Losing Weight During Perimenopause



  • lmojoallen
    lmojoallen Posts: 17 Member

    **staying CONSISTENTLY in my calorie goal and logging everything
    **lifting weights that challenge me (if you can pump out 12 reps it's too light) - do compound moves
    **body weight exercises do amazing things to your body (pushups, squats. lunges, planks ect)
    **get enough protein (80 to 100 grams)
    ** water water water
    ** get enough sleep (hahaha.)

    the above is excellent and a lot of what I've done for the past 2.5 years ( 47 now) I researched a lot on the gaining in the belly shift that happens after 40. Weight training ( heavier) and HIIT plus protein intake to build and maintain muscle which also ups your testosterone which keep the metabolism higher (sex drive and mood too :smile: :wink: ) I was also iron depleted from monthly changes which some of you may experience and it was a source of exhaustion and crankiness easily fixed w/ vitamins which led to a great reduction in my coffee habit which led to better sleep finally a positive cycle instead of a viscous one.

    I have not had any issues w/ the hot flashes many of my friends and my mother have dealt with which I credit to the hard workouts, much improved eating habits, lower alcohol consumption and Yoga I'm more flexible than I've been in a long time and it's a great help for sleep/ stress issues.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi. I am 50 so must be in peri. (it's very late in my family).

    I used to be able to shift weight really easily, but it's now a real hard slog. I am going to stick with it because I want to be ready for whatever happens when the thing hits me (I can't even say the word :( Good luck everyone.