High protein + no meat = ?



  • marinabrazil
    marinabrazil Posts: 106 Member
    But also remember that the lady who posted this topic is in Brazil. Some of these options are not necessarily there or cost a lot more than we are used to in the United States.

    Thank you for being sensible to that!! About 70% of what you guys are recomending to me is not available and the other 30% is really expensive!! lol

    I have been able to get a total of about 130g of protein of the 220g I need. What do we have here?

    -TVP (fairly inexpensive)
    - Beans and lentils
    -Tofu (expensive but I buy it anyway)
    - Protein shakes (REALLY expensive so I drink only 1 a day)
    - Protein bars (ditto)
    - Eggs (duuh)
    - Soy burgers/hotdogs (great, eat them everyday!)
    - Milk (duuh 2)

    All these other stuff you guys are talking about I have never heard about in my life. I really dont think I have much of a choice but to be under my protein goal...

    Thanks for the help anyway!!
  • cjnorman
    You should be able to find Chia Seeds: they are a central and south american grain. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_hispanica
    They have a high protein value for a grain and a high dietary fiber value.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    One thing you will learn. Protein and I mean a complete protein is only derived from natural food sources such as grains, meats, and legumes. Whey and casein is not the real way to go or protein water for that matter. I know this is a stretch but a perfect example, body builders really avoid whey or casein protein shakes/bars/supplements. They try to consume as much protein in from natural sources because the body is more prone to take it in.

    You must not know any bodybuilders at all. This statement is so false. Pick up a single body building magazine or go to bodybuilding.com and you will see the whey or casein based proteins are the foundational supplement of any serious body builder. I am shocked by your unwillingness to even use Google to find simple answers to your questions. You readily spout of nonsensical "facts" with no research at all. You are dangerously misleading and should refrain from speaking to anyone until you spend just one hour on Google and learn to search for facts. In fact try Bing. It is designed to be used by novices to research.

    Whey protein (the highest quality and best form of protein) is incredible stuff. It provides the body with the necessary building blocks to produce amino acids that are used for building muscle tissue. Nearly every bodybuilder knows the importance of protein supplementation. Studies have been conducted that compare whey protein to other sources. They have found that whey protein contains the perfect combination of overall amino acid makeup... and in just the right concentrations for optimal performance in the body. Both hormonal and cellular responses seem to be greatly enhanced with supplementation of whey protein, too! Not to mention the benefits whey protein has on the body's immune system according to documented scientific research. Whey protein also plays a role as an antioxidant and helps support a health immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building.

    Casein is considered a "slow" protein. When you consume casein, you will reach a peak in blood amino acids and protein synthesis between 3 to 4 hours.5,12

    This peak, however, does not even come close to that of whey. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest or fastest), whey would be a 10. Casein would come in with a meager rating of 2.

    But, here is the kicker. That is not a bad thing! This, too, is a good thing. Casein dramatically slows the rate of protein breakdown. Remember, muscle growth is dependant on the balance of protein synthesis and breakdown.


    two of my best friends are IFBB semi pro builders. I think you are speaking out of term. Willis Ko, Tedd Barkus and trainer buddy is about to go semi pro!!!

    Here you go!

    For the purposes of developing muscle, the only guidelines for protein that you must follow are: (1) consume a source of COMPLETE PROTEIN with every meal, (2) eat at frequent intervals approximately three hours apart (about six times per day) and (3) consume a minimum of .8 grams to 1 gram per pound of body weight. There are times when it would be beneficial to consume more than one gram per pound of body weight, but that will have to be the subject of another article.

    Furthermore, consuming predigested protein(whey or casein powder) when you are seeking fat loss is not necessarily advantageous because it shortchanges you of the thermic effects of real food. Whole foods have a major advantage over protein supplements; they stimulate the metabolism more. This is known as the "thermic effect of food." Protein has the highest thermic effect of any food. Including a whole protein food with every meal can speed up your metabolic rate as much as 30% because of the energy necessary to digest, process, and absorb it. This means that out of 100 calories of a protein food such as chicken breast, the net amount of calories left over after processing it is 70. In this respect, the fact that protein foods digest slower than amino acid tablets is actually an advantage.

    Most BB's are sponsored and are in tons of advertisements and why? cause they getting paid!!! They may consume 1-2 shake a day MAX. most of them will try their hardest to get it naturally also YOU spouting off about your GOOGLED whey protein can be considered whey protein from it's natural source such as milk, eggs or a meat source. NOT whey protein as a derivative OF milk, eggs or meat!!!!

    also sited from your sacred bodybuilding.com. Most posters talk about getting protein naturally from whole foods. Think about it. Since the start of bodybuilding as a sport in the olympics was their such a thing as Whey protein powders? Only 25 years ago!!! So how did arnold get so big and all the other body builders? and dont say steroids. You dont gain muscle without protein no matter how much you juice and if you try to say why the bodybuilders now are bigger then before is because of stronger and more genetically inhanced steroids!!!!

    History of whey

    Eating whole protein versus supplemental whey and casein

    Learn the difference.

    Videos for instance. Markus Ruhl & Vinnie Coleman. I will post the video after I leave class and many more!!!!

    Vinnie Coleman takes in 1 shake a day. The rest of his food is natural....wonder why?

    Bodybuilder diet

    Notice they only take in 1 MAX, maybe 2 shakes a day out of 5-7 meals!!!