Looking for a little Help from MFP friends :)

lexcoulstring Posts: 386 Member
Hey everyone!

If this is not allowed, I totally understand and expect it to be closed or deleted. I'm just reaching out for some help and I know there is a lot of love here at MFP :)

As many of you know I am in a Rock Band. This year we applied for again for a festival in which we got in for the last few years but this year we were not selected. But they have this simple voting contest. So all I need is a vote. If you are not a FB user, its all good and I thank you for reading this. :smile:

Steps are

1) LIKE https://www.facebook.com/rockthebush
2) Ask to Join Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/rockthebush/permalink/10154255931130235
3) Once approved (usually within a minute) just need a check box by CHAOS THEORY

By the way my band site is www.chaostheoryband.com if you like heavy metal / hard rock music.

Thanks bunches!