How important is it to "eat clean"



  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    i wasnt comparing insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes, i was comparing people with insulin resistance to people who dont have such issues

    any time you talk about someone with a medical issue that effects weight loss it IS a separate case, people with insulin resistance is a special case. their bodies react differently and therefore store fat differently when exposed to excess sugar amounts, so its kinda like comparing apples and oranges.

    Again, 35% of the American public is prediabetic so it already applies to a large portion of people trying to lose weight. Additionally eating refined sugar causes insulin resistance which is my big overall point. That's why you can't blindly say that eating a 25% of your calories from refined sugar (what the average American does) will produce the same results because it's likely this diet if continued will at minimum lead to increased insulin resistance.

    I think we've reached the point in the thread where you're going to need to start producing some peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support your claims. From journals, not blogs. If you don't have any, you might want to prepare yourself for the onslaught of gifs.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i wasnt comparing insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes, i was comparing people with insulin resistance to people who dont have such issues

    any time you talk about someone with a medical issue that effects weight loss it IS a separate case, people with insulin resistance is a special case. their bodies react differently and therefore store fat differently when exposed to excess sugar amounts, so its kinda like comparing apples and oranges.

    Again, 35% of the American public is prediabetic so it already applies to a large portion of people trying to lose weight. Additionally eating refined sugar causes insulin resistance which is my big overall point. That's why you can't blindly say that eating a 25% of your calories from refined sugar (what the average American does) will produce the same results because it's likely this diet if continued will at minimum lead to increased insulin resistance.
    35% of the american population, not the world. im not american, and if im not mistaken america has the highest rates of diabetes so that would be a worst case scenario if we're talking a general population standpoint

    but in any case i do see your point, although im not inclined to agree insulin resistance is so easily achieved
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    We actually need lots of fat in our diets. The good fats are from tree nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, fish oils just to name a few off the top of my head. MUFA's (monounsaturated fatty acids) at every meal and PUFA's (polyunsaturated fatty acids) should be a 1/4 of your meal calories. These fats make you feel satisfied and are good for your body.

    Still for weight loss its all about eating less calories then you burn.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I generally don't like it when someone calls other people stupid, but OMG it's no f***ing wonder that people all over the word are becoming increasingly overweight!
    I am no saint when it comes to cookies and cakes, but I am very well aware that they hold no nutritional value for me, and I only eat them in limited amounts if I feel like a treat. Pre-processed foods, fast foods and pretty much anything that is full of e-number is just **** you stuff into your systems that will do you absolutely no good EVER! Anyone who says anything else should consider if they have been living unhealthy for so long that their brain has starter to deteriorate. And yes that will happen according to the latest studies in neuroscience.
    I thought this forum was for people who wanted to improve their lives and live better, not bully others (and yes I know I will get shot for this post by all the ignorant ****** that think they know better) because they don't sit down with a bag of chips and claim they eat well because they eat within their calorie limit, COME ON, how stupid are you!?
    I think I'm done with the forum now, nothing but utter idiocy around here.....
    lol where did this come from
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Why don't you just try mindful eating and pay attention to how you FEEL after eating certain things and then you'll know what's important for you and what isn't.

    Eleventy billion people say they feel "better" eliminating grains.
    I just feel hungry and cranky when I do that. So I eat grains and I feel just fine, despite the fact that according to the gospel of the internet, they aren't currently considered "clean".

    When I drink liquid milk, a medium-sized nuclear war happens in my stomach, so I avoid it. Not because it isn't "clean" but because I'm lactose intolerant.

    I know a lot of "clean" eaters who still drink beer, frequently. Hops gives me a migraine. I learned this by carefully paying attention to what I was eating when I got a headache, and doing some elimination trials. But I would never presume to suggest that other people eat the way I do or don't eat.

    Don't worry so much about what the "rules" are. Eat stuff, write it down, pay attention to how you feel immediately, a few hours later, the next day. Recognize patterns. Adjust.

    Yes, this.

    I can't handle a huge intake of sugar, for example. A piece of cake will jack me up for two days. Other people can handle said cake just fine.

    Just listen to your body - not in the sense that your body wants you to eat an entire bag of chips so you should do it, but in the sense of how foods make you feel.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    Why don't you just try mindful eating and pay attention to how you FEEL after eating certain things and then you'll know what's important for you and what isn't.

    Eleventy billion people say they feel "better" eliminating grains.
    I just feel hungry and cranky when I do that. So I eat grains and I feel just fine, despite the fact that according to the gospel of the internet, they aren't currently considered "clean".

    When I drink liquid milk, a medium-sized nuclear war happens in my stomach, so I avoid it. Not because it isn't "clean" but because I'm lactose intolerant.

    I know a lot of "clean" eaters who still drink beer, frequently. Hops gives me a migraine. I learned this by carefully paying attention to what I was eating when I got a headache, and doing some elimination trials. But I would never presume to suggest that other people eat the way I do or don't eat.

    Don't worry so much about what the "rules" are. Eat stuff, write it down, pay attention to how you feel immediately, a few hours later, the next day. Recognize patterns. Adjust.

  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Hi all,

    How important is it to eat "clean"?! Surely eating a low fat sandwich of say 300 calories is better than eating a "clean" meal of double that?! Does it really matter WHAT you eat? I'm not saying i want to eat complete junk...I don't. But sometimes i eat on the go and i just grab the healthiest option which may not be considered "clean" but is lower in calories than a cleaner option...

    Thanks! xxx

    If you are concerned over weight loss only then it doesn't matter what you eat. If you are concerned over healthy eating then eating clean is paramount, IMO. I do think it matters what you eat in terms of physical and mental well being. I eat clean for a multitude of reasons but weight loss was never one of them.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    For weight loss, eat at a calorie deficit.
    For overall health and physical well-being, eat a balanced diet and meet your body's nutritional needs.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
    its science brah. i never said fat loss, could be muscle loss too depending on what you eat. WHAT you eat effects health, HOW MUCH you eat effects weight loss/gain.

    did you come here just to question statements that have been proven time and time again to be effective?
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    Normally, to feel better I eat "clean" 80% of the time, like others have said. But I'm not willing to give up on "junk" either. Moderation is key for me. As long as if fits my calorie goals and said junk doesn't represent a large percentage of my whole diet, I don't see how that can be bad for my body. I think depriving myself completely from "bad" food would do more damage psychologically than if I didn't. Dealing with cravings, guilt, demonizing food... it's not worth it for me. I love eating all foods and I'm happier because of it!
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?

    Nope, it's the same old mumbo jumbo...ONE person ate a diet consisting mostly of junk (the so-called "twinkie diet") and lost some weight, therefore, screw nutritional value and just eat whatever the eff you want, always, as long as you count calories!
    I, too, am sick of hearing this MFP dogma...
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
    its science brah. i never said fat loss, could be muscle loss too depending on what you eat. WHAT you eat effects health, HOW MUCH you eat effects weight loss/gain.

    did you come here just to question statements that have been proven time and time again to be effective?

    And there is the rub...aren't we all trying to lose fat?? Who here is dieting to lose muscle? Show of hands...
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    It's not about the cals or macros of one meal but the overall diet
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Hi all,

    How important is it to eat "clean"?! Surely eating a low fat sandwich of say 300 calories is better than eating a "clean" meal of double that?! Does it really matter WHAT you eat? I'm not saying i want to eat complete junk...I don't. But sometimes i eat on the go and i just grab the healthiest option which may not be considered "clean" but is lower in calories than a cleaner option...

    Thanks! xxx

    If you are concerned over weight loss only then it doesn't matter what you eat. If you are concerned over healthy eating then eating clean is paramount, IMO. I do think it matters what you eat in terms of physical and mental well being. I eat clean for a multitude of reasons but weight loss was never one of them.

  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Hi all,

    How important is it to eat "clean"?! Surely eating a low fat sandwich of say 300 calories is better than eating a "clean" meal of double that?! Does it really matter WHAT you eat? I'm not saying i want to eat complete junk...I don't. But sometimes i eat on the go and i just grab the healthiest option which may not be considered "clean" but is lower in calories than a cleaner option...

    Thanks! xxx

    It's a bit like comparing apples and oranges......just because a sandwich is low fat and 300 calories does not make it necessarily better than a " clean " ( what you mean by that ) meal of 600. I eat a lot of 600 calories healthy meals,based on mostly natural non-industrially processed foods, but usually don't eat sandwiches; low fat or otherwise.
    You need to eat what you like, what you feel is good for you and a diet you can sustain......I could not sustain eating sandwiches often ( I have health reasons for not eating much bread that have nothing to do with gluten ) and find a wide variety of other options much healthier ( cleaner ) than a sandwich.
    As I have to eat what suits you and not what you think might be better. Getting reliable nutritional info also helps a lot as to making informed decisions.
    Of course all this has little to do with actual weight loss, because for that eating at a deficit is more important than only eating healthy food; even though I personally do both....but that is a personal choice.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
    its science brah. i never said fat loss, could be muscle loss too depending on what you eat. WHAT you eat effects health, HOW MUCH you eat effects weight loss/gain.

    did you come here just to question statements that have been proven time and time again to be effective?

    And there is the rub...aren't we all trying to lose fat?? Who here is dieting to lose muscle? Show of hands...
    the question was about weight loss. i gave an answer referring to weight loss. that being said you will still lose fat no matter the diet the ratio of fat to muscle will just be lower for someone who eats *kitten*.

    there is much more support from studies for CICO then there are arguments against it, for good reason

    i actually would like to lose some muscle on my legs, shopping for jeans is a pain in the *kitten*....
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    ...he followed a 2,000 calorie diet, using the daily recommended allowances for carbohydrates, proteins, sugar and fat; and he walked 45 minutes a day.


    He says his total cholesterol dropped from 249 to 190, including a 25 percent decrease in his LDL or “bad cholesterol.” Despite concerns that he was eating too much salt, Cisna said his sodium levels and blood pressure are normal.