New mom, cant seem to get in exercise



    haha your baby was 6/16 and my baby was 7/17 lol too funny
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Wow my due date was 7/16. Shes almost 5 months old now... so wild
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    My daughter is 15 months old. I wake up at 4:30 everyday to exercise before she wakes up otherwise she's in her playroom next to me running around. Either wake up early or do it after your baby goes to bed at night.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I used my son as added resistance ;) I did push up over him, held him in my lap while I did dips off the couch, when he was older I used him as a weight for leg lifts. He loved the closeness and movement, and until he started walking, it was all I could get in (he was one of those babies that had to be held. CONSTANTLY!) And until he broke it, a jogging stroller was our best friend. I actuaqlly find it harder to find time to work out now that he's older....
  • turbojanem
    i wish i could say i have been in your shoes. but infertility issues has prevented us from having children. i DO know this from my own life. when i take the time to push play on my DVD player and do my workouts at home, i am SOOOO much of a better person, more effective at all things i do, and i'm a much better wife. i KNOW you want to spend every minute with your child. i'm thankful for that. i want to encourage you to take the 30 minutes 4 times a week to workout to your DVD's. ...your health depends on you taking care of yourself. you will have more energy and a better functioning body to play with your baby as he/she grows. you need a strong body to lift a baby/toddler.
    message/friend me if you want more encouragement.
    cheering you on!
  • turbojanem
    Two things I wanted to point out.

    If you make it seem like a choice between taking care of your baby and going to the gym, then there is a part of you that might blame the child some day if you wake and realize that you've gained a hundred pounds. It seems silly, but there are lots of cases like this out there.

    Secondly, as much as we want to always sacrifice and put our children first, sometimes the best way to do this is to live healthy lifestyles so that they come to see those lifestyles as the norm. Your child is going to model you as she/he grows up. Sometimes the parent needs to take care of themselves first, and realize that a healthier happier child will be the result.
    WELL said!!!