Co-worker looks anorexic. Help with ideas please.



  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I agree with you guys in not giving advice if not asked. I would never accuse her however of being anorexic, but I can not support weight loss goals if I see that it would be unhealthy.

    Thank you for all the input. You guys are great :)

    Also I would never go up to her and tell her how to live her life. Mot my business, and I can see how she'd be taken aback.

    I missed the part where she asked for your support.
  • jetobukur
    jetobukur Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with you guys in not giving advice if not asked. I would never accuse her however of being anorexic, but I can not support weight loss goals if I see that it would be unhealthy.

    Thank you for all the input. You guys are great :)

    Also I would never go up to her and tell her how to live her life. Mot my business, and I can see how she'd be taken aback.

    again, getting in shape does NOT mean losing weight for everyone. For her, it could actually mean GAINING weight. You have NO idea. I've been there. I've had to get fit, i.e. gain weight and everyone had plenty of not so nice, none of their effing business things to say about me, while I was trying to gain weight in a healthy manner. Seriously, worry about yourself and not her.

    I know some people can be very intruding. I don't want to be one of them.
  • jetobukur
    jetobukur Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with you guys in not giving advice if not asked. I would never accuse her however of being anorexic, but I can not support weight loss goals if I see that it would be unhealthy.

    Thank you for all the input. You guys are great :)

    Also I would never go up to her and tell her how to live her life. Mot my business, and I can see how she'd be taken aback.

    I missed the part where she asked for your support.

    I am preparing in case it happens
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    When it comes to coworkers and their fitness and health, I strongly recommend a big glass of STFU
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I agree with you guys in not giving advice if not asked. I would never accuse her however of being anorexic, but I can not support weight loss goals if I see that it would be unhealthy.

    Thank you for all the input. You guys are great :)

    Also I would never go up to her and tell her how to live her life. Mot my business, and I can see how she'd be taken aback.

    again, getting in shape does NOT mean losing weight for everyone. For her, it could actually mean GAINING weight. You have NO idea. I've been there. I've had to get fit, i.e. gain weight and everyone had plenty of not so nice, none of their effing business things to say about me, while I was trying to gain weight in a healthy manner. Seriously, worry about yourself and not her.

    I know some people can be very intruding. I don't want to be one of them.

    I'm sorry but you already are! You've started a thread asking a bunch of strangers how to 'help' someone who hasn't asked for your help. Whether she wants to run a marathon, dead lift a small car or gain 50lbs is absolutely nothing to do with you. She's a co-worker not a loved one (and even then treading carefully would be highly advisable).
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    When it comes to coworkers and their fitness and health, I strongly recommend a big glass of STFU

    Agree 1000%.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Seriously. You can't just say she looks anorexic. My mum used to get this said to her regularly until she was in her 30s. She was just very skinny until then. She actually could not gain weight, no matter how hard she tried.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Why don't you worry about your own goals that you haven't reached yet, before worrying about someone else's?
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    You wouldn't want people saying anything to you about your weight. Thin people don't like it either. my advice is :

  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Wonderful quote I came across " Mind your own maintenance." " Don't give advice unless asked." Only thing you could say is how you feel which is " I am concerned about you." Then be quiet. It is up to that person to continue the conversation, if they choose to.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    Just because you have formed an opinion about her appearance doesn't give you the right to say anything to her about it. Ya she could be anorexic, but she could also have a thyroid condition, a hormonal condition, a digestive condition, etc. Or maybe its just her body type. Would you comment on an overweight co-workers appearance? No. Do yourself and your coworker a favor and keep it to yourself. Fat shaming and skinny shaming are no different.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I agree with you guys in not giving advice if not asked. I would never accuse her however of being anorexic, but I can not support weight loss goals if I see that it would be unhealthy.

    Thank you for all the input. You guys are great :)

    Also I would never go up to her and tell her how to live her life. Mot my business, and I can see how she'd be taken aback.
    I am preparing in case it happens

    You are waaaaay pre-judging this situation. First, she hasn't even asked for your support. Secondly, you are assuming that "get fit" means lose weight, or that cardio means losing weight. You are making assumptions about what would be healthy for her, when you really don't know.

    Before I had kids, I was naturally very skinny. I was the one people said "looked anorexic." I knew I was underweight, and I didn't like it, but I was just too lazy to fix it. I was also flabby, no muscle, no endurance, never exercised. Taking up running would have been a huge improvement for my health. ANY exercise would have been! And, it turns out, I love running! But if I had tried, and someone came along trying to convince me that cardio was somehow "unhealthy" for skinny people, I would have just quit.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You've suggested she lift, there's nothing else you need to do, it's up to her. You could always send her the link to MFP.


    you've offered as much unsolicited advice as you can without being rude.

    When/IF she brings it up again- then broach the subject- but otherwise let it go.

    Big rule with people (i was going to say women- but men are the same way) you get one or two free passes to pimp your opinion/offer help or pointing in a direction before you're viewed as a nuisance.

    After that- let the other person lead and come to you with questions/thoughts.

    "I'm here to help if you need anything" and let it go.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    YEah, unless she is a close friend or family member ( where your concern might be more informed and everyone minds everyone else's business anyway,) you should prob leave it alone.
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member

    Mind yo business. Especially at work. Not many appreciate unsolicited advice.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    You wouldn't want people saying anything to you about your weight. Thin people don't like it either. my advice is :


    Hahah! ^ love
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I know two chicks wou are MAAAAAAAD skinny, but that's how they are built.

    It's not within your circle of influence. Leave it be. She's an adult and you saying something will just be intrusive and pardon my saying, nosy. I'm sorry, but leave the concern for your very close friends and family, and even then, not that much.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    One time I went out to lunch with a person I had just met. I ate tons of food (as I usually did back then when I was in my 20's). Then I went to the bathroom, cleaned a spill off of my clothes, flossed my teeth (as I always do after I eat), and used the facilities. Later she accused me of bulimia. She didn't think someone could eat as much as I do and be as slim as I am. She was so wrong. And she said that if I felt offended by her accusation it must be because it's true. Please, don't be like that. Get help for your own issues that cause you to mentally diagnose people.

    My stepmom thought I was bulimic when I was a teen because I always go to the bathroom after I eat to wash my hands, and I too used to be able to eat like a horse and not gain. lol
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    One time I went out to lunch with a person I had just met. I ate tons of food (as I usually did back then when I was in my 20's). Then I went to the bathroom, cleaned a spill off of my clothes, flossed my teeth (as I always do after I eat), and used the facilities. Later she accused me of bulimia. She didn't think someone could eat as much as I do and be as slim as I am. She was so wrong. And she said that if I felt offended by her accusation it must be because it's true. Please, don't be like that. Get help for your own issues that cause you to mentally diagnose people.

    Wow, I hope you blew that chick off after that. What a tool!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    One time I went out to lunch with a person I had just met. I ate tons of food (as I usually did back then when I was in my 20's). Then I went to the bathroom, cleaned a spill off of my clothes, flossed my teeth (as I always do after I eat), and used the facilities. Later she accused me of bulimia. She didn't think someone could eat as much as I do and be as slim as I am. She was so wrong. And she said that if I felt offended by her accusation it must be because it's true. Please, don't be like that. Get help for your own issues that cause you to mentally diagnose people.

    Wow, I hope you blew that chick off after that. What a tool!

    Yeah, it was drama I didn't need. The friendship did not continue for mutual reasons. I told her that it was her issues not mine.