Motivation is needed BADLY



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It sounds more like an emotional issue. Being a caretaker and watching someone you love fight cancer takes an emotional toll, which can then zap energy. Can you get an occasional night off to go out and do something fun with friends? Or find a support group... even an online one (here, maybe?) for people who are caretakers. I take care of a 101-year old man pretty much 24/7. Being online is my only social life other than when my family is home. It's HARD to stay motivated when you're overwhelmed with other things. It can be done, though. Give yourself a little grace and remember your reasons for beginning your weight loss process in the first place.

  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING

    News flash: You're going to die too .
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    Because of a close friend's child, I often view a blog network regarding Mitochondrial Disease connecting through her blog on the topic. This has led me to

    The reason I thought of it instantly when I read your post? The woman who writes the blog consistently posts the most creative, tasty, DOABLE recipes which address a wide range of food sensitivities (gluten free, corn free, dairy free, soy free, color/chemical free). I haven't noticed any recipes including eggs.

    I am sure there is also some lesson in there about how many people are dealing with hard things, even the hardest things, and that is all the more reason to ground yourself in good habits and self care.
  • UKTexan
    UKTexan Posts: 10 Member
    I think a lot of what you are going through is emotional as well. If you're taking care of your son and your mother by yourself, you're bound to be tired and feel drained. All the more reason to work out. Exercise will help bring you out of a funk, and help you begin producing the serotonin, HGH, and testosterone that will make you feel more vital and resilient. I speak from experience. Running fights off my tendency towards melancholy. I am the best version of myself when I'm keeping my body happy.

    As far as losing B vitamins or whatever from not eating gluten, this may be the time for some tough love. I'm highly reactive to gluten, coffee, and oats. At first, I bought gluten free products like pasta and bread, but that was just a stepping stone to leaving gluten behind completely. Most (not all, most) of the bread products that people consume are empty calories, bleached and processed to within an inch of their lives. My diet is much more nutritionally sound since I gave up gluten because I've replaced all the bread products with whole food.

    If you think you are vitamin deficient from your past diet, you can get a blood panel done with a doctor, or you can begin supplementing. Some vitamins have a wax coating on the outside the makes them difficult to digest. If you are digesting the vitamins properly, the B vitamins will turn your pee bright yellow (TMI, I know). Could also be vitamin D deficiency if you live in a cloudy climate.

    Alot of what you describe sounds like my symptoms when I was not exercising regularly: Lethargy, depression, and the absolute inability to wake up before 9am. Ever. Some of this may have to do with your cortisol. Many people self-medicate with caffeine because of low energy levels. This makes the stress on your system worse.

    Basic plan: Exercise at least once a day whenever you choose. STOP EATING GLUTEN and all of the other inflammatory, allergen and depression producing foods that your body can't tolerate. Stay within your calorie goals. This will be emotional. It's supposed to be if you've got an addiction to a particular food. And best of luck. I know these things can be difficult. Get over the hump, and a whole new world will open up for you.

    P.S.: Try a bit of soy or oat cream in your smoothie, or half an avocado. It might help you get that thick texture you're looking for.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING

    News flash: You're going to die too .

    Say it ain't so?!!!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi - I would love to be able to giftwrap some motivation and send it to you - sadly I can't. Cut yourself a bit of slack - you are obviously going through some tough times at the moment. However, don't give yourself too many excuses. Firstly, you can lose weight without going somewhere to 'workout'. Personally, I would concentrate on getting your diet right - you need to workout how and what you can eat - don't focus your energy on what you can't eat or what you miss eating. Diet is more important than exercise in the fight to lose weight. Then I would concentrate on what you can do to move more - stop seeing it as 'working out' - just physically move about a bit more. You have a son, play with him more energetically. If you drive to collect him from school - park a little further away - an extra walk is good for both of you - children love to chatter while walking whereas in the car they tend to sit quietly, playing whatever car games they have. A little walk is great for both your health and for parent/child fun. I know it must be hard caring for your mother - try and do whatever chores are necessary with more energy and attitude - walk around the house more while cleaning, etc

    'Working out' can seem a chore if you don't really enjoy it - moving more can just be built into daily routines.

    I wish you well with your food issues, caring for your mother and in losing weight - Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • abrown65
    abrown65 Posts: 2 Member
    I too am a caregiver for my mom and I used to get up and go to the gym everyday before work, but I can't do that now too much to do for her before I leave for work and when I get home well let's put it this way if I don't work out in the morning it isn't going to happen. I used to be one of those that never gained weight until I started having hormonal issues in my late 20's now I'll be turning 49 and weigh 190, this morning...tomorrow it will be something different. Any way I've tried so many different diets but I'm not a diet kind of person so the other day I just said to myself "if I don't take care of myself, who will take care of my mom" I will say I've started making better choices...not perfect but better. I still mess up but I keep on tackling every day as a clean sheet of paper.

    Please know that you aren't alone I totally understand the pressure of taking care of a household as well as careing for an ailing parent. I hope all goes well with your mom I lost my sister to cancer years back my husband and I are raising her son.

    Inbox me I can share some time saving tips and stuff that I have found have been working for me....we all can use some help.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING
    i don't think you are being fair. do you have kids to take care of? do you work full time and do everything that she as mom is doing?
    Sorry, but everyone has a life, regardless of being a mom or not. Excuses are excuses no matter what's behind them. There's always someone busier than you who MAKES time to work out.

    OP....I agree with the poster who said you aren't committed to change quite yet. You need to really want it to make it happen. Keep at it, and eventually the things you force yourself to do will become a habit.... You're to tired to get up in the morning because of your weight and lack of exercise....but that can change if you keep working on it, and you'll increase your energy level faster than you think!

    You've never had to deal with a seriously ill parent, have you?
    What is your point? In case you didn't know this...pretty much EVERYONE has stress, family pressures, obligations and issues they can use as an excuse. I've been through a lot in my life, and I used them to justify being overweight and inactive all the time, but in the end...its all just excuses and personal choices. We make time for what's important, and shouldn't taking care of yourself be the most important thing there is?

    The OP came her asking for help with motivation, and telling her that its OK to make excuses is NOT helpful :ohwell:

    Hmmm? you never did answer the question "You've never had to deal with a seriously ill parent, have you?"
    Different things motivate different people... who is to say what is helpful... In my previous post merely suggested she put her health before an number on the scale. And to cherish the time she has with her Mom.
    Personally, I feel that no matter what your life circumstances healthy should come before skinny.