What do you do when racks aren't available?

GuitarJerry Posts: 6,102 Member
...but it's squat day?

...or, I need them for OHP, but they are being used.

I can do DLs on the floor anywhere in the gym. And, typically, a bench is always available. But on OHP or squat day, what do you do?

Do you just do leg press and maybe lunges?

Let's pretend you can't wait because you have to get to work. Or, do you just blow off the workout and head home?

Just curious.


  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    If I can't get to the barbell on a leg day I use dumbbells instead. Just swing those bad boys onto the shoulders. Straight leg deadlifts with dumbbells. Step ups onto bench holding dumbbells. Heavy lunges with the smith machine.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I find a way to work in
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Overhead press shouldn't require a squat rack, I put that up there with curling in the rack. Just clean it from the floor up to your shoulders and do your set then set it back on the floor. As for squatting, whenever the racks are taken and I need to squat I just work on mobility stuff and stretch until one opens up.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    If possible, I reorganize my workout to do other lifts while I wait. If there's only one person on, I politely wait at a discreet distance until they are done. If I'm in a hurry and don't have other lifts I can do beforehand, I grab the dumbbells and do a different type of squat like Bulgaria splits.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Overhead press shouldn't require a squat rack, I put that up there with curling in the rack. Just clean it from the floor up to your shoulders and do your set then set it back on the floor. As for squatting, whenever the racks are taken and I need to squat I just work on mobility stuff and stretch until one opens up.

    And Ditto not using a rack to OHP. I've never seen that done.
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Do some barbell hip thrusts instead of squats. No rack required and is a good compound lift.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I usually just ask them how many sets they have to go. If not many, I wait patiently for the rack. If they still have a lot to do I'll do something else and ask them if they'd mind letting me know when they're done. Never seems to cause any issues if done politely and in-between sets
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Keep asking them if they need a spot.. the rack will open up soon enough.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Me: I usually decide to make it primarily a stability/mobility/ day: Overhead squats, pistol squats, lunges with plate overhead or barbell on back, and malasana aka prize squat with kettle bell for 2 minutes. I also work on my bottom position in cleans and snatches. In addition, I usually do some glute-ham raises and good mornings.

    To the squat only rack user: I really prefer OHP from a rack. I feel like I expend a lot of energy cleaning it up. MY OHP and clean are probably much closer than yours weight-wise though, so that's probably part of the issue. If I want to work on cleans, I will. Usually I want to work on max OHP's and have all my energy for progressing that lift. For example, when we do oly lifting, we work on cleans and we work on jerks. Eventually we put them together in c&j's. But, we also do a lot of separate progressions on both and someone might see me and have no idea why I am doing a snatch grip behind the neck push press. It's none of their business either that I have to warm up my old, injured wrist that way before I can get a good front rack position to do a clean or a snatch. I also use the rack for front squats because I can't clean nearly what I can front squat yet (125 vs. 175). I don't care what people do in a rack. It's not my business to judge how they use it as long as they unrack the weights when they are done. I don't know their particular physical limitations, their working weight differentials or their goals. My lifts are mine and I do them a certain way for progressions I'm working on and it's really no one else's business.

    People OHP in my gym in the squat rack every day, as well as in my olympic lifting class.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Overhead press shouldn't require a squat rack, I put that up there with curling in the rack. Just clean it from the floor up to your shoulders and do your set then set it back on the floor. As for squatting, whenever the racks are taken and I need to squat I just work on mobility stuff and stretch until one opens up.

    And Ditto not using a rack to OHP. I've never seen that done.

    I have to disagree. Cleaning it from the ground is a different exercise than a OHP. Believe that would be a clean and press.
    Racks are used for more than just squats and there is no effective place to OHP than the rack.
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Do what you gotta do. I'm more speaking to the fact that a squat rack should not be a necessity for OHP, at least for the vast majority of people. If it's open then go for it but if it's taken I would just clean and press rather than wait around.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Cross fitters need to stay in the cross fit area. #justsayin
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Overhead press shouldn't require a squat rack, I put that up there with curling in the rack. Just clean it from the floor up to your shoulders and do your set then set it back on the floor. As for squatting, whenever the racks are taken and I need to squat I just work on mobility stuff and stretch until one opens up.

    You aren't lifting very heavy if you don't need a squat rack for OHP. Sorry to break it to you.

    My gym has a dedicated OHP bench like this one.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Whether I crossfit or not, I have a good OHP and a good back squat for a chick. I pay the same as everyone else for my gym (2 gyms actually) and I don't take up nearly the space in the curling area. #justsaying #hashtagsso2012
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Overhead press shouldn't require a squat rack, I put that up there with curling in the rack. Just clean it from the floor up to your shoulders and do your set then set it back on the floor. As for squatting, whenever the racks are taken and I need to squat I just work on mobility stuff and stretch until one opens up.

    You aren't lifting very heavy if you don't need a squat rack for OHP. Sorry to break it to you.

    Ok champ. Guess the Olympians who clean weight off the ground and press it over their heads sans squat rack have been doing it wrong all these years. I'll let the IOC know so the situation can be remedied.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Overhead press shouldn't require a squat rack, I put that up there with curling in the rack. Just clean it from the floor up to your shoulders and do your set then set it back on the floor. As for squatting, whenever the racks are taken and I need to squat I just work on mobility stuff and stretch until one opens up.

    You aren't lifting very heavy if you don't need a squat rack for OHP. Sorry to break it to you.

    My gym has a dedicated OHP bench like this one.

    Nice. wish mine did.