do you leave your diary open?



  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    Mine's open.

    I'm not sure under what circumstances I would keep it private.

    The whole idea seems odd to me - why be ashamed of what you're eating?

    closed diary =/= ashamed of what you're eating

    I agree. Not everyone who keeps a closed diary is because of shame. Assuming that it is is wrong, and not fair to those who keep it closed.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Mine's open.

    I'm not sure under what circumstances I would keep it private.

    The whole idea seems odd to me - why be ashamed of what you're eating?

    closed diary =/= ashamed of what you're eating

    I agree. Not everyone who keeps a closed diary is because of shame. Assuming that it is is wrong, and not fair to those who keep it closed.

    To be fair I did say I was unsure under what circumstances you would keep it closed. Being afraid of what others think and therefore being ashamed seemed like the only thing I could come up with.

    Like I say, I don't get it.

    Perhaps you can explain it to me, since you appear to have a better handle on it than me?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Wow. Judgy aren't we.

    If asking a question about something I don't get is judgy, then I'm judgy (although, in fairness I don't think that's a real word - I think you meant judgemental).
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    Mine is closed because it's MY journey, and the information is for ME.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Mine is open to whomever wants to see it, jeez people it's only food...
    As secretive as some of you are I really wonder if you try to hide your plate when you're in a restaurant! LoL

    Well, my diary would be of no use to others because most of the entries are homemade dishes with creative names or a set of dishes that form a meal again with a creative name. For many dishes there's no indication of what the ingredients are and clicking the meal doesn't reveal the dishes. I have software for more accurate nutrient calculations so just put the entries in manually.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Like I say, I don't get it.

    Perhaps you can explain it to me, since you appear to have a better handle on it than me?
    Don't feel like explaining my food choices. I don't understand the need to read and comment on other people's diaries. Or care that some of us keep them closed. Why does anyone care? Maybe you can explain that to me.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Mine is open to whomever wants to see it, jeez people it's only food...
    As secretive as some of you are I really wonder if you try to hide your plate when you're in a restaurant! LoL

    Well, my diary would be of no use to others because most of the entries are homemade dishes with creative names or a set of dishes that form a meal again with a creative name. For many dishes there's no indication of what the ingredients are and clicking the meal doesn't reveal the dishes. I have software for more accurate nutrient calculations so just put the entries in manually.

    What software do you use?
  • monicawesome
    monicawesome Posts: 8 Member
    open! it's good to get feedback from others (IMHO)
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Like I say, I don't get it.

    Perhaps you can explain it to me, since you appear to have a better handle on it than me?
    Don't feel like explaining my food choices. I don't understand the need to read and comment on other people's diaries. Or care that some of us keep them closed. Why does anyone care? Maybe you can explain that to me.

    I don't care. The question was "do you leave your diary open?" My answer was: "yes". But I didn't understand why anyone would close theirs. It really is that simple. Someone ****ed in your corn flakes this morning?
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Mine is open to friends...I don't see any reason not to keep it open
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Like I say, I don't get it.

    Perhaps you can explain it to me, since you appear to have a better handle on it than me?
    Don't feel like explaining my food choices. I don't understand the need to read and comment on other people's diaries. Or care that some of us keep them closed. Why does anyone care? Maybe you can explain that to me.
    That is you. So be it said and done. Not everyone have the same mindset. If I am your friend I leave my diary open (even though - I leave my diary open to strangers too) because I am here for help. When I process things, I live by the mantra of sorting through the garbage to find the hidden gem. If you take it personally, maybe you don't need a support network. You can crawl back into your closet and keep your notes on a log away from the world. Either way is your choice.

    Yes, it shouldn't matter if you don't want it to matter. But if you are here for support and insight, it should matter. If you already know it all and are here for the gossip/life updates; facebook is a better option.

    Just saying and it does not "matter" if you agree or disagree. It is your choice just like it is mine to keep my diary open because: 1. Keeps me on my toes 2. I have nothing to hide 3. I am here for support and to provide support 4. Because it works for me

    Do what works for you and don't take everything so dang serious/personal!
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    My diary is open to friends. I like to look at others diaries and I'm sure some of my friends like to look into mine. Don't give advice unless they ask for it- simple as that.
  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Mine's open, why not? Nothin' to hide.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I do. but I have my settings to where at the end of the day it doesn't show on my news feed that I completed my day.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    mine's open and it's not perfect but neither am i. My diary is a reflection of me.
  • sgvdms
    sgvdms Posts: 33 Member
    Mines open, no ones ever messaged me about it tbh.
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    Mine's open.

    I'm not sure under what circumstances I would keep it private.

    The whole idea seems odd to me - why be ashamed of what you're eating?

    closed diary =/= ashamed of what you're eating

    I agree. Not everyone who keeps a closed diary is because of shame. Assuming that it is is wrong, and not fair to those who keep it closed.

    To be fair I did say I was unsure under what circumstances you would keep it closed. Being afraid of what others think and therefore being ashamed seemed like the only thing I could come up with.

    Like I say, I don't get it.

    Perhaps you can explain it to me, since you appear to have a better handle on it than me?

    Some people are just, by nature, private. I get that. It isn't about shame, it is about not feeling the need to post every detail of your life or your experiences for other people. People have different levels of tolerance for openness in general, and about openness about certain things.

    Think of it this way: am I ashamed that I have a period? No. Its a normal part of being a healthy 35 year old female. But I don't go posting it on Facebook when it comes. No shame, just no need to share.

    ETA: cause punctuation is good.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Think of it this way: am I ashamed that I have a period? No. Its a normal part of being a healthy 35 year old female. But I don't go posting it on Facebook when it comes. No shame, just no need to share.

    Well, there's social convention and boundaries around the open discussion of certain bodily functions. No matter how natural and unashamed we are of them.

    I'm not sure eating falls into this category.