Family (especially parents) judging is very hurtful.



  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    It sounds like you are the one they "pick" on. There always seems to be one member of a family that is the "one". I hope you can let their comments slide off your back. They are going to be lost when you meet your goals and they have nothing negative to say to you. Hang in there!

    ETA: What family members I have left are very negative and stab each other in the back. I walked away from it, and them. Never been happier after ditching them and all the stress they caused. You have to do what is healthy for you, both mentally and emotionally.
  • jtw158
    jtw158 Posts: 7
    Don't focus on the negatives in your life, try your best to focus on the positives. As other people have said your family likely cares about you and wants you to be healthy even if they go about it in a "jerky" way.

    When you hit your exercise goals or come in under your calorie limit give yourself some time to feel good about it. I know I have a really hard time giving myself credit for anything, and it doesn't help improve self esteem.

    When you skip a workout or eat too many calories, don't beat yourself up. Nobody can be perfect and slip ups will happen, just take a moment to tell yourself the reasons you have for this effort and try to refocus.

    To paraphrase Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now "It is judgment that defeats us." If you slip up you are not a bad person, and you are not a failure. You are a human being who deserves love and compassion. Obviously keep yourself accountable but like is full of ups and downs.

    I feel like I come off as a total hippie here. I have been through years of bipolar disorder and I am trying to get my life onto a track I can be proud of. Best of luck with your journey.

    All my love to you.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    I'm so glad you started this thread.

    I've been gearing myself up for a hard weekend with the family for a month, no getting out of it.

    My current mental work - getting those little comments out of my head while I gear to take care of myself. Funny how you have an internal ipod on repeat, isn't it??? I'm trying to replace my parents' voices with the most postive and best encouraging words I've read here or heard from the positive people around me.

    Take care of yourself, work on replacing your internal ipod with good stuff!