Cyclist v Motorist



  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    A few times I tapped some folks with my car just to let them know that I mean business.

    So intentionally striking a cyclist with your vehicle is as idiotic as causing criminal damage to cages. In the event that there is an injury you've essentially acknowledged that it wasn't an accident, you were intentionally running the cyclist down.

    When I'm commuting I generally feel safer in central London, than on the rural roads elsewhere. While there are accidents they're frequently as a result of those involved, whether cage dweller or cyclist, focussing on making progress, rather than safety; riding down death valley or not actually using a lifesaver glance. Elsewhere it's because cage dwellers can't actually judge a safe distance, maybe they're using special genital inches rather than real ones. A safe distance is 3 feet, which means when a cycle is taking an appropriate road position, in the middle of the lane, an overtake involves changing lane in the same way as passing a car.

    That said, it happens with motorcycles as well, so much of the noise about cyclists per se, but about people who choose to be different on the road. I've had cagers try to block me when I'm filtering on both pedal cycle or motorcycle.

    Tapping a cyclist is an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible thing to do. Your vehicle has a lot of mass and a slight tap is enough to cause serious injury, not to mention it is a criminal act and maybe considered attempted vehicular manslaughter in some jurisdictions.

    I have never tapped a cyclist, but yes if someone bashes my window in with a baton like the poster said, I would use my vehicle as a weapon. I don't know where you get respect by bashing people's windows in, but I do know that bashing someone's windows in is enough to get arrested, seriously injured or killed. Though this was on motorcycles, there was an incident in NY where a large group of bikers were riding on the highway. One of the rider brake checked in front of a Range Rover and the Range tapped him. The bikers cut the guys tires and started banging on his window. The Range took off and ran one of the bikers over. He is now paralyzed for life. The driver did get beat up pretty bad by the bikers, but the point is a 3 ton vehicle can kill or seriously injure you. Bashing a car windows in doesn't earn you respect, it makes the driver sees you as a threat and unlike the cyclist, they have 3 tons of metal to use to defend themselves.

    BTW, I learned how to drive in Manhattan where you must be aggressive to survive. I know many native New Yorkers who are afraid to drive there for that reason. Cars blow their horns the very second the light changes and taxis are relentless. A couple times I found myself stuck in the intersection for more than 2 lights because large crowds of pedestrians refused to stop crossing the street. They ignored my horn and continued to walk, blocking me and backing up traffic, so I proceeded and lightly tapped a guy and they finally moved. I gave them more courtesy than most cab drivers who don't even slow down and force them to run out the way. If they don't run in time they would get hit and seriously hurt and yes that happens more often than not. Tapping pedestrians is completely unnecessary in most parts of the world, but you adapt to your driving environment.
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    A few times I tapped some folks with my car just to let them know that I mean business.

    So intentionally striking a cyclist with your vehicle is as idiotic as causing criminal damage to cages. In the event that there is an injury you've essentially acknowledged that it wasn't an accident, you were intentionally running the cyclist down.

    When I'm commuting I generally feel safer in central London, than on the rural roads elsewhere. While there are accidents they're frequently as a result of those involved, whether cage dweller or cyclist, focussing on making progress, rather than safety; riding down death valley or not actually using a lifesaver glance. Elsewhere it's because cage dwellers can't actually judge a safe distance, maybe they're using special genital inches rather than real ones. A safe distance is 3 feet, which means when a cycle is taking an appropriate road position, in the middle of the lane, an overtake involves changing lane in the same way as passing a car.

    That said, it happens with motorcycles as well, so much of the noise about cyclists per se, but about people who choose to be different on the road. I've had cagers try to block me when I'm filtering on both pedal cycle or motorcycle.

    Tapping a cyclist is an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible thing to do. Your vehicle has a lot of mass and a slight tap is enough to cause serious injury, not to mention it is a criminal act and maybe considered attempted vehicular manslaughter in some jurisdictions.

    I have never tapped a cyclist, but yes if someone bashes my window in with a baton like the poster said, I would use my vehicle as a weapon. I don't know where you get respect by bashing people's windows in, but I do know that bashing someone's windows in is enough to get arrested, seriously injured or killed. Though this was on motorcycles, there was an incident in NY where a large group of bikers were riding on the highway. One of the rider brake checked in front of a Range Rover and the Range tapped him. The bikers cut the guys tires and started banging on his window. The Range took off and ran one of the bikers over. He is now paralyzed for life. The driver did get beat up pretty bad by the bikers, but the point is a 3 ton vehicle can kill or seriously injure you. Bashing a car windows in doesn't earn you respect, it makes the driver sees you as a threat and unlike the cyclist, they have 3 tons of metal to use to defend themselves.

    BTW, I learned how to drive in Manhattan where you must be aggressive to survive. I know many native New Yorkers who are afraid to drive there for that reason. Cars blow their horns the very second the light changes and taxis are relentless. A couple times I found myself stuck in the intersection for more than 2 lights because large crowds of pedestrians refused to stop crossing the street. They ignored my horn and continued to walk, blocking me and backing up traffic, so I proceeded and lightly tapped a guy and they finally moved. I gave them more courtesy than most cab drivers who don't even slow down and force them to run out the way. If they don't run in time they would get hit and seriously hurt and yes that happens more often than not. Tapping pedestrians is completely unnecessary in most parts of the world, but you adapt to your driving environment.

    The story you spoke of.... the guys in the range rover would never have touched the biker had he not Brake Checked him. The biker was totally at fault. Its a tragic outcome but the biker started the mess.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    A few times I tapped some folks with my car just to let them know that I mean business.

    So intentionally striking a cyclist with your vehicle is as idiotic as causing criminal damage to cages. In the event that there is an injury you've essentially acknowledged that it wasn't an accident, you were intentionally running the cyclist down.

    When I'm commuting I generally feel safer in central London, than on the rural roads elsewhere. While there are accidents they're frequently as a result of those involved, whether cage dweller or cyclist, focussing on making progress, rather than safety; riding down death valley or not actually using a lifesaver glance. Elsewhere it's because cage dwellers can't actually judge a safe distance, maybe they're using special genital inches rather than real ones. A safe distance is 3 feet, which means when a cycle is taking an appropriate road position, in the middle of the lane, an overtake involves changing lane in the same way as passing a car.

    That said, it happens with motorcycles as well, so much of the noise about cyclists per se, but about people who choose to be different on the road. I've had cagers try to block me when I'm filtering on both pedal cycle or motorcycle.

    Tapping a cyclist is an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible thing to do. Your vehicle has a lot of mass and a slight tap is enough to cause serious injury, not to mention it is a criminal act and maybe considered attempted vehicular manslaughter in some jurisdictions.

    I have never tapped a cyclist, but yes if someone bashes my window in with a baton like the poster said, I would use my vehicle as a weapon. I don't know where you get respect by bashing people's windows in, but I do know that bashing someone's windows in is enough to get arrested, seriously injured or killed. Though this was on motorcycles, there was an incident in NY where a large group of bikers were riding on the highway. One of the rider brake checked in front of a Range Rover and the Range tapped him. The bikers cut the guys tires and started banging on his window. The Range took off and ran one of the bikers over. He is now paralyzed for life. The driver did get beat up pretty bad by the bikers, but the point is a 3 ton vehicle can kill or seriously injure you. Bashing a car windows in doesn't earn you respect, it makes the driver sees you as a threat and unlike the cyclist, they have 3 tons of metal to use to defend themselves.

    BTW, I learned how to drive in Manhattan where you must be aggressive to survive. I know many native New Yorkers who are afraid to drive there for that reason. Cars blow their horns the very second the light changes and taxis are relentless. A couple times I found myself stuck in the intersection for more than 2 lights because large crowds of pedestrians refused to stop crossing the street. They ignored my horn and continued to walk, blocking me and backing up traffic, so I proceeded and lightly tapped a guy and they finally moved. I gave them more courtesy than most cab drivers who don't even slow down and force them to run out the way. If they don't run in time they would get hit and seriously hurt and yes that happens more often than not. Tapping pedestrians is completely unnecessary in most parts of the world, but you adapt to your driving environment.

    The story you spoke of.... the guys in the range rover would never have touched the biker had he not Brake Checked him. The biker was totally at fault. Its a tragic outcome but the biker started the mess.

    Yes I agree that it was the bikers fault for brake checking the Range Rover. But his friends banging on the windows and slashing the tires only escalated matters. If they hadn't responded that way, the driver wouldn't have felt the need to run over the bikers with his SUV, paralyzing him.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Went out for a ride today and had a car cut across the front of me. I made a gesture and he stopped, I jumped of my bike and we had a little exchange of words. My point is why do some car drivers believe that bikes should not be on the road or should be that close to the side that they ride in the drainage channel? I drive a Renault Grand Espace, a big 7 seater and make sure I am well out of the way of any cyclist I need to over take. So what if I have to wait 10, 20, 30 seconds, it's no big deal.

    Please can I ask any non cyclist reading to please give us cyclist room on the roads, we have a much right to use the road as you do. :happy:

    Conversley, as a pedestrian, I would like to ask bike riders to be respectful on the shared space of the footpath
    Every afternoon on the way home they zoom up right behind me and scare the crap out of me. Waiting until the very last moment to go around. Didnt these things use to have bells?
    Some try and bike through the small gates to the railroad station even if someone is already walking through them. Yes you are quicker but the pedestrian was there first! Its not even 2 abreast!
    I guess inconsidrate people is not linked to transportation choice and asking for some is akin to banging ones head against the wall. :flowerforyou:
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Bottom line - to quote Joanna Lumley "Aren't people extraordinary!"

    Cyclists/ Drivers and pedestrians - should all be more considerate of each other. I've been yelled at by drivers to "get off the road" while cycling (and yes I obey all the rules of the road). I've been run into from behind twice while stopped at a red light in my Jeep. And daily I see people step off the curb without looking because they are texting or doing something similar.

    Doesn't matter what rules and regulations are put in place - people are, to borrow from John Landis, "See you next Wednesday"s.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    , i was following the rules of the road, while cycling and pulling a trailer behind me carrying my two children. i was taking my daughter to school.

    HOW DARE YOU PUT ME IN A POSITION TO HARM YOUR CHILDREN? I just don't get it, really. I took a rickshaw on a whim once in NYC was too terrified to enjoy it. I bought a fold up bike to make it easier to get to trails and parks. Biking on main roads in city traffic seems stupid and irresponsible to me.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I have no problem giving cyclists their space and generally show a lot of patience when I come up to cyclists on the road. However, I tend to lose that patience when I come across a group of riders who are holding up traffic and making it impossible for cars to pass for miles. If you have a car stuck behind you for more than a couple minutes the polite thing to do, in my opinion, would be to pull off the road and let them by. I think sharing the road is the responsibility of both sides.

    Hi Jen

    Totally agree with not holding up traffic, there was a bus behind me today on one of the country lanes I was on, pulled in at the first opportunity.

    Not sure if you were aware of this but the reason that some cyclist ride side by side is it is safer for them and also quicker (supposedly) for motorist to get by. Your only overtaking 1 bikes length not 2, however you do need more room on you right in the UK (or left more or less everywhere else).

    Sorry if that sound pompous or condescending, I don't mean it to just wanted you to know why it's done.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :wink:

    I didn't know that, thanks! The bicyclists really annoy me where I live because they DO do this, and I always seem to run into them when I am about to turn a blind corner so it really gets frustrating, not their fault, just seems to be what always happens, AND we have a beautiful bike trail that no one seems to use their actual bikes on, so it's frustrating....

    but then I'll go and actually talk to someone that rides bikes and then i'll feel like a jerk and realize that you guys are people too and I should stop being such a butthead. Especially since I'm sure I drive people nuts when I run on the road as well.

    so thanks for reminding me.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    A few times I tapped some folks with my car just to let them know that I mean business.

    I have never tapped a cyclist, but yes if someone bashes my window in with a baton like the poster said, I would use my vehicle as a weapon. I don't know where you get respect by bashing people's windows in, but I do know that bashing someone's windows in is enough to get arrested, seriously injured or killed. Though this was on motorcycles, there was an incident in NY where a large group of bikers were riding on the highway. One of the rider brake checked in front of a Range Rover and the Range tapped him. The bikers cut the guys tires and started banging on his window. The Range took off and ran one of the bikers over. He is now paralyzed for life. The driver did get beat up pretty bad by the bikers, but the point is a 3 ton vehicle can kill or seriously injure you. Bashing a car windows in doesn't earn you respect, it makes the driver sees you as a threat and unlike the cyclist, they have 3 tons of metal to use to defend themselves.

    BTW, I learned how to drive in Manhattan where you must be aggressive to survive. I know many native New Yorkers who are afraid to drive there for that reason. Cars blow their horns the very second the light changes and taxis are relentless. A couple times I found myself stuck in the intersection for more than 2 lights because large crowds of pedestrians refused to stop crossing the street. They ignored my horn and continued to walk, blocking me and backing up traffic, so I proceeded and lightly tapped a guy and they finally moved. I gave them more courtesy than most cab drivers who don't even slow down and force them to run out the way. If they don't run in time they would get hit and seriously hurt and yes that happens more often than not. Tapping pedestrians is completely unnecessary in most parts of the world, but you adapt to your driving environment.

    I didn't bash a window until this ****nose tried pushing me off the road. You are bat**** crazy, lady. First you say you've tapped people, then you say you never have. Get therapy. And until then, stay off the roads.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    A few times I tapped some folks with my car just to let them know that I mean business.

    I have never tapped a cyclist, but yes if someone bashes my window in with a baton like the poster said, I would use my vehicle as a weapon. I don't know where you get respect by bashing people's windows in, but I do know that bashing someone's windows in is enough to get arrested, seriously injured or killed. Though this was on motorcycles, there was an incident in NY where a large group of bikers were riding on the highway. One of the rider brake checked in front of a Range Rover and the Range tapped him. The bikers cut the guys tires and started banging on his window. The Range took off and ran one of the bikers over. He is now paralyzed for life. The driver did get beat up pretty bad by the bikers, but the point is a 3 ton vehicle can kill or seriously injure you. Bashing a car windows in doesn't earn you respect, it makes the driver sees you as a threat and unlike the cyclist, they have 3 tons of metal to use to defend themselves.

    BTW, I learned how to drive in Manhattan where you must be aggressive to survive. I know many native New Yorkers who are afraid to drive there for that reason. Cars blow their horns the very second the light changes and taxis are relentless. A couple times I found myself stuck in the intersection for more than 2 lights because large crowds of pedestrians refused to stop crossing the street. They ignored my horn and continued to walk, blocking me and backing up traffic, so I proceeded and lightly tapped a guy and they finally moved. I gave them more courtesy than most cab drivers who don't even slow down and force them to run out the way. If they don't run in time they would get hit and seriously hurt and yes that happens more often than not. Tapping pedestrians is completely unnecessary in most parts of the world, but you adapt to your driving environment.

    I didn't bash a window until this ****nose tried pushing me off the road. You are bat**** crazy, lady. First you say you've tapped people, then you say you never have. Get therapy. And until then, stay off the roads.

    I said I have never tapped cyclists, but I have tapped a few pedestrians under the circumstances I stated previously. I may be a little crazy, especially when I am behind the wheel, I prefer to be called aggressive, but I would never be crazy enough to think to go against a car while I am a pedestrian, cyclist or biker. I think you have a lot of crazy in you too. Even if the driver tried to push you off the road, you said you bashed his window in for respect. Well more than a few drivers would have responded with pushing you off the road permanently. I have seen road rage incidents turn violent over a lot less than bashed windows. I think you should consider therapy since you think a bashing in people's windows in an appropriate response to drivers having poor cyclist etiquette or that a baton can go toe to toe with 3 tons of metal. Perhaps you should consider riding your bike on the trails instead of bashing in the windows of vehicles that don't give you adequate space.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    A few times I tapped some folks with my car just to let them know that I mean business.

    I said I have never tapped cyclists, but I have tapped a few pedestrians under the circumstances I stated previously. I may be a little crazy, especially when I am behind the wheel, I prefer to be called aggressive, but I would never be crazy enough to think to go against a car while I am a pedestrian, cyclist or biker. I think you have a lot of crazy in you too. Even if the driver tried to push you off the road, you said you bashed his window in for respect. Well more than a few drivers would have responded with pushing you off the road permanently. I have seen road rage incidents turn violent over a lot less than bashed windows. I think you should consider therapy since you think a bashing in people's windows in an appropriate response to drivers having poor cyclist etiquette or that a baton can go toe to toe with 3 tons of metal. Perhaps you should consider riding your bike on the trails instead of bashing in the windows of vehicles that don't give you adequate space.

    Tapping/hitting people with your car is more crazy than hitting a vehicle that crowds you (not that I think that a great idea either though)

    I find it interesting that you feel you are justified in "tapping" pedestrians that make you sit through two lights (no physical danger to you) but you think the other poster needs therapy because he retaliated when he was in danger in getting knocked off his bike in traffic.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    Even if the driver tried to push you off the road, you said you bashed his window in for respect. Well more than a few drivers would have responded with pushing you off the road permanently.

    What I said was this, "Yes, but it also shows them that cyclists don't necessarily make easy targets. Add a little fear in the mix, drivers are really quick to start being respectful. And I'm all bunched up about pissing sorry *kitten* drivers off."

    Meaning that, like all cowards, when bullies are confronted with violence, they tuck their ignorant tails between their legs and run away. It's the same way with bullies on the street. The first punch in the nose and they become respectful real quick.
    If things escalate, I'm prepared for that. This crap happens all too frequently around here. If you were ever stupid enough to bump me to show me you mean business, you'd be on the other end of a bad day.

    If you can't understand the difference between self defense and aggression, you have no business around cyclists, pedestrians, or anybody else in your path.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    A few times I tapped some folks with my car just to let them know that I mean business.

    I said I have never tapped cyclists, but I have tapped a few pedestrians under the circumstances I stated previously. I may be a little crazy, especially when I am behind the wheel, I prefer to be called aggressive, but I would never be crazy enough to think to go against a car while I am a pedestrian, cyclist or biker. I think you have a lot of crazy in you too. Even if the driver tried to push you off the road, you said you bashed his window in for respect. Well more than a few drivers would have responded with pushing you off the road permanently. I have seen road rage incidents turn violent over a lot less than bashed windows. I think you should consider therapy since you think a bashing in people's windows in an appropriate response to drivers having poor cyclist etiquette or that a baton can go toe to toe with 3 tons of metal. Perhaps you should consider riding your bike on the trails instead of bashing in the windows of vehicles that don't give you adequate space.

    Tapping/hitting people with your car is more crazy than hitting a vehicle that crowds you (not that I think that a great idea either though)

    I find it interesting that you feel you are justified in "tapping" pedestrians that make you sit through two lights (no physical danger to you) but you think the other poster needs therapy because he retaliated when he was in danger in getting knocked off his bike in traffic.

    I wasn't justified, but in an aggressive environment you adapt to survive and In NYC when there are a bunch of cars blowing their horns behind you, cursing you for not being more aggressive with the pedestrians, then you do what you feel is appropriate. Driving there is like driving no where else I have ever driven. I am a lot less aggressive on the road when I am in other places, but if tested, yes it will come out. Still i have never injured anyone nor have I intentionally caused property damage like this guy did. We can debate which act was craziest, but one is certainly more dangerous. He could have taken down the plate and reported the guy, but he damaged his property which is a crime and would be enough for most drivers to consider using their vehicle as a weapon. Also if he had time to bash in the guys window, then he had time to get someplace safe. He chose not to do that, but to have a violent confrontation. Since the guy didn't retaliate, it is safe to say that he didn't intend to ignore the cyclist's safety, because if he meant this guy harm then he wouldn't be around to tell the story. Still, the fact remains that there are a large percentage of drivers like myself who would have retaliated by using our vehicles as a weapon to any cyclist who thinks it is wise to use a baton to bash in my window.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Still, the fact remains that there are a large percentage of drivers like myself who would have retaliated by using our vehicles as a weapon to any cyclist who thinks it is wise to use a baton to bash in my window.

    Not to interject in your lovely conversation thread (I like many others are waiting for you two to start making out), but the idea of ever attempting murder in response to anything short of being murdered is a pretty good way to end up in jail.

    I'm sure you are just full of bravado but honestly, when you accidently hit someone and these records come up pointing out that you have planned the death of bikers you might regret the claims you have made.

    Welcome to the internet, where everything is evidence.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Even if the driver tried to push you off the road, you said you bashed his window in for respect. Well more than a few drivers would have responded with pushing you off the road permanently.

    What I said was this, "Yes, but it also shows them that cyclists don't necessarily make easy targets. Add a little fear in the mix, drivers are really quick to start being respectful. And I'm all bunched up about pissing sorry *kitten* drivers off."

    Meaning that, like all cowards, when bullies are confronted with violence, they tuck their ignorant tails between their legs and run away. It's the same way with bullies on the street. The first punch in the nose and they become respectful real quick.
    If things escalate, I'm prepared for that. This crap happens all too frequently around here. If you were ever stupid enough to bump me to show me you mean business, you'd be on the other end of a bad day.

    If you can't understand the difference between self defense and aggression, you have no business around cyclists, pedestrians, or anybody else in your path.

    I guess we just can't agree, because I see your act of bashing the driver's window as aggression and any response by the driver would be self-defense. You want drivers to fear cyclists, then you really are crazy. Why should drivers fear cyclists? Drivers should not set out to target cyclists, but cyclist who respond with violence to drivers who piss them off must have a death wish. Even with cars, yes cars cut each other off everyday causing near accidents. If you get out your car and bash the window of the other car for almost hitting you then you are being aggressive, not defending yourself and you should be prepared for an equally violent reaction from the other party. Perhaps you are used to people who don't retaliate, but where I am from violence usually is met with more violence. I don' t know who these meek people are that are running and hiding from a cyclist with a baton. And yes if I did bump you, whether by accident or on purpose because you were doing something stupid in the road, and you bashed my windows in, I will run you over, so you won't have to worry about bicycle etiquette again. I guess it will be a bad day for me because I would have to get my Benz serviced, but it would be a much worse day for you buddy
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Still, the fact remains that there are a large percentage of drivers like myself who would have retaliated by using our vehicles as a weapon to any cyclist who thinks it is wise to use a baton to bash in my window.

    Not to interject in your lovely conversation thread (I like many others are waiting for you two to start making out), but the idea of ever attempting murder in response to anything short of being murdered is a pretty good way to end up in jail.

    I'm sure you are just full of bravado but honestly, when you accidently hit someone and these records come up pointing out that you have planned the death of bikers you might regret the claims you have made.

    Welcome to the internet, where everything is evidence.

    I am not concerned, because unless someone bashes my windows in which is a direct threat to me, then cyclists are safe across the world. If anyone should be worried, it is the guy who has admitted to property damage. I hope that driver is not a member of MFP and haven't been able to track him down to cover the repairs.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I guess we just can't agree, because I see your act of bashing the driver's window as aggression and any response by the driver would be self-defense.

    And you are missing a pretty critical point, if the car is close enough to bash while driving than the car in question is too close.

    A bit too extreme for me, I just kick them myself but to each their own I guess.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    I guess we just can't agree, because I see your act of bashing the driver's window as aggression and any response by the driver would be self-defense.

    And you are missing a pretty critical point, if the car is close enough to bash while driving than the car in question is too close.

    A bit too extreme for me, I just kick them myself but to each their own I guess.

    She's missing a bunch of critical points. Like I said before, she's frikkin bonkers.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I guess we just can't agree, because I see your act of bashing the driver's window as aggression and any response by the driver would be self-defense.

    And you are missing a pretty critical point, if the car is close enough to bash while driving than the car in question is too close.

    A bit too extreme for me, I just kick them myself but to each their own I guess.

    She's missing a bunch of critical points. Like I said before, she's frikkin bonkers.

    Says the man who admits on the internet that he bashed in a driver's window because he came too close all to show driver's that cyclists aren't easy targets. Yes that may work in Virginia, but I hope you aren't bonkers enough to try that nationwide. And regardless if the driver was that close, you responded violently. So you can't justify it. You also said you did it for respect, so you believe your violent act and causing property damage will teach drivers a lesson. How does that help cyclists get respect, if anything it hurts the cyclist/motorist relationship even further. Just think you are in a vehicle and want all the rights of the road, but you don't have to carry insurance, yet you just caused property damage to other vehicle because you were pissed. You get to pedal off, while that driver is left with hundreds of dollars of damage and you aren't culpable. If it had been reverse the driver would be on the hook. You are claiming self defense, but in reality you are the aggressor because you are choosing to confront others on the road violently and you are naive enough to not expect violence in return.

    You had many options to deal with the situation, but you chose to bash someone's window in and you are on here telling folks this is a feasible option. I am saying it isn't, because not all drivers will tolerate that behavior. Unless a driver is purposely trying to push you off the road in an attempt to kill or seriously harm you, then bashing in their windows is not the answer.

    Drivers need to do a better job of giving cyclists room, but bashing people's windows in because they aren't sharing the road to your satisfaction? Really? That is a great way to get that message across to motorists.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    "Says the man who admits on the internet that he bashed in a driver's window because he came too close all to show driver's that cyclists aren't easy targets. Yes that may work in Virginia, but I hope you aren't bonkers enough to try that nationwide. And regardless if the driver was that close, you responded violently."

    Of COURSE I responded with violence when someone was FORCING ME OFF THE ROAD. If you did that, I wouldn't fiddle around with the baton. I'd put a bullet in your head. It would still be SELF DEFENSE. And I've lived in NY, toots. Please don't play that sissy *kitten* card.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I guess we just can't agree, because I see your act of bashing the driver's window as aggression and any response by the driver would be self-defense.

    And you are missing a pretty critical point, if the car is close enough to bash while driving than the car in question is too close.

    A bit too extreme for me, I just kick them myself but to each their own I guess.

    She's missing a bunch of critical points. Like I said before, she's frikkin bonkers.

    Says the man who admits on the internet that he bashed in a driver's window because he came too close all to show driver's that cyclists aren't easy targets. Yes that may work in Virginia, but I hope you aren't bonkers enough to try that nationwide. the road in an attempt to kill or seriously harm you, then bashing in their windows is not the answer.

    Drivers need to do a better job of giving cyclists room, but bashing people's windows in because they aren't sharing the road to your satisfaction? Really? That is a great way to get that message across to motorists.

    Says the woman who admits to hitting pedestrians on purpose with her car. That might work in NYC but will get you arrested in Toronto.

    Assault > property damage