself in some smelly junk felt he HAD to get on the one right next to me. I'm not normally ALLERGIC to fragrance, but that particular day, between how strong it was and my running I came thisclose to a full-blown asthma attack. It wasn't fun!

    And the other one that really bugs me are the people - usually girls but I've seen guys do it too - who sit on one of the mats in the stretching/abs area talking to a friend who's working out and not working out at all. Those areas are small, and when you're sitting there, it means I (or someone else) might be prevented from stretching the way they need to. Also? If you're going to talk at the top of your lungs, don't be surprised when people look in your direction. It's not that we WANT to hear you conversation, it's that we can't help it!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Love this! Don't forget the people who need to be seen. They walk around making sure everyone checks them out. Yes, you're ripped. I see you. Thanks for showing off the guns and abs. Oh and you, fake boob woman...yes we've all seen you. You're hot. Now can you both just get on with your workout. LOL. true! Especially here in Los Angeles! I guess in a city where the main industry is based on people's looks it makes sense, but it sure does make it challenging to ever get some mirror time out here. :)

    Not to say we haven't also got our grunters, lunkers, farters, starers, cacklers, gossipers, sweaters, lurkers, chatters, coffee drinkers, cellphone talkers and every other awesomely annoying stereotype patronizing the gym. They'll never stop me from getting in and getting it done though!
  • WhiskeyBravo
    I agree...I don't see this one alot but when I do....fuh-get about it...PDA-ers...Public display of affection in the freakin' gym...are u serious, kissing between sets, holding hands as you peruse the weights day at the gym, there was a couple and they were helping each other stretch...but dude was literally on top of the chick as he "strectched" her out...soft porn is okay in a romantic comedy, but not on the mats in front of the stairclimber...for the love a man find a buick with a hugh back seat, sheeesk!