November Challenge for the outcasts:)



  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    Nicole, hope the marathon went well! I've been thinking about trying running, but every time I've tried it before I always get so out of breath so quickly--any tips?

    Got on the scale tonight: 178 lbs
  • albredera
    checking in... Saturday 11/06 = 168.2.... :smile:
    checking in... Monday 11/08 = 167.6.... :smile:
  • albredera
    great job both of you....i will post a full list of drops this week at some point. i am off to run 26.2!
    princesspurple..... thank you :flowerforyou:
  • princesspurple
    Yeah! It looks like the numbers on the scales are going down. I will post the updated number list on Friday. If I don't see a post on here from you-I will message you directly to see if you are still want to be on here. I know sometimes, people drop out of threads. If you are dropping off, please message me...but don't drop off:sad: We can do this together!

    Okay..............I did it! I ran a marathon. It was amazing. I ran it much faster than I thought I could ever imagine. Another thing-I saw a bunch of friends from college on the sidelines, we said hello-it was great to see them weighing less than I did when I got out of college-16 years later!.

    Jess-I never thought I could run. I only started in January...I tried last year for a few weeks around late spring, and then gave up. So in January, I set out on a plan to lose some weight and run a half in April. Now here I am:)....I don't know if I will ever run a full again. It is a lot of training time and I like to be home with the family on the weekends seeing I work full-time....but I am surely up for another full!

    I trained by using this method...I forget what it is is not the C25K, though I have heard good things about that. I will let you know thing I know now, is it is mind over matter!
  • princesspurple
    Hello I was getting confused with who lost because I didn't have your screen names w/ your real names. Here is our up to date weightloss-we are at a total of NEGATIVE 7.6 pounds:flowerforyou: Awesome!

    Name……................................SW MFP ……….11/2……….Goal for 11/30.........November loss so far:drinker:

    Nicole (princesspurple)……...149…………..138.2…………..134...........................-3.1(136)
    Sarah (sarahp43)………..........184…………..155…………….150...........................-1(154)
    Mary (mcanals123)……...........178…………..175…………….165
    Kimberly (albredera)….............187………….169.1………..….164.1.......................-1.5(167.6)
    Nicole(nikki91950)....................173…………. 116………….…110
    Jackie (fitnewlife)……...............172…………...140……………136
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Thanks. I'm going to weigh in Monday.
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Hello I was getting confused with who lost because I didn't have your screen names w/ your real names. Here is our up to date weightloss-we are at a total of NEGATIVE 7.6 pounds:flowerforyou: Awesome!

    Name……................................SW MFP ……….11/2……….Goal for 11/30.........November loss so far:drinker:

    Nicole (princesspurple)……...149…………..138.2…………..134...........................-3.1(136)
    Sarah (sarahp43)………..........184…………..155…………….150...........................-1(154)
    Mary (mcanals123)……...........178…………..175…………….165
    Kimberly (albredera)….............187………….169.1………..….164.1.......................-1.5(167.6)
    Nicole(nikki91950)....................173…………. 116………….…110
    Jackie (fitnewlife)……...............172…………...140……………136

    I lost 2 pounds, Im now at 153 :)
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hello-here you go! I will not be here tomorrow..I will be flying.....If anyone else wants to join-feel free and I will update it on Thursday! Good luck everyone! We can do this!

    Name…….SW MFP ……….11/2……….Goal for 11/30


    Ideas on how to get there:
    Watch intake
    Less alcohol
    Exercise 3x a week
    Sweets in moderation
    Exercise 2x a week
    Yoga upping from 20-30 mins
    Drink 80oz water/day
    Get 60 minutes of cardio per day
    Only cheat once a week
    Work out 2x/day Mon-Fri
    Wednesday fasting

    What is motivating us:
    Feeling great
    More energy for children
    Pre-pregnancy shape (is there such a thing)
    Bahama cruise
    Bride’s maid dress
    Reaching goals
    Staying in clothes presently owned

    I just wanted to say good luck to all of you! I hate to hear that you weren't accepted into a challenge group. I think that's pretty sad. I have a group and we welcome any and everyone at any time!!

    I'm glad you all have found a place to unite! Good luck and hope all your loss goals come true!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    thank you:) much appreciated poshtaush
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm a little late to the game, but I need some extra motivation to kick it into high gear for the rest of the year, might as well start with the rest of this month :)

    MFP start 233.6
    Nov. 2 224.4
    Current 221.8
    Goal for 11/30 215

    Nov. lost so far 2.6

    Thanks :)
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    If you guys are looking for a good, fairly permanent group, the one below is great! We have been together for months and everyone is helpful and supportive. We do weekly challenges made by the person who lost the most weight the previous week. -
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Is it too late to join?

    no please join us!
  • mcanals123
    lost 2.5 now im at 172.5 yay me lol btw girls im doing the gnc lean shakes for lunch they taste really good and fill you up and are only 180 cals
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I've been alternating between the Special K shakes (190 cal) and the Carnation Instant breakfast- no sugar added shakes (150 cal) for lunch. They are both good and high in protien. :)
  • nomoremuffintopness
    I've been alternating between the Special K shakes (190 cal) and the Carnation Instant breakfast- no sugar added shakes (150 cal) for lunch. They are both good and high in protien. :)

    is that all you gals have for lunch? I wouldnt be able to do that... need food! haha
  • princesspurple
    Poshtausch-thank you for the nice wishes!
    Mrsewert-never to late to join
    Mbodine-aka Margie-thanks for joining! It is never too late!..great numbers so far! Keep it up!
    Keith0373-thanks for the info… is nice that you don’t kick newbees out:)
    Mcanals123-great job! ….The shakes sound good...but.....
    Sarah-I agree on that-I do love food…I like to chew my lunch
    Fitnewlife---did you weigh-in? You said you were weighing in on Monday and I haven’t heard

    Name……................................SW MFP ……….11/2……….Goal for 11/30.........November loss so far

    Nicole (princesspurple)……...149…………..138.2…………..134...........................-3.1(136)
    Sarah (sarahp43)………..........184…………..155…………….150...........................-1(154)
    Mary (mcanals123)……...........178…………..175…………….165...........................-2.5 (172.5)
    Kimberly (albredera)….............187………….169.1………..….164.1.......................-1.5(167.6)
    Nicole(nikki91950)....................173…………. 116………….…110
    Jackie (fitnewlife)……...............172…………...140……………136
    Margie (mbodine)......................233.6.................224.4...............215...........................-2.6 (221.8)
  • mcanals123
    I've been alternating between the Special K shakes (190 cal) and the Carnation Instant breakfast- no sugar added shakes (150 cal) for lunch. They are both good and high in protien. :)

    is that all you gals have for lunch? I wouldnt be able to do that... need food! haha

    lol so do i but what ive been doind is having a lil snack at like 10 which usually is some trail mix or fruits and then ill have another lil snack at 3 and it keeps me satisfied i didnt think i could do the shake thing but they really do fill you and the cookie and cream one taste great lol
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Poshtausch-thank you for the nice wishes!
    Mrsewert-never to late to join
    Mbodine-aka Margie-thanks for joining! It is never too late!..great numbers so far! Keep it up!
    Keith0373-thanks for the info… is nice that you don’t kick newbees out:)
    Mcanals123-great job! ….The shakes sound good...but.....
    Sarah-I agree on that-I do love food…I like to chew my lunch
    Fitnewlife---did you weigh-in? You said you were weighing in on Monday and I haven’t heard

    Name……................................SW MFP ……….11/2……….Goal for 11/30.........November loss so far

    Nicole (princesspurple)……...149…………..138.2…………..134...........................-3.1(136)
    Sarah (sarahp43)………..........184…………..155…………….150...........................-1(154)
    Mary (mcanals123)……...........178…………..175…………….165...........................-2.5 (172.5)
    Kimberly (albredera)….............187………….169.1………..….164.1.......................-1.5(167.6)
    Nicole(nikki91950)....................173…………. 116………….…110
    Jackie (fitnewlife)……...............172…………...140……………136
    Margie (mbodine)......................233.6.................224.4...............215...........................-2.6 (221.8)

    Ive lost 2 pounds, so Im at 153 not 154 now :) thank you ...sorry can you tell I am proud?
  • nomoremuffintopness
    I've been alternating between the Special K shakes (190 cal) and the Carnation Instant breakfast- no sugar added shakes (150 cal) for lunch. They are both good and high in protien. :)

    is that all you gals have for lunch? I wouldnt be able to do that... need food! haha

    lol so do i but what ive been doind is having a lil snack at like 10 which usually is some trail mix or fruits and then ill have another lil snack at 3 and it keeps me satisfied i didnt think i could do the shake thing but they really do fill you and the cookie and cream one taste great lol

    I just couldnt do a liquid lunch, but I do love me some breakfast smoothies...